A Trust for Remus

"I take it you are not a big fan of Dumbledore's then?" Harry asked.

"Not really," Mr. Boet resumed his seat. "He is a powerful wizard and his actions during the war with Grindelwald have earned him my respect. I was still in school at the time. I however do not believe he deserves the aura of infallibility that other wizards since then have given him. Not even Merlin was infallible. Though there are those who would prefer to have it thought he was."

"I asked Mr. Boet to join us for this meeting, so that you could meet him and see if he was the one you wanted to have handle your legal matters." Greeva told the younger wizard. "If you choose to have him handle your legal affairs then he will be able to advise you, if necessary on those aspects of wizarding inheritance law that fall outside of Gringotts' authority."

"And before we get started, may I compliment you as well, Mr. Potter, on the rather pithy and well chosen comments you made in the letter that the Daily Prophet published on Sunday." Mr. Boet said with a smile. "My sister-in-law was rendered quite speechless for several hours because of them, for which I thank you."

Harry liked the matter-of-fact way Mr. Boet was handling things so far. He was curious to see if he would continue to be so calm and unflappable once he heard what Harry wanted him to do. "Are you also familiar with and able to represent me in matters of muggle law as well, Mr. Boet?"

"Not personally," the other wizard told him, "but I can recommend a good muggle solicitor if you wish. The lady I am thinking of is a squib so she is familiar with the wizarding world. She just prefers to live in the muggle world and have as little contact with the wizarding one as possible."

"We'll get to that later." Harry told him as he also took a seat in front of Greeva's desk. "You're being here now, Mr. Boet saves me a little time, because I have one matter I want to take care of before I open this box and it involves wizarding law and Gringotts."

"What matter is this, Mr. Potter?" Greeva asked curious.

"I would like to open a separate vault to be set up as a trust." Harry began. "I want half the monies that were left to me from the Black estate to be placed in that vault along with the compensation paid to Sirius and I by the Ministry. I don't want to touch one single knut of their guilt money."

"And what is the purpose of the trust?" Mr. Boet asked, making a note.

"It is to fund the Remus J. Lupin Foundation for Werewolves." Harry told them, the expression on his face serious.


"He was the only wizard out of all those who personally knew me who didn't believe that I was guilty. Since he is no longer alive, I want to do something in his memory to help others like him, who the wizarding world looks down on. I also want to get a will written so that if something does happen to me, my entire estate will then be used to fund the trust, at least for right now. If I ever have a family, I will probably change at least part of that." He looked at both goblin and wizard. "Can that be done?"

"We should be able to set up the trust vault, but fine details of how the trust is to be handled will need to be worked out." Greeva told him, making a note on a pad in front of him. "Including who will oversee it."

"I will want the goblins to oversee the financial end of things and possibly the day to day aspects, since I know I can trust you to adhere firmly to any contracts you may have." The gaping shark's mouth told Harry he had surprised the goblin.

"I thank you for the honour and trust you have placed in us, Mr. Potter." Greeva finally spoke up a few minutes later. "I promise we will handle the trust you set up, exactly the way you would wish it to be handled."

"I know you will. At least with goblins running it, I know it will not get too corrupt and it will help the people it is meant to help long after I am gone." Harry turned his attention to the slender, black box sitting on the desk. "Now let's see what we have in here."

He picked up the box and tried to figure out how to open it.

"Place the box on the desk," Greeva instructed and once Harry had done so he told him, "Place you thumb in the slight depression at the bottom as if you were lifting a lid."

Harry did so and was rewarded with a slight click and the box popped open. Raising the lid, Harry saw there were several pieces of parchment contained within. Removing them, he commented, "I can't possibly be heir to all of this."

"Actually it is entirely possible that you can be." Mr. Boet spoke up before Greeva could. "Between Grindelwald and Voldemort a great many wizarding families have been completely wiped out and not just in England, leaving those with only the most tenuous of blood ties in a position to possibly inherit great wealth. All they would have to do is come forward and attempt to claim it."

Harry quickly skimmed the list of properties, businesses, and vaults, growing more and more stunned by the moment. It was the one at the bottom of the list that surprised him the most. Staring at it, he exclaimed, "How can I possibly be the heir to that?!"


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