Breaking Free

Molly continued to scan each new arrival. She was fairly certain that she would be able to pick Harry out even if he were wearing a glamour charm. And if she missed him, Hermione had been certain she wouldn't.

She needed to find him. She had to apologise for all the nasty things she'd said to him during his brief trial. She also had to make up somehow for her son's betrayal of one who had been thought of as family.

When Arthur had first told her what Percy had done, she hadn't wanted to believe it. No son of hers would ever serve the Dark Lord. Arthur had to be mistaken. Percy couldn't be a Deatheater. It was only after she had seen Arthur's memory of Percy's confession at Azkaban, that she had broken down and started crying. She mourned the loss of her son who chose the Dark over his family and the Light.

She had also spent a large part of the morning prior to Arthur's firecall about Dumbledore's request for a car for a trip to Surrey from the Leaky Cauldron, trying to figure out how she was going to repair the damage she and her family had done to their relationship with Harry.

Despite what those of her children who had been there had told her about how angry Harry was at the wizarding world, Molly refused to believe that the relationship with her unofficial seventh son was completely destroyed.

Harry Potter had been a very loving child and she was certain she could make him understand and forgive them, given enough time. She was hoping she could convince him to spend the summer with them given that he no longer needed to be hidden at the Dursleys.

She was starting to get a little worried when Dumbledore came in from the Diagon Alley entrance and went over to talk with a man with shoulder length golden brown hair. The discussion appeared to be heated then the younger man abruptly started heading toward them with Dumbledore walking along beside him.

Once the pair was close enough. Molly softly asked. "Albus, where's Harry? I thought you'd found him. Arthur said you called for a car to take someone to Surrey."

"Hello Molly," Dumbledore greeted the woman as if he were surprised to see her. "This is a wonderful surprise."

When the man with Dumbledore tried to push past him, the Headmaster put out a hand to restrain him. This earned him a glare from the grey-eyed man.

Speaking in a low, raspy voice, the man told the Headmaster, "If you are going to stand here and chat, then I will be leaving. I have things to do and can find my own way to where I need to be."

Molly glared at the young man and told him. "You should show Albus Dumbledore some respect, young man."

"I've learned the hard way, madam that respect should be earned not given. I've also learned that one should not jump to conclusions without all the facts." The grey-eyed man countered with an icy stare. "Something I would have thought you would have learned by now, especially given your son Percy's actions."

Shaking off Dumbledore's hand and leaving Mrs. Weasley in stunned silence, the stranger headed for the door.

His hand was on the knob when Hermione tugged on Mrs. Weasley's arm and hissed, " Harry! "

Moving quickly, Molly grabbed the stranger's arm before he could get out the door. "Harry!"

The crowd in the pub fell silent, looking for Harry Potter's trademark black hair and the scar.

All the patrons heard the man at the door tell Mrs. Weasley, "My name is Edmund Cristo, not Harry Potter. Which is a good thing considering how fickle the wizarding world happens to be. He is saviour one moment and villain who must be destroyed the next." The man turned his attention back to Dumbledore for a moment. "I don't need an escort, or any more of your interference in my life. Heed my warning, old man. It is the only one you will get."


Harry knew that he had left everyone in the Leaky Cauldron stunned into immobility by his exit, so he quickly took advantage of the few minutes head start it gave him. He only gave the Ministry car and its driver a quick glance. He definitely wasn't taking any method of transport arranged by that meddling old fool.

Aside from the fact that he was in no mood to be gawped at by some idiot wizard who now thought of him as a saviour again instead of the next Dark Lord in training, he had no real desire to spend any more time with Dumbledork who would no doubt try and convince him that he should forgive everyone for their mistakes and get over the fact that they falsely imprisoned him.

That would happen, he thought to himself, when Hell froze over and Voldemort, Dumbledork and Fudge danced Swan Lake together in pink tutus. He smirked at the thought of the three wizards dancing in a muggle ballet.

Harry briefly debated on whether or not to head to the Dursleys right now and start making their summer enjoyable . If he hadn't lost track of time, then it was still fairly early in the day, which meant that Vernon was probably still at work. That was unless they had decided to take advantage of the fact he wasn't going to be there to take a long holiday. If they had then he would have to revise his plans for making them pay for the last sixteen years of his life with them. Either way since he wanted to make a Grand Entrance, he would have to arrive at Privet Drive this evening.

Decision made, Harry soundlessly disappeared just as Dumbledore and Hermione stepped out of the Leaky Cauldron, only to reappear in an out of the way corner of King's Cross Station. Once there, he reached for the ambient magic around him and used it to prevent Dumbledore or anyone else from being able to track him, using his magical signature.

As soon as he was certain it would continue to hold without him monitoring it, Harry headed out of the station to get something to eat, go shopping, and maybe have a look around London. He'd never really seen it before, given that Vernon and Petunia never took him anywhere unless they had to.


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