The Verdict on Snape

Professor Severus Augustus Snape, you are hereby sentenced to serve five years in Azkaban for the assault and mind rape of Mr. Harry James Potter. You will also serve one additional year for being willing to provide Veritaserum to Delores Umbridge who was neither licensed to have or dispense this potion, so that it could be used on the person of Harry Potter."

"I did not provide veritaserum to Umbridge." Snape countered. "It was distilled water."

"Was it indeed?" Bellacote looked at him in disbelief. "Madame Umbridge was not aware of that fact. She acknowledged that you provided her with veritaserum upon her request for it."

"I told the Headmaster upon his return to the school what I had done." Snape told the panel.

"Be that as it may," Bellacote countered, "given your rather well displayed hatred of Mr. Potter, I think that the only reason you probably provided her with fake serum was to avoid the possibility she might dose you with it, or learn some things you didn't want her to know, not because you were trying to protect Mr. Potter. The sentence stands."

Bellacote turned his attention to Dumbledore.

"Albus, it is you I am most disappointed in. I realise that you tend to expect the good out of everyone around you, but Professor Snape's hatred of Mr. Potter is very well known. How could you allow him to have unrestricted and unsupervised access to a student he has shown nothing but hatred for since before he even started school?

It is believed that you have too many things to oversee, Albus as evidenced by your neglect of your duties to Hogwarts and the students there who should be your primary responsibility. Given past issues, such as the Dark Lord and his minions gaining access to your school not once but several times, it has been decided that for the next five years Hogwarts shall be monitored by the Wizengamot.

There will be unannounced inspectors and inspections of all teachers and their teaching credentials. Don't worry this won't be like when Fudge tried to take over your school. Also for the same five year period, your duties as Head of the Wizengamot shall be delegated to others so that you can focus on your primary responsibility the students at Hogwarts."

Mr Boet stood up at this point. "Esteemed members of the panel I would like to request two further additions to Professor Snape's sentence."

"And those are?" Madame Gwendolyn Hill inquired.

"First that Professor Snape's teaching credentials be removed." Mr Boet told them. "If you check with the Board of Governors of Hogwarts you will find there have been a number of complaints about the man's teaching methods over the years. He has terrorised any number of students to the point where those who might have considered a career in Potions decided otherwise out of fear. I am not saying that Professor Snape should not pass on his skills, but it is just quite clear the man should not be teaching in a classroom environment. He may have better luck one on one, but if he does take on an apprentice, then I strongly recommend that the Master/Apprentice relationship be carefully monitored."

"And your second request?" Madame Bones spoke up.

"It involves the delicate matter of an unpaid life debt." Mr Boet told them. "Professor Snape incurred this life debt when Mr. Potter's father saved his life in their fifth year. Whether it was because he was saving his own neck or not, James Potter did put his own life at risk when he saved then fellow fifth year student Severus Snape.

That life debt was transferred to Mr. Harry Potter when it remained unpaid at the time of James Potter's death. Technically, Professor Snape's unjustified attacks on Mr. Potter could be considered a violation of that debt if Mr Potter wanted them to be and he could suffer the loss of his magic.

However Mr. Potter has told me what he would consider fair restitution for the life debt and the violation of that debt. Once he is free and for the remainder of Mr. Snape's life, every month near the time of the full moon, he must make all the wolfsbane potion necessary for the Remus Lupin Foundation."

"That's preposterous!" Snape declared loudly. "That life debt was paid during Mr. Potter's first year. I saved him from falling to his death when Professor Quirrell who was possessed by the Dark Lord jinxed his broom."

Harry coughed before saying, "Actually that was Granger. She knocked Quirrell into the seats in front of him, in her hurry to reach you to set fire to your robes. That's what saved me. She broke his eye contact with my broom."

"There is an easy way to settle the matter." Bellacote told them, taking out his wand. " Geall eadaraibh Snape anoar Potter. If there is no debt owed, then there will be no bond of light between you. Also the one owed will have a glow around them."

A few moments later a thread of yellow light appeared, joining Snape to Potter and Potter was the one surrounded by a glow.

"Yes, you have attempted to repay the life debt Professor Snape, but since you are still bound by a thread of it to Mr Potter, those attempts have not been completely successful in releasing the debt."

The members of the panel conferred for several more minutes, before Martin Bellacote announced, "Both requests are valid. From this day forth, Professor Severus Snape's teaching credentials are suspended.

The only kind of teaching relationship that the Ministry or the Wizengamot will sanction for Potions Master Severus Augustus Snape is that of master to apprentice and that teaching relationship will be carefully monitored.

 Also it is laudable that Mr. Potter doesn't wish the world to suffer the loss of a great Potions Master, so the terms of Mr. Snape's repayment for the remainder of the life debt will be as requested by Mr Harry Potter. Every month once he has served his sentence and for the remainder of his life, he will make all the wolfsbane potion necessary for the Remus Lupin Foundation."

"This hearing is adjourned." Madame Bones pounded the gavel on the bench before her.


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