A New Hunting Ground

"Stay well on your trip and make sure you don't catch a cold!" Those were Mrs. Benson's warning a few minutes ago.

Three days had passed since the harrowing attack on the orphanage and Mrs. Benson's brush with death. The orphanage had settled into an uneasy calm, with Mrs. Benson's return yesterday bringing a sense of normalcy to the children. Though still too weak to resume her duties, her mere presence was enough to reassure the young ones and keep them cooperative.

Turai, ever vigilant, had spent the past two days focusing on the children's well-being. He had taken them shopping, ensuring they had fun to distract their minds from the recent traumatic events. As he watched them laugh and play, a bittersweet realization struck him. Soon, he would be turning thirteen, and in just two short years, he would be considered an adult. The orphanage, the only home he had ever known, would no longer be obligated to shelter him.

'Pretty sure it'll affect them a lot more than it'll do to me.'

The thought of leaving weighed heavily on Turai's mind. Part of him longed to stay, to continue protecting the place and people he cared for. Yet, he knew that greater opportunities lay beyond these walls. Success out there could mean a better future for the orphanage. Hubert had been preaching this to him over the last year. Since when they'd first met. It was a dilemma he would have to face soon, but for now, a more immediate task demanded his attention.

Turai's contemplation was interrupted by Hubert's gruff voice. "We're here, lad." 

Blinking away his thoughts, Turai took in his surroundings. Alongside Hubert and Marin, the woman he had previously sensed spying on them, he disembarked from the modest carriage that had brought them to their destination. The vehicle, while not luxurious, was serviceable enough for their needs.

The location was unfamiliar to Turai, lying just beyond his usual haunts. Despite his outward composure, a thrill of excitement ran through him. This was new territory, ripe for exploration. Hubert, ever perceptive, caught the gleam in the boy's eye. He knew Turai was itching to explore and, more importantly, to hunt the Dwellers that had brought them here. To a forest area the boy had never been to.

"Listen up," Hubert began, his voice low and serious as they made their way into the thick canopied forest. "The Dwellers we're after today are a nasty sort. They're called Vanishing Felicans."

Turai's ears perked up, his curiosity piqued. Hubert continued, "Picture a dog, but with a face like a cat. They're covered in dark, smooth fur that blends right into the night. About the size of a small horse, and fast as lightning."

Marin chimed in, her voice barely above a whisper, "And they've got a trick up their sleeve. They can disappear for a few seconds by spitting out a ball of darkness and jumping into it when it explodes."

Hubert nodded. "Indeed, that's their special skill. They use it to ambush prey and escape predators. But they're not perfect. Their eyesight's poor – can't see beyond ten meters or so."

As if on cue, a crunching sound echoed through the forest. The trio froze, their eyes scanning the surroundings. About fifteen meters away, they spotted one of the creatures Hubert had just described. It was gnawing on the bark of a tree, each bite causing the plant to wither and decay, its life essence drained away. It was a grim reminder of the Dwellers' nature – to consume all and leave nothing behind.

Hubert seized the teachable moment. "Watch this," he whispered to Turai. He deliberately crunched a dried leaf underfoot. The Felican's ears twitched, and it instantly stopped its feast, alert to the potential danger.

Eager to demonstrate the creature's unique ability, Hubert made an even louder noise. The sudden sound startled the Felican into action. In the blink of an eye, it spat out a black orb that exploded a few feet away. The creature darted into the dissipating darkness and vanished from sight.

Hubert turned to Turai with a triumphant smile, clearly pleased with the impromptu demonstration. "Did you see that? Isn't that just great?"

But his grin faltered when he saw the slight frown on the boy's face. Turai, always strategizing, realized that if Hubert hadn't interfered, he might have claimed his first kill of the day.

"You chased away my first kill." With a small sigh and a shake of his head, Turai refocused on the task at hand. The missed opportunity was frustrating, but he knew another would present itself soon enough. As they continued their journey deeper into the unfamiliar territory, Turai's senses remained on high alert.

The forest around them seemed to pulse with hidden life. Every rustle of leaves, every snapping twig could signal the presence of another Felican. Turai's hand instinctively hovered near his weapon, a short slicksword given to him by Hubert, ready for action at a moment's notice.

Marin, observing the boy's intensity, spoke softly. "Patience, Turai. The hunt is as much about waiting as it is about striking."

Hubert nodded in agreement. "That's true, Turai. These beasts are crafty. Rush in, and you'll find yourself outsmarted."

Turai absorbed their words, tempering his eagerness with caution. As they pressed on, the forest grew denser, the canopy above blocking out more and more sunlight. It was the perfect environment for the Vanishing Felicans to thrive.

Suddenly, a flicker of movement caught Turai's eye. About twenty meters ahead, a dark shape slunk between the trees. Its feline face turned towards them briefly, eyes glowing with an otherworldly light.

Turai's muscles tensed, ready to spring into action. But before he could move, Hubert's hand landed firmly on his shoulder. "Not yet," the older man whispered. "Let's see where it leads us."

Reluctantly butwith a grunt, Turai held back. The Felican, unaware of their presence, continued on its path. As they followed at a distance, Turai noticed more signs of the Dwellers' presence – withered plants, claw marks on trees, and an eerie silence that seemed to envelope the area.

The hunt had truly begun, and Turai found himself torn between his desire for immediate action and the wisdom of his more experienