Bound by Blood and Magic

It was near the end of September that a note from Mr. Ollivander was delivered to Harry by a small barn owl, advising him that he would be there on Friday around noon with the completed staff. Harry had to admit to being slightly curious about what the staff would look like, even though the only use he would probably get out of it was as a walking stick, since there was no one at Hogwarts who would be able to teach him how to use it. He also had no doubt that as soon as the students and staff saw the staff in his possession the grapevine would be humming like a hive of bees since there hadn't been a wizard since Merlin who needed one.

Harry grimaced as he realised that his having a staff would undoubtedly make him even more desirable as a husband, given the fact that he had to be an extremely powerful wizard to use a staff instead of a wand to channel his magic. In fact he had already had a number of young witches from the other houses trying to get his attention over the past few weeks and this would probably make the foolish girls redouble their efforts in trying to snag Harry Potter: The-Boy-Who-Lived-And Destroyed-Voldemort as their husband.

Remembering the one and only time he had seen the Malfoys together Harry was willing to bet that in the old and influential wizarding families arranged marriages were usually the norm and that love was not a factor; power, wealth and influence were. However he now knew that he was now the target of some of those families having accidentally overheard a conversation a few weeks ago between several girls that he knew came from those proud old wizarding families. The girls were doing their level best to try and snag him as a husband obviously on the orders of their parents. Apparently they were willing to overlook the fact that his mother was a muggle-born, in favour of getting their daughter married to someone as powerful as he was proving to be.

In fact, several of them who never would've even looked at him before, had tried to get him alone in the past few weeks. They were apparently counting the fact that he was largely ignorant of wizard courting customs, to try and trap him into a situation where he would be forced to marry them. Ginny Weasley had been the most persistent of those trying to snag him as a husband, refusing to believe that Harry didn't desire her, given that she desired him. He had been very careful not to eat or drink anything she might have had contact with, just in case she decided to escalate matters and try a love potion. He still remembered the giggly conversation she and Hermione had had with her mother about love potions that summer before his fourth year when they were staying at the Burrow for a month.

He wondered what their parents would say if they knew that his mother had been a direct descendant of Rowena Ravenclaw and not a muggle-born at all. He was half tempted to tell them the truth and watch them keel over in shock, but he was saving that until the end of the year along with his really big surprise.

Harry couldn't help wondering just how gullible they thought he was, given how he had been treated by the wizarding world over the last seven years. Maybe they believed if they treated him like a hero, that he would forget the past year and their previous ill treatment of him. Did they really think his memory would be that short? Obviously their memories were if they thought that treating him like a rock star would make him forget how quickly they had turned on him not once but many times. Well that would happen… never

He shook his head, willing to bet that in their minds they were already revising the events of the past seven years and especially this past one to make themselves look better or at least feel better about their actions. He couldn't help wondering what the next generation of witches and wizards would be taught about Harry Potter and how he defeated Voldemort. By the time the wizarding world was done, he had no doubt that they would have it firmly established that Harry had deliberately allowed himself to be placed in Azkaban to trap and then destroy Voldemort, instead of facing the truth that they had all betrayed him and that no one in the wizarding world had bothered to stand up for him. For them that fantasy would be far more palatable than reality, because they definitely wouldn't want the truth getting out that they could turn on someone who had never done them any intentional harm like a pack of hungry jackals.


They were halfway through lunch when Dumbledore appeared in the Great Hall followed by Mr. Ollivander who was cradling a long slender bundle wrapped in grey cloth in his arms. Silence began spreading out from the doorway as the students saw the wand maker with his odd bundle and wondered why he had come to Hogwarts. He very rarely left his shop in Diagon Alley. In fact the last time he had been at Hogwarts had been three years ago at the wand weighing for the Tri-Wizard's Tournament.

The students started whispering when they saw the Headmaster and the wand maker approach Harry Potter who was seated at the end of the Gryffindor table.

There was a brief conversation between Harry and the wand maker that was too low for those Gryffindors closest to Harry to make out, but after a few moments, he got up and followed the wand maker out of the Great Hall.

