Darkness that eats voice

They froze and a cold chill settled on them as the painful scream rend the air. Jael's hair stood. That didn't sound like a monster. 'It's the screaming of a human'

And because their sense of direction has been messed with they don't know where it was coming from. It surrounded them and was far away at the same time.

And why is it that they could hear the sound of screaming when they couldn't hear anything else? Jael swallowed. This place is messing with their heads.

They knew then. Although they might not see, others might be seeing, which makes things worse. Then, just as it began the scream was cut short and a deadly silence followed.

"Ah." A playfully voice filled the silence. "Oh I forgot to mention. You can steal green coins from other warriors by killing them. May the Grace of Solomon be onto you!"