Chapter 4


Lucien and I sat in his study, both of us silent as the maid dropped off cups of tea in front of us. When the last maid left the room, Lucien reached for his tea and brought it up to his lips to take a sip.

"So, what seemed to be so urgent to warrant this visit, Lady Velcro?" 

"It obvious that my guards are dead." I stated bluntly, instantly grabbing his attention. "They were killed by my Guardian due to the face that they were hired to kill me by someone who still was dissatisfied by the fact that I am to wed your brother."

"How...unfortunate." Lucien had a look of displeasure on his face, his lips pressed into a tight line. "I take it that you're not hurt?"

"I'm quite alright."

"... that's not the only thing you have to say, I take it?"

"Prince Lucien Vincent, how would you like to become the Crown Prince of the Empire?"

The room became silent before Lucien's amused laughter rang through the room. He stopped few moments later when he saw that I was entirely serious and his face morphed into that of the killer he was, his eyes becoming cold. He dropped his cup onto the table and stared intensely at me.

"Who sent you?"

"No one." I immediately answered. "I know you're not an idiot to see that your brother is a horrible choice for an Emperor. He'd lead this Empire into its ruins, the puppet that he is." I spat out, my lips curled. Lucien leaned back on his couch, staring at me in interest. 

"And you'd benefit from said puppet, so why are you going against him?"

"Benefit?" I scoffed. "That moron is so far up his mother's ass that he'd listen to her with little or no hesitation. Not only is he a coward, he's a selfish excuse of an Alpha and honestly you're abetted fit for this Empire than he wretched ass."

All the pent up anger I felt for I and my loved ones deaths made itself known in that moment. My outburst seemed to surprise the Prince and I inhaled and exhaled in order to calm down. 

"What I am saying, Prince Lucien, is that you're a better choice for this Empire. I and my loved ones are a part of this very same Empire and we need a better ruler to come next after your father."

"And you think I'm the best choice."

"Yes, Your Highness." I replied without a single hesitation. "Your battle prowess is much more better than your two siblings, your intelligence have been praised by the Royal Tutors and the Knights in the Palace had praised you on so many occasion. You have a sizeable fraction and with me joining in, you'd have a better shot at getting the throne."

"You? What makes you so special, Lady Alyssa?"

"I have the blood of one of the mistakes Ancient Pack running through my veins. After the royal family, the next is mine in terms of power and anything else. Its why I and your brother were engaged to marry the moment I hit five years. With my bloodline in the family, your bloodline would face little to no oppositions from the rest of the nobles in the Empire."

Lucien held his chin and started pondering. He raised his eyes and stared at me. "You say you'd stand by me as a King's Maker, but what about your engagement with my older brother?"

"I intend to call everything off."

Lucien blinked in surprise. "Truly? Just like that?"

"The faster way to get a large portion of the noble on your side is for me to showcase my loud and obvious support for you. You're already perfect enough in the military and leadership aspect,so for me to side with you after breaking off my engagement with Luther would cause waves that will tilt the favour to your side. Not even your father would be able to do anything."


We sat in silence for some few moments, our eyes never leaving the other. But to be frank, I had the urge to lower my eyes in submission due to the Alpha energy whiting off of Lucien. Even his stare was powerful. It was truly a shame that he wasn't thet 1st Prince, all this would have been easier.

"I've heard your words, Lady Velcro. I'll call you to this study when I've made a decision."

I bowed my head. "Thank you for this opportunity, Your Highness. I'd take my leave."

Lucien nodded, eyes staying on me as I got up from the couch and walked towards the door.

"Lady Velcro."

I paused in my steps and turned my head to look at Lucien. "If I find out that this conversation we had had been trap of some sort or a prank, I won't hesitate to kill you."

An amused smile took over my lips. "I expect nothing less from you, Your Highness. Good day." I gave another bow of my head before opening the door and walking out. 

I saw Laura and an older woman standing feet's away from the study and I slowly walked over to them.

"Good afternoon, Lady Velcro. I am Head Maid, Andrea. It is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance." The woman said with a low bow.

I gave an incline of my head. "Likewise, Head Maid Andrea."

"Please, follow me. Your room has already been prepared and your luggage have been placed in it."

We were led to a nice and well fitted guest room that was large in space and also lavishly decorated. Laura will be staying in the room that was connected to mine via a small door. The Head Maid informed us that dinner would be early as the Prince/Duke was the one who'd officiate the beginning of the festival. 

With excitement churning in my guts, I followed Laura to the bathroom to get prepared for the day.