Acceptable or Adequate?

"Given that claim madam, then I presume you hold a Mastery in Defence against the Dark Arts?" Delacour inquired with a smile. "Which was why Minister Fudge who really had no idea what was required for the position chose you."

When Umbridge remained silent, he went on. "Surely madam, you must have demonstrated your competence at teaching and at Defence Against the Dark Arts in particular to have gained this position. Or were you perhaps appointed for some other reason…? Like to make sure that the truth about the Dark Lord's return never made it beyond the school. In other words to silence Lord Potter and the Headmaster as well as silence anyone else who might speak out against the Ministry?"

"I had an Acceptable in my NEWT level Defence Against the Dark Arts class." Umbridge told him stiffly. "That more than makes me qualified to teach the class."

"I would have thought to teach at such a prestigious institution like Hogwarts, you should have at least an O Level if not years of experience." Delcaour commented. "Do you perhaps have years of experience in defending the magical world from the Dark Arts? I see nowhere in your records that you served at any time as an Auror. Did you perhaps gain this experience elsewhere, like out of the country perhaps?"

Umbridge remained silent.

"Enough of this dancing around, madam." Delacour was growing tired of playing with the toad. "Why were you and not someone from the Department of Magical Law Enforcement appointed to teach Defence Against the Dark Arts?"

Umbridge looked at the High Council and said with a certain amount of defiance. "The Minister said he chose me because I was exactly the person needed for the position, so that the children would learn what the Ministry needed for them to know so they could survive in the magical world."

"So the Minister wanted the children of the wizarding world unable to defend themselves." Delacour sounded surprised.

"That it what Aurors are for." Umbridge countered. "They defend the people of the wizarding world from those who want to kill them. The people of the magical world should only have to worry about defending themselves from Boggarts and the like."

"But Aurors can't be everywhere," Lord Perrivor pointed out. "Not to mention the fact that new Aurors have to be trained and they need to know the basics of how to defend themselves from more creatures than simple boggarts. You taught no practical spell casting so how were the children to learn the spells. Merlin help the magical world if you had managed to last more than a year."

"They can read, that gave them all they needed to know." Umbridge persisted. "Besides, the students who took their OWLs and NEWTs scored the highest Hogwarts ever had during my tenure."

"Only because of the DA," Harry put in, unwilling to let the toad claim all his hard work. "I can prove that the only ones who scored exceptionally well on either the OWLs or NEWTs were those in the DA. The rest failed or barely passed and that's probably because they had prior training at home."

Umbridge just glared hatefully at Harry, but made no comment.

"Umbridge, where did you get the Blood Quill from?" Delacour asked his next question. "It is a Class 1 Restricted item. It is used solely for magical contracts requiring a blood signature and as such only the Ministry's Legal offices and Gringotts are allowed to be in possession of one. Was it supplied by the Minister?"

"No, the Minister did not supply it. I took it from the Auror evidence lockup. It had been there for over fifty years, so I knew no one would miss it." Umbridge admitted. "I knew I was going to need something to control the more stubborn children and pain has always been a powerful motivator."

"So Fudge didn't suggest you bring anything to as you said control the more stubborn children?" Delacour wanted to know.

Umbridge tried to avoid answering, but the truth spell forced her to. "No, the minister knew nothing about how I intended to control the more stubborn children like Potter. I think he expected the decrees to keep them in line since no one wanted the stigma of being expelled from Hogwarts following them around. I knew better though. I've seen children like that brat Potter before. You have to rule them with fear to keep them in line."

"I think that we all on the council are pleased that no matter how drunk with power and love of his position Fudge was he at least didn't stoop to knowingly condoning the torture of children." Lord Longrim put in. "Though he should have picked his underlings better. This makes what three members of your staff Cornelius, who have proven to be a liability?"


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