A Double Standard Revealed

Pleased that Filch was still cowed by what he had done, Harry said, "So, I didn't ask to be given any of them any way."

"You earned those detentions by not being prepared or participating in class." McGonagall pointed out. "You are obligated to take the punishment you have earned."

"If I accepted those detentions, that would imply that I wanted to be here and that you had a right to punish me because of my failures. We both know that I don't want to be here." Harry countered.

"That's the second time you've said you didn't want to be here." McGonagall commented. "If that is the case, then why did you even bother to come?"

"To avoid being a victim of the Wizarding World's double standards… again." Harry told her stiffly.

"What double standard are you talking about?" McGonagall inquired.

"The Imperious Curse is an Unforgivable right?"

"Yes," she couldn't see where this was leading.

"And yet the adults of the wizarding world think nothing of subjecting their children to it." Harry told her.

McGonagall got to her feet and stiffly demanded. "What are you talking about? We have never used the Imperious curse on our children! That would be unthinkable!"

"And just what would you call the spell that forces a child to return somewhere they in their heart of hearts do not wish to go?" Harry wanted to know. "I know all about the spell that is placed on a child the minute they step foot on school grounds as part of the magically binding contract that insures they come back every year, even if they may not want to. As I told Dumbledore the effect of the spell is forcing a child not to change its mind, and that makes it just like the Imperious curse."

McGonagall stared at the young man across from her stunned. Did he really have no concept of how important it was for a child to finish their magical education?

Before she could come up with a suitable response, Harry said, "Are we done ma'am? I do need to get to my next class. Don't want to rack up another detention for being late now do I?"


By dinner that evening, nearly everyone at Hogwarts had heard about Snape and Dumbledore's arrest.

The teachers were all giving Harry dark looks, even Hagrid. The student's reactions varied, depending on their house.

Granger spent most of dinnertime glaring at him, but said nothing. Harry had been grateful for the fact that Granger's looks and thoughts couldn't kill, or else he'd be six feet under right now.

He also briefly admired her restraint. He was certain she wanted to verbally rip him apart for having one of her hero's arrested and the only thing stopping her was her fear of provoking him. He couldn't help wondering if she would be this restrained when she saw what he had in mind for McGonagall and the other Heads of House.

The Weasels had also settled for giving him dark looks and muttering to their friends and cohorts. Maybe there was hope for the older Weasel, his former friend. After a moment's consideration of that idea, Harry decided it wasn't the case. It was far more likely that his companions were restraining him to keep him from doing anything stupid. A pity, he sighed. He would have enjoyed turning the idiot into a ferret like Malfoy had been during their fourth year. It was a member of the weasel family after all.

Other Gryffindors along with some of the Hufflepuffs showed less restraint. They would come up and congratulate him on having Snape arrested and in the next breath be blasting him for having Dumbledore arrested.

The Ravenclaws with the exception of Luna left him alone. She came over to congratulate him on a well thought out strategy that took out two with one very legal strike.

The Slytherins on the other hand were the exact opposite to the Gryffindors. They were pleased that Dumbledore had been arrested, but were very angry that Snape had been too and on a more serious charge.

For the most part Harry ignored them all, except when they began to threaten to hex him. He would take his attention from the book he was reading and give them an icy stare that some of the younger Gryffindors would later swear was worse that Snape's. After a few moments under that icy gaze the student in question quickly found someone else to talk to or somewhere else to be.


Harry spent a large part of the weekend in the library researching the legal wizarding terms that made up a large part of his parents will. There were clauses and sub-clauses he needed to sort out among other things. He wanted to make sure he had all his wizards in a row before he started knocking them over.

Not that any of the other students who had wandered over to see what he was doing in the out of the way corner of the library would know what he was working on.

He had cast a glamour charm on the books and papers so that anyone who came by would think he was working on his assignments for class. Hermione had even come by once and smiled when she saw him hard at work. The way she hurried off, he was certain that she was going to report to McGonagall that Potter was doing the homework for his classes… finally. Wouldn't she and Granger be in for a rude surprise on Monday?


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