Shit and shit

Two days later, two figures in black clothes ran in the shadowed night. The moon was shining, but the clouds were blocking its elegant light.

Of course, it wasn't just a coincidence; they picked a moonless night after all, not that it matters that much since Awakeners can see in the dark. No words were spoken as they navigated the dark alley.

Through the past week, Jael and Temur have walked the streets and looked for the quickest and least crowded places to use. Jael's heart beat faster than he thought. He was nervous, but now that things were committed, there was no going back.

Their plans today are two-fold, or maybe even three-folded? Jael leaped into a roof as gently as he could and his companion did as well. He sighed silently into his mask. "This is not going to be easy."