McGonagall vs. Potter

If the rumours I've heard about muggle prisons were true then the Deatheaters would be considered as even lower than the cockroaches to those muggle prisoners. Of course there would have be spells on the cells to stop the muggles from killing them, but other than that they should be allowed to do whatever they wanted to the Deatheaters."

Draco stared at the Boy-Who-Lived speechless, unable to believe what he had just heard. When had Potter become so vicious?

Harry sat back down, looking thoughtful. "You know who you remind me of? Ronald Bilius Weasley that's who. You both act before you think things through and you both are definitely sufferers of terminal foot-in-mouth disease. Maybe you're related. Given the inbreeding among most of the pure-bloods, I wouldn't be a bit surprised."

"There is no way in hell, I am related to that moronic little weasel or his family." Malfoy retorted.

"Draco, Draco, that's no way to talk about your relatives." Harry shook his head. "I tell you what, why don't you go talk it over with your cousin. I'm sure he'd enjoy it."

Harry waved his hand and Draco disappeared from the compartment. He then unfroze Crabbe and Goyle and told them. "Why don't you go find your boss? I'm sure he's on the train somewhere."

"Where did you send him?" Luna asked curious.

"The loo near the prefect's compartment." Harry told her. "Made sure he landed feet first in it."

Luna laughed.


When the train started getting closer to Hogwarts, Luna got up to go change into her school outfit and robes.

"Harry, I'll leave you alone so you can change into your robes." Luna told him.

"Didn't bother getting another set of school clothes, after the Gryffindors burned the others." Harry told her. "I didn't see any reason to, given that I didn't destroy them and I didn't want to be here in the first place. This is what I am wearing to the feast. If they don't like it, they can go jump in the lake."

Harry stood up and let her get a good look at the t-shirt and black jeans he was wearing. The t-shirt was bright yellow and written in black across it were the words: "Don't Piss Me Off. I'm Running Out Of Places To Hide The Bodies".

"That should provoke some interesting reactions, especially from the teachers." Luna commented.

"I expect it will, especially from McGonagall." Harry picked up his book again. "I'll see you in a bit."


As they got off the train and headed for the coaches, Harry heard Hagrid calling, "Firs' years over here."

Harry got quite a few stares as he escorted Luna to one of the thestral drawn carriages, given that he was the only one not wearing the school uniform and the fact that he was carrying a backpack.

A couple of Hufflepuff second years joined them in the carriage, before it took off and wound its way up to the castle.

Professor McGonagall was in the entry hall of the castle, and when she caught sight of Harry, she snapped out. "Mr. Potter, where is your school uniform? You can't go into the great Hall looking like that. And you should have left that bag on the train. It would have been brought up to your dormitory."

"Why would you think I would leave anything of mine where anyone in this school can get hold of it? All my possessions were burned up the last time I was foolish enough to trust anyone in this school and leave my things unguarded, remember Professor?" Harry's face was an expressionless mask. "Your memory can't be that bad, ma'am, given that you had a front row seat for what the Gryffindor Prefects did."

McGonagall looked flustered for a moment, before she asked, "Why didn't you purchase a new uniform?"

Harry told her flatly. "I didn't destroy the ones I had and saw no reason to waste my money replacing something I hadn't damaged or outgrown, not to mention something I didn't want in the first place. If you want me to have a school uniform that badly, then I suggest you have those who destroyed my possessions replace them."

Professor McGonagall, raised her wand, and attempted to transfigure the clothing Potter was wearing into the appropriate outfit, but nothing happened to the muggle clothing. She tried again, with the same result.

"Are you finished with me yet, Professor?" Harry sounded bored. "I would either like to go into the Great Hall, or if as you say, I am not to be allowed in there, dressed like this, then I will go down to the kitchens and get something to eat."

"I must insist that you change your clothing into the appropriate school outfit, or remove the charm that is preventing me from doing so." McGonagall ordered, not realising that a small crowd was gathering in the doorway to the Great Hall behind her.

"No ma'am, I will not." The expression on Harry's face was unyielding. "So if you will excuse me, I will be on my way to the kitchens to get some dinner. Would you mind telling me where I will be staying during my time in this prison of yours and the password to get in? That way I can get in since I apparently won't be eating with the rest of the students."

"You are a Gryffindor. You will be in the Gryffindor tower, in the sixth year boy's dorm." McGonagall winced at Potter's choice of the word prison for Hogwarts. She had never thought she would hear any student call Hogwarts a prison. "The password is Victory."

"I am not a Gryffindor." Harry disagreed. "The students who make up the house you head made that quite clear last year."

She had also never thought she would see in her lifetime a student in this school openly defy her and for the first time in her life she felt trapped because of it. Mr. Potter needed to be in the Great Hall, not isolating himself, if the Headmaster's plan was to work, but she could not allow him to enter the Great Hall in an inappropriate outfit. And Dumbledore had specifically said that Potter was to be treated like any other student.

"Five points from Gryffindor for improper attire. You will either change your current outfit into the correct attire, or remove the charm that is preventing me from doing so. Failure to do so will results in you having detention tomorrow night."

"So," Harry shrugged, "I really don't care what you do. I didn't want to come back here anyway. Dumbledork forced this situation on me and so you're just going to have to live with it. I will not allow you to change the clothing I spent my money on into what you deem appropriate attire. If you wanted me dressed in the correct attire, then you should not have allowed the students of your house to incinerate all my clothing last year while you stood by and did nothing."

The crowd in the doorway was stunned by the tone of Potter's voice. Other than the Weasleys and Hermione Granger, no one had ever heard such malice from the Boy-Who-Lived before.

McGonagall knew she didn't have much time. The first years would be arriving in a few minutes and she must be here to greet them.

Looking back toward the Great Hall she saw the crowd of student standing in the doorway and yelled, "All of you take your seats in the Great Hall immediately!" She also caught sight of the Head Girl and ordered, "Miss Granger escort Mr. Potter to the side room off the Great Hall and ask the Headmaster if he would speak with him."

"Mr. Potter," Hermione gestured for Harry to follow her.

Harry did, smirking at the other students as he was led through the Great Hall to the side room.


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