Dantes' expression became even colder as did his voice. "If that is true then you have a problem madam. There is the matter of compensation due to my family for the item from the Prewitt family line that you and your children are the sole remaining members of. If you no longer have my property and you are unable to get it back, then I am within my rights to seize any property you and they may own. And if your family's goods and chattel do not equal the value of the tiara which is currently valued at 2,500,000 galleons by the way, then I can seize you and your children as indentured servants until the balance of the debt is paid off under the old laws that are still on the books at the Ministry."
Molly gasped unwilling to believe that this young wizard would make her family slaves over that tiara.
As if reading her thoughts, Dantes commented, "You're probably trying to tell yourself; 'he wouldn't be that cruel to my children'. What was cruel madam was your Aunt's failure to return the Weyland children's property."
The room around them was now silent as everyone waited to see what Molly Weasley would do.
The silence dragged on until Dantes said, "Well madam, are you going to return my property, or do I begin the process of seizing your family's assets. And since I already know that even including the business begun by Fredrick and George Weasley, you do not have enough in goods to compensate me, should I also begin the process of indenturing you and your children under the old but still active compensation laws?"
Molly said nothing for quite a while, finally realising that because she had no physical proof of her claims this uncaring wizard was going to legally be able to steal one of the last remaining pieces of her family's history. Finally she told him, "I will need to go and get it."
"No you won't," Dantes told her. "I don't trust you, Mrs. Weasley. If you leave here, there is nothing to stop you from getting your children and leaving for good."
Molly glared at the impudent wizard. "How dare you accuse me of wanting to do something so dishonourable?"
"I am not the one who failed to obey an order from the Wizerngamot to bring the tiara here today." Dantes interrupted before she could get started. "Tell your husband where it is and he can retrieve it for you. His reputation for honesty is well known, even if his judgement is sometimes poor."
Molly started to protest, but Dantes' tone was implacable "You have no choice. Since you have finally admitted you still do have my property, either send your husband to get it or go to jail. Your going to jail will have one other result it will broadcast far and wide the dishonour of the Prewitt family. I have no doubt that there are some who would thoroughly enjoy hearing about it, especially after the lies your son Ronald and you daughter Ginevra told about the Boy-Who-Lived at that travesty of a trial he had last year."
Defeated, Molly went over and spoke with Arthur for several minutes. He nodded his understanding and handed Ginny back to her mother before leaving the room.
Narcissa Malfoy had retaken the chair in front of the table and since all the other available chairs were taken, Molly had to stand there, holding her frantically squirming daughter.
"Ginny please hold still." Molly requested, "or I may accidentally drop you."
Ginny whined. How could she make her mother understand? Harry's scent was stronger here so he had to be close by. She had to find him. She needed him to change her back so they could be together the way they were meant to be. She was certain she could make him understand that she never meant to hurt Luna, just warn her off. Harry would forgive her once he knew she'd done it out of love for him.
It was about another hour before Arthur returned with the carved wooden box that contained the tiara.
Still furious that she had to give up a precious family heirloom, Molly stormed up to the table and slammed the box down on it just as Dantes was finishing up with a young man who had handed over a set of enchanted swords.
"There's the tiara!" Molly growled as she tightened her hold on a now wildly squirming Ginny.
Dantes took the box without comment and handed it to the goblin to have the contents verified.
"Understand this, Dantes," Molly leaned forward until she was almost in his face, "I intend to get my family heirloom back! There is proof somewhere and I will find it."
Ginny started barking at the dark haired wizard Harry! Harry, my love, I'm here for you.
"Ginny hush!" her mother admonished her.
Dantes' eyebrow rose "You named your dog after your daughter? That must get very confusing when she's at home."
You know perfectly well who I am, Harold James Potter! Ginny barked You also know what you did to me and you're going to undo it right now!
"It is the correct tiara, Mr. Dantes." The goblin spoke up before Molly could say anything further.
"As if I would try and pass off a fake." Molly snorted as she fought to keep hold of Ginny. She didn't know why her daughter was acting this way, but she wasn't about to put her down so she could be trampled or kicked.
"I believe our business is concluded madam." Dantes didn't bother to respond to her comment.
"For now," Molly countered, "I will be back for what is mine."
Dantes ignored her and gestured for the Wizengamot's clerk who was organizing these proceedings to bring up the next person.
"Hey Gred," Fred called his brother out of the back room.
"Yes, brother mine." his twin appeared a few moments later, his arms full of inventory to refill several bins.
"Any idea who he is?" Fred pointed to the dark haired man in a set of expensive robes who was carrying a clipboard. "He's been looking around and poking his nose into things for the last thirty minutes, but he's not buying anything. Think he was sent by our competitors?"
After depositing the items he was carrying in their bins, George suggested. "Shall we ask him Forge?"
"Ah the direct approach, sneaky and unexpected." Fred gave his twin an evil grin. "Let's."
Since they were between waves of Christmas shoppers the store was practically empty.
Once he and George had taken up positions on either side of the man, Fred commented loudly, "Gred, I wonder what nefarious business this gentleman could be up to in our shop."
"I have no idea Forge, maybe he would care to enlighten us as to why he is here."
"Actually," the man commented without looking at either of them, "unless one or both of you are the other two partners in this business, then what I am doing here is none of your business."
"Well we are the owners," Fred told him surprised that he knew that they had a silent partner. "I'm Fred Weasley."
"And I'm George Weasley." His twin introduced himself. "Now what business brings you to our fine establishment?"
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