Mercenary mark

The bath had cleaned the blood and grime, but it could not remove the remaining anxiety that hung around me like a second skin.

Little consolation came from the opulent chamber with plush furs and flickering fire.

I stared at the clothes on the bed and sighed. Finally, I could change out of the dirty clothes I was wearing. I probably smelt like shit. Thankfully the people here didn't give two fucks unlike on Earth.

Swiftly, I wore the clothes that were just a size too big and I sat by the bed.

I was lured to the blood dagger that evening, its red blade shined in the firelight. I took it in my palm, turning it around slowly, its weight was a known comfort.

Desperate, I had summoned it—a feat I had never imagined being able to do. But just how? What had set off that link? I wanted to try it again, master it. Whatever it was.

I pushed the limits of my blood magic and experimented all night. I trained calling forth the dagger, guiding it to show and vanish at will. Every call left me feeling weak and lightheaded; the procedure was taxing.

After what seemed to be like the hundredth try, I managed to make it disappear for a few seconds but it clanged to the floor a moment later and I just forgot it for fear that I might teleport it somewhere I couldn't reach.

The food came in later, bread as usual but time there was actually an apple close to it. This place was actually similar to Earth in the food aspect, it was just the people and elements that differed.

After I finished eating, I relaxed and went to sleep, ready for the next morning.

Malachi came back the following morning, his demeanor as still as always.

"Kael Emberheart awaits," he muttered in a low rumble. "You should be meeting your new comrades now."

Intrigued, I trailed him over the fortification. We arrived at a sizable training area where some veteran fighters sparred and honed their techniques. Their eyes followed me into here, a mix of wonder and mistrust.

Standing at the brink of the training ground, Kael Emberheart was a commanding figure. Raising his hand, he quieted their whispers.

"Warriors of Emberheart," he yelled across the field. "Today we greet a fresh recruit into our ranks. The blood magician Ash Blackwood survived the challenges of the northern mountains"

The audience started to whisper, their amazement obvious. My survival had obviously gone public, and my blood magic reputation preceded me. Was it really a big feat to escape from the mountains?

Kael went on, his voice slightly cold. "Ash Blackwood has shown his value, his shrewdness and inventiveness have landed him among us. Our strategist will be him, his blood magic is a weapon to be used against our adversaries and aid you in your field."

He turned to me, his gaze sharp. "You will get food, lodging, and protection of my banner in return for your allegiance and service. Do you find these terms appealing, bloodmage?"

I raised my own steady eyes to meet his.

"I do, Warlord Emberheart," I responded, sounding strong.

It was actually a stupid question because I didn't have a choice. They would execute me as soon as I refused if I did.

Kael nodded, a content smile flashing on his lips. "Then welcome, Ash Blackwood. Let your blood magic be to our advantage"

He turned and walked away, then left me to meet my fresh allies.

Malachi walked up, his face inscrutable. "Come," he advised. "I would introduce you to the others."

He guided me across the assembly, the mercenaries separating before us like the Red Sea. They were whispering and I could feel their gazes on me and it was not friendly. It was hostile. Wow. Guess bloodmage weren't much welcomed here and I seemed to strike fear into them. If only they knew that I was just like them and didn't know what I was doing with this magic.

Malachi stopped before a gathering of three fighters, their features bearing the marks of many conflicts.

"This is your new squad," he remarked with a rough voice. "They will be your buddies on the battlefield, your brothers in arms."

He introduced me to each of them, their names blurred with harsh syllables and austere emotions.

There was Kael, a massive monster with a scarred face and a booming laugh; Anya, a swift archer with sharp eyes; and Borin, a grizzled veteran with a battle-worn axe.

I immediately knew that they didn't trust me and I couldn't blame them. Me, a blood magician that had survived the mountains which seemed like a really big deal just set me off their friendship charts.

"So, Borin," I began, trying a laid-back voice. "I know you are rather the axe-wielder. Any advice for someone like me who is a novice?"

Borin grunted, his eyes never left mine. "Keep your distance, Mage. Steel kills quicker than magic"

Undeterred, I laughed.

"Just enough. Then you, Anya? Stories of your great accuracy have come to me. You can hit a fly's eye from a hundred paces, right?" Big lie, I didn't know shit about her but can't blame me for trying.

Anya started to smile with her lips closed.

"I can strike whatever I wish to. I would want, nonetheless, to have my goals to be somewhat more... significant."

I looked at the biggest member of the gang, Kael. "And you, friend? Your weapon of choice is what?" I asked, noticing he wasn't holding anything out of place.

Kael grinned and showed a line of chipped teeth.

"My fists, Mage, They have also smashed more heads than you could count."

I arched an eyebrow, impressed even with myself.

"I'll keep that in mind," I said. "It seems I'm in good company," I said sarcastically.

Their mistrust was evident, the tension still there. But they were curious, I could feel it in the glances they sent me. They wanted to know more about me.

I kept trying to get in touch with them as the day went on, telling them about my time in the mountains, my challenges, my goals. Seeking their trust, I showed flashes of my power stories and all. Their answers stayed wary, their laughter artificial, their eyes constantly alert.

Malachi came back, a scroll tightly held in his palm, just as I was ready to give up.

"Orders from the Warlord," he said, his voice piercing the mercenaries' mumble. "You depart at dawn. Blackwater is the border town where we are headed. You have to guard a trade caravan"

The group immediately stood up and I felt their excitement as they whispered to each other leaving me out. It seems it was only this squad going and yeah it was apparently called Battle Ax Squad. As a mercenary, my blood magic was going to be put to the ultimate test—my first real test.

As Malachi left the group, Borin turned to me with cold eyes.

"We leave at dawn, bloodmage. Waste no time. We'll leave you behind. I don't like stragglers"

More like he didn't like me however I just nodded and they left to prepare.

As I walked back in the direction of the room I was assigned, I kept thinking. Could I really be saved by serving a warlord? Or was I just postponing the unavoidable gloom I would soon face?

Only time could tell.