The New Alpha

This one was no longer the weakest member of the pack. He was now the alpha male. The alpha was speaking and while he couldn't understand all of it, the tone and posture of the new alpha two legs was clear. If he bothered the alpha again, then the wolf he sensed within would rip him to shreds.

Harry was pleased to note the fear on the Dursley's faces as the dog ran out of the room. "Before you and Petunia start trying to threaten and bully me, let's get a few things straight. Then I will tell you how things are going to be around here for the next few weeks."

Harry could tell that his choice of words enraged Vernon and the only thing keeping him quiet… right now, was the occasional glances he gave to his unconscious sister.

"As you can see," Harry waved his hand around, "there are no owls carrying letters threatening me with expulsion. Nor will there be. And the reason there won't be is quite simple. Last night I destroyed Voldemort."

"Surely those abnormal freaks didn't let you out of prison simply because of that." Petunia scoffed. "You did kill some boy at that school of yours after all."

The look Harry gave his aunt, made her squeak and back up behind the kitchen counter. "Did I say you could speak woman ?"

Trying once more to regain control of the situation, Vernon said, "Now see here, boy…"

"No! You sit down and shut up! " Harry's expression made it quite clear that he would force them to comply. "You don't have any say over me any longer, Vernon. Nor do you Aunt Petunia. You have both made your feelings about me quite clear over the years. Now it is my turn. I'm going to have my say and I don't want to hear another word out of either of you."

Vernon and Petunia quickly moved to the table and sat down, before he could make good on the implied threat.

"Now to answer your question, Aunt Petunia," Harry began. "I was released from Azkaban when the real killer was found last night. Not so surprisingly, it turned out to be someone who worked in the Minister's Office, which is part of the reason why the Ministry will not do anything to punish me for using magic before I turn seventeen in about two weeks. The Minister doesn't want to get on my bad side. "

None of the Dursleys said a word. Even Dudley had stopped eating as he realised what Harry could do to them since he wouldn't be punished for doing magic.

"Now that that's cleared up, it's time to settle a few other matters. I'm going to make this short and sweet so that even a moron like Dudley can understand it."

Petunia started to respond to the criticism of her son, whom she considered the brightest boy in the world, but one look at her nephew's face convinced her not to open her mouth.

"Good girl, Petunia." Harry sounded like he was praising a pet for performing a trick well. "See you are capable of learning…. Now for the next few weeks, I will be staying here and you're just going to have to put up with it. I'm only going to give you one word of warning though, if you leave me alone, I'll leave you alone. If you don't, then you'll wish you had." Harry glared at his overweight cousin. "That includes your friends, Dudley."

Reading the promise of retribution in his cousin's eyes, Dudley gulped and nodded.

Continuing his list of conditions for a magic free life, Harry told them. "None of you will hinder me or force me to do anything I don't want to do. You've had over ten years of unpaid labour out of me and I think that is more than enough. From now on while I am here, I will be doing as I please. Is that clear to everyone?"

The Dursleys could only nod their heads, making them resemble those bobble-head dolls.

"Excellent!" Harry smiled for the first time. "Just remember that and we should get along fine, for however long I am here."


A hooting sound woke Harry the next morning. He rolled over, intending to send a nasty hex back to the witch or wizard who had dared send him anything by owl post. He received quite a shock however when he saw a familiar snowy owl perched on the windowsill.

"Hedwig! I missed you!" Harry quickly moved over to the window to check out his beloved familiar and make sure she was ok. "How did you know I was out? How did you know where to find me?"

Hedwig gave him a look as if to say 'Silly human, I can always find you'. While she looked a little thinner and scruffier than he was used to, Harry could tell that she was pleased to see him as well. Holding out his arm for her to use as a perch, Harry brought her into the small bedroom.

Showing her the transfigured bedroom Harry asked. "What do you think, girl?"

The snowy owl's head twisted around, taking in the changed surroundings. Hedwig bobbed her head and gave an approving hoot.

"Give me a moment and you'll have a proper perch." Harry transferred the owl to the back of the chair before picking up one of Dudley's broken toys.

As he transfigured the broken remote control car into a perch, Harry smiled at the memory of Dudley huffing and puffing as he moved most of the junk out of the second bedroom. He had no doubt that it was the first real work Dudley had ever done.

Once Hedwig was settled on her new perch, Harry told her, "I'll be right back. I'm going to get you some food and water."

Remembering all too well what had happened before when her Harry snuck in food before, Hedwig gave him a concerned sounding hoot.

"Don't worry, girl." Harry was quick to reassure her. "The Dursleys and I have come to an understanding. If they don't bother me, I won't turn them into mice for you."

Harry had to laugh as Hedwig suddenly looked very predatory. "Sorry luv, but they're still human. At least for now."


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