"I am sorry it took so long to finish your staff, Mr. Potter, but some of the cores were very temperamental." Ollivander told him as he searched for the best place to do the binding ritual. "It took a little time to get the thunderbird feather and phoenix ash to work together with the basilisk and horntail scales. And then I went through several clusters of Tourmaline before I found one the staff would accept."

"I thought I'd already chosen a cluster for the cap."

Ollivander looked a little sheepish. "It shattered the first time it was mounted. While it was responsive to you, it apparently wasn't compatible with your cores once they were all within the staff."

Ollivander stopped when he got to a spot halfway between the castle and Hagrid's hut and Harry stopped right beside him.

Laying down the cloth wrapped bundle, Ollivander undid the wrapping, but didn't pick the slender ash white staff up. Instead he used the cloth to roll it onto the grassy area between them. "Please extend your wand hand, palm up, Mr. Potter."

Harry did so and Ollivander pulled a slender dagger from a pocket in his robes.

"I'm going to make a shallow cut across your palm, then I want you to pick up the staff and set the tip of it on the ground." Ollivander instructed.

"Why?" Harry didn't sound concerned that what they were doing might be classified as Dark magic, since there was blood involved and the Ministry usually classified any magic than involved blood as Dark, even the ones meant to help.

"In order for you to be able to use the staff at all it must be bound to you." Ollivander explained. "This requires blood containing your magical signature, so it will know who it belongs to."

"You make it sound as if this staff were alive and going to become my familiar." Harry commented.

Ollivander shrugged. "In a way it is. Everything within it and even the staff itself were all living things at one point in time. As for the other, that is equally true, because once this staff is bound to you, no one else will be able to touch it with their bare hands without causing great harm to themselves." He paused a moment then asked, "Are you ready?"

Harry nodded.

Ollivander dragged the dagger across his palm and blood welled up in the cut it made. Harry waited a moment before kneeling down to pick up the staff.

As soon as the tip of the staff made contact with the ground, those few who were brave enough to follow the pair outside, saw the top of the staff burst into life with deep emerald green fire that flowed down the staff and met a deep golden glow that rose up from the ground. The two merged, encasing Harry in an emerald green and gold swirling sheath that gave off occasional bursts of gold and green sparks.

The minute the staff touched the ground, Harry felt as if there were something he couldn't see starring at him, judging him inside the swirling green and gold shield that surrounded him. It took all his determination not to try and look around to find the source of that feeling.

You do not want us, mage. A chorus of voices spoke in his head. Why did you have us made if you do not want us?

I did not have you made. Harry told the staff at least he assumed it was the staff. You were commissioned by another.

Yet you co-operated in our making, otherwise we would not exist, the staff's chorus told him. No staff can be made for one who is unwilling. So we ask again, Mage, why did you have us made if you do not want us?

Harry mentally shrugged and told the staff I had two main reasons for not wanting a staff. The first being that I have no intention of remaining in the wizarding world after this year is up and a staff would not be needed in the non-magical world.

And the other, prompted the chorus.

There is no one in the wizarding world who could teach me how to use a staff.

We see that you do not intend to give up your magic once you leave the wizarding world, so you will need us to help you keep it under control. The chorus of voices decided.

I've been doing just fine without you so far. Harry pointed out dryly. And I would still need someone to teach me how to work with you.

That is what we are for, the chorus told him. Your reasons while sound have no affect on us. There is much good that can be done by you whether in the magical or non-magical world. We accept that you are ours to guide and teach.

"Great, just what I need," Harry grumbled, "a bossy staff."

He heard the chorus chuckle as the green and gold shield vanished from sight.

"I take it the bonding was successful?" Ollivander inquired. 

"I would say so," Harry glared at the staff. "I'm now the proud possessor of a very bossy staff. When you said it was alive, you weren't kidding."

As Ollivander chuckled, Harry caught sight of the small group watching them.

The expression on Harry's face made the group of students scatter to the four winds. For some it was because they didn't want to face his wrath and for the rest, it was because they wanted to be the first to tell their classmates that Harry Potter was the first wizard since Merlin who had a magical staff.


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