Can't get Lucien off my mind


The Empire was in a state of internal turmoil and I was loving every minute of it. I wanted to see more of the chaos, as the royal family scrambling to handle things was amusing to watch, so 24 hours later, I'd instructed Vice to hand over the copies of the other documents to the press. Safe to say that the explosion was epic.

My uncle, who was already pissed by the Emperor's attempts to make peace as the Byron family were being investigated and held inside bars, looked ready to bring down the entire Empire with his own two hands with how mad he looked when he read the morning paper two days after the exposure of the Byron family's crimes. Alan was no better and I could see the sadness in his eyes that the families of those he called friends had tried to eliminate him just because he was better than them. Uncle had discarded his usual apathetic demure and can be seen wearing a thunderous scowl. He handed over the family affairs for me for the day while he and Alan made their way to the Palace again. They were gone before a messenger came with a letter from the Palace starting that another Council had been called for an emergency. 

The week was busy for uncle and many other heads of houses that he was too preoccupied to see to Vice and the others leaving. Founder was already waiting for them at the gate with the coachman and his family, who were in hiding for their protection. I bid them goodbye, sending them off with huge amount of gold and a gift for Lucien in the form of cuffs made from gold and emerald jewels, as well as a gold and diamond brooch. 

Although it was tough, I still found satisfaction in handling the family estate whilst my uncle was busy with the other family heads to handle the fallout of the exposure of the extreme corruption happening in the Empire. Lately, letters from the members of the families who had tried to harm us one or another kept coming, some pleading and others begging for mercy and our help. I burnt all those, a disgusted sneer on my lips. 

My correspondence with Lucien increased when news got to the North about the happenings in the capital. He even thanked me for my gift to both him and his men and he informed me that old man Carl and his family were settled into a nice home. With each letter I found myself getting closer to the Alpha and a smile always spread across my lips whenever I receive his letters. 

Somehow, i was having the same feeling I had had towards Luther all those years ago and I heaved a sigh of exasperation. I was falling in love with Lucien Vincent. I sternly reminded myself that I and Lucien had a mere agreement and catching feelings would be a detriment to me.

Before long, those exposed of their hidden crimes were sentenced. Some of the families who were guilty were banished from the Empire, some of them being stripped of their wealth and given to the families they hurt as compensation when shared between the Crown. Some were spared and only those who were guilty were punished. However, for those caught up with treason and tax evasion, they were sentenced to death by beheading along with the entirety of the Byron family. The young children of the Byron family were however spared and were taken into families who had pity for them.

I watched with facade of disinterest as one by one all of them faced the blade of the guillotine. Internally, I was trying hard not to have a panic attack. Every time the blade came down on the necks of the guilty, I flinched a little. I was clasping my gloved hands together tightly. Soon, it was over and I could finally breath again. The ride back home was filled with silence.

Life went on after the deep cleaning of the Empire's corrupt houses. I'd expected to go back to handling things like trade and other affairs, but fate had other plans for me. As if deaf to my decision, Luther started coming to the Manor to visit me. At first uncle was in support, still having hopes that we'd get back together again, but when I yelled at him to respect my decision and disallow Luther from coming over, he relented. Soon, it was only letters that Luther would send and I'd either rip them to shreds or burn them. Whenever I had tea dates with other ladies, Luther would come by with flowers – dressed to the nines and exuding gentleman charm. He always made the ladies swoon with his sharp tongue and sometimes I couldn't hide my disgusting displeasure. Although I hated his very presence, I was still civil and polite. I didn't speak to him unless spoken to and whenever I did it was just short replies. One or two of those tea parties ended up in an awkward note.

Once or twice he met up with me when I had shopping trips in town, coming along and pestering me. The press got a hold of our 'outing' together and they speculated if we were getting back together.

I wasn't a fool to not see what Luther was doing and why. The royal family was in a hot mess and my family was the only way to calm things down. If Luther were to get back together with me, the wagging tongues would calm down. Yeah, that was going to happen when hell froze over.

I groaned as I threw myself on my bed, maiming into my pillow. I was mentally drained for the day and just wanted to rest. Curse Luther and his persistency. I drifted off to sleep, the thought of Lucien on my mind.

And it won't be a bad idea having him accompany me in my dream.. I must have be out of my mind..