The Weasleys' Visit

As Mrs Weasley let out a moan, Harry commented, "I wonder if you will say something similar to Percy at his trial, madam, or will you be a hypocrite and stand by him to the end. It's a pity I destroyed all the Dementors, otherwise he could've had them to keep him company at Azkaban and to remind him of all your kind words to him."

"If you think that I or my family condone what Percy did…" Mrs. Weasley began to get angry at what Harry was implying. Yes the boy had the right to be angry with them, but not to tarnish their family name.

Harry's voice rose over hers shouting her down. "I never said you condoned it, just that you were probably going to be a hypocrite and stand by him. He is after all blood kin, unlike I was. You will no doubt stand by him, even if it comes out that he was the next Dark Lord in training. You will do for him, what no one in your family would do for me."

Harry was fighting to keep control of his temper.

 "After all we'd been through and the help I gave your family, madam I thought that your family at least would have given me a fair hearing. I nearly died from the Basilisk's venom when I was twelve, because your daughter was stupid enough to write in an enchanted journal that belonged to Tom Riddle.

And none of your own children who should have been able to see that something was wrong with her, ever figured out that something was going on. I provided the money that started the twin's business after the Tri-Wizard Tournament, when they were stupid enough to gamble theirs away with Ludo Bagman and he welched on the bet. It was my vision of Nagini biting your husband, that allowed us to find him in time to save his life when I was fifteen."

"All of you in one form or another owe me and how did you pay me back? By destroying the only memories, I will ever have of my parents and godfather. By ripping my soul to shreds with your hateful, hurtful words. By not even bothering to take the time to find out what really happened."

His gaze roamed over the whole group.

 "I thought you of all people would know that I couldn't do what I was being accused of, but no you're no better than the rest of the hypocritical wizarding world. I thought that all of you knowing how Hagrid and Sirius had been framed would've taken the time to find out the truth, instead of believing what you are told like little children who need to be led by the hand. But nooo what do you do. You tow the party line, instead of bothering to think for yourselves. Why is it that no one in the wizarding world can think or reason?"

He glared at Granger, as she opened her mouth to say something. "Don't bother to tell me you can think and reason, because we both know you can't, Granger. If you had been using the brain you were given back in September, then you would have remembered that the wizarding world has this wonderful thing called Veritaserum and that it compels people to tell the truth.

Why didn't you bother to ask why I wasn't given it at my trial? None of you even spoke up and asked why I wasn't being given it. Just like the rest of the wizarding world, you preferred to assume I was guilty. Somebody found me over the body, so I must be guilty.

Far better for the wizarding world to see justice quickly done, never mind that the person being condemned to hell wasn't guilty. We have swift justice and that makes up for the fact that the truth gets trampled into the ground and the guilty party goes free to kill again."

His eyes bored into Mrs. Weasley's as he commented. "I wonder how many people your son tortured and killed madam, besides Neville and me, I mean."

"Neville and I," Hermione corrected automatically, earning another glare from Harry.

He returned his attention to Mrs. Weasley. "I wonder how much blood is on your family's hands, Granger's hands, and the hands of Dumbledork and his Order, because you all couldn't be bothered to speak up and force Fudge to use all the tools at the wizarding world's disposal to determine the truth?


I know that Voldemort was very busy during the time I was in Azkaban. I got to see all of the Deatheaters' activities while I was locked up through my visions. How many of those people is Percy responsible for killing? How many people's lives could have been spared, if you had just spoken up and asked that I be given Veritaserum to confirm or disprove my guilt? Or if the Ministry had just done its job properly?"

There was a pause and they could see him visibly regaining control of his emotions and pulling back in the magic that had begun to swirl about them. "You know I really don't want to hear anything further that you have to say. Leave now, before I do something I won't regret."


Harry woke the next morning feeling a little better than he had the night before. It had taken several hours before he was calm enough to no longer want to go over to the Burrow and blow it to bits with everyone inside.

While he was getting dressed, Harry made a mental note to insure that whatever home he did get, it was slightly isolated from others and that he got a study outbuilding put on the property that he could use when he felt the need to vent his anger.

Once he was dressed Harry started to head downstairs for breakfast, but heard the flutter of wings in his room and went back in intending to greet Hedwig. The sight of about a dozen owls scattered on various perches around the room made him growl. Some of them were carrying letters and others were carrying packages.

Either Dumbledork hadn't passed on his warning about not wanting any contact with the wizarding world, or if he had, then the idiots who sent these owls had chosen to ignore it.

Well they won't be ignoring it for very long, he thought to himself. He took several deep breaths. There was no point in harming the owls for doing the task they were assigned. The problem was their idiot masters. Well he would take care of that after breakfast. He would send Hedwig with a letter to the Daily Prophet or as he preferred to think of it the Daily Liar, making it quite clear what would happen to any witch or wizard foolish enough to send him anything further.

The owls began to rustle nervously when he made no move to take the letters and packages they were carrying. All this wizard did was stand there and stare at them for several minutes before he told them. "Return to your master or mistress. Their packages and letters are not welcome here."

As the owls took off, Harry almost wished he could be there when they got their letters back. Aside from the usual curses that were applied to someone you didn't like he had added an interesting twist. The moment they touched the letter, the words 'I am an idiot' would appear on their foreheads and they would remain there through September 1st.

Taking the letter from Hedwig, he opened it eagerly.


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