
They hadn't walked long when they spotted the two Awakeners; their eyes shone red.

"So Kaidos is also here as well," Jael said. "This is not the type of place you can fight Temur, let me take care of this. Unholy magic."

Bones burning with green fire floated around him and his eyes flashed. "You won't listen to reason until you've done what he requested. Sorry, but this is an unlucky day for you."

Their expression remained flat, and as one, they flung themselves at him with recklessness. Jael flickered his hand, the space between them roared with the shot of bones firing with the speed of a bullet.

They didn't stand a chance; the dark lit up with green light and dust as small bones ate away at walls and floors. Jael waited for the dust to be cleared so they could continue. "I should use this often."

"You know it won't work on strong opponents right and... Jael!" Temur shouted.