Plotting Revenge

Harry took a bite out of his burger, before making another note in the multi-subject notebook he had purchased from a stationary store. He was recording all the thoughts and questions he had come up with during his time in Azkaban, trying to come up with a cohesive list of evidence before he spoke to a lawyer about his charges.

So far his day had been very successful. He now had a bank account that he would be adding to slowly over the next month or so, so it wouldn't attract the attention of the authorities, if he couldn't get regular transfers made by Gringotts over the next year.

He debated for a moment whether or not to keep his accounts at Gringotts and just have them make regular transfers to the Barclays account, but decided he would have to wait to see what the Inheritance Ritual said he had before making up his mind about that.

He made a note in a different section of his notebook to see if Gringotts could recommend a lawyer who wasn't afraid of Dumbledore or the Ministry that he could speak to. He also added a note to ask them about how he could get access to his parent's will, since he had never seen it.

Once he had finished his lunch, Harry transfigured the suit he had been wearing into a pair of jeans and a comfortable shirt, before headed toward Tottenham Court Road. He spent a good portion of the afternoon wandering through the bookstores on Tottenham Court Road.

As he stepped out of the last bookstore on the road with a few more books to add to his new collection Harry shrunk the new books and slid them into the canvas carryall he had transfigured out of a plastic bag from one of the bookstores then had a brief debate with himself.

 He needed to go back by Gringotts to complete the Ritual and get answers to his other questions. However he was fairly certain that the wizarding world was still celebrating the destruction of Voldemort, not caring that their saviour hadn't done it for them.

He'd done it for himself, for Neville, for his parents, and for his godfather. He added Remus to that list. However, since he wanted as little contact as possible with the wizarding world, that meant he would have to wait a week or so before going back to Gringotts.

Fortunately for him, he didn't have to worry about running short of money before then. The Galleons he'd had converted had provided him with over ₤30,000 and he still had quite a bit left. He didn't have to worry about the Dursleys stealing it if they found it either. The goblin who had converted his currency had guaranteed the pouch he had purchased for a small fee could only be opened by him once it was keyed to his magical signature and it was indestructible so they wouldn't be able to tear it open either.

He still had a couple of hours though until dark and he was in no hurry to head back to the Dursleys. A glance at the window of a nearby store, containing a book labelled 'Wolves', reminded Harry of Moony and his intention of going to visit the graves of his parents and Moony. There was only one obstacle to overcome.

He didn't know where Godric's Hollow was and just like apparating, he couldn't go somewhere he'd never been before. Stepping into a little alleyway and dropping the glamour, Harry decided to see if he could get himself some help.

"Dobby," he called softly, hoping the house elf would respond. He didn't know how house elf magic worked, or how the elf knew when he or she was wanted, especially if they were in another place, but he hoped Dobby could hear him.

A moment later his wish was granted as the excitable house elf appeared before him. "Master Harry, sir!" Dobby's voice sounded loud in the alley as he bounced in placed. "I is happy to see you. Iz so glad you free. Knew you is good wizard and not hurt anybody."

"Shhhh," Harry gestured for him to lower his voice. "I'm happy to see you too, Dobby. But we're in non-magical London right now so you need to keep it down, okay?"

Dobby looked around surprised. "Iz never been to muggle world before."

"Dobby, I need a favour and Dumbledore can't know anything about it." Harry got straight to the point.

"What is you wanting?" Dobby asked slightly suspicious.

"Do you know where Godric's Hollow is?"

"You is not knowing where it is?" Dobby seemed surprised.

"Nope," Harry shook his head. "Dumbledore never allowed me to visit my parent's graves and I want to see them today. And I was told Professor Lupin is buried beside them and I want to see his grave too. They are the only family I had and I need to see them. The thing is I can't go anywhere that I've never been before, so I need someone to show me where it is. Will you take me there, please Dobby?"

"Master Harry should be allowed to visit family." Dobby decided. "Dobby take."

Harry took the house elf's extended hand, and then Dobby snapped his fingers. The trip felt like a cross between a portkey and going through the floo system. Harry found it slightly nauseating, but at least he was on his feet when he got to the other end. Looking down, Harry saw that Dobby had brought him right to their graves.

"Thank you, Dobby," Harry whispered as he sank to his knees and reached out and touched the headstone that had his parent's names carved in it.

Dobby nodded, the expression on his face solemn. "Is you needing anything else, Master Harry?"

"No, Dobby, thank you. I will be able to get back to the Dursleys from here." Harry told the house elf, his attention on the headstone.

"If you is needing me, just call," Dobby told him, "and I not be telling Headmaster I be seeing you."

"Thank you again, Dobby." Harry smiled for the first time since leaving Azkaban.

Dobby nodded and disappeared, leaving Harry alone with his family.

Harry became slightly annoyed when he noticed that while there was no other grave between them, Remus' grave marker was some distance away from his parents. As if some were afraid that in death a werewolf would taint the Potters.


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