Adam is an ordinary teenager who transmigrates into the body of François Boucher, a French soldier during the Seven Years' War. With no system to guide him and no knowledge of the historical events of this period, he must navigate this new life and struggle to survive.
Dont drop it pls, i need a new choater everyday
J'ai vu que tu es français donc je me permets de faire la critique dans cette langue. J'ai vraiment accroché à l'histoire, je trouve que tu as réussi à trouver un bon équilibre entre l'histoire/aventure et la documentation. Je me suis également attaché à Adam (j'aimerais bien avoir des pov de ses amis) et j'ai hâte de lire la suite. Merci pour le partage !
in my opinion it is good despite the few views that has. the grammar is good, the world background hasn't been explored much but for now it is fine by me. the uploads are regular and the characters feel like real people. I would like more chapters but there isn't any need to rush.
Please tell me you plan on reaching French Revolution. I know you potentially set up an out with the watch, but I'm down to read until 1815+. Great story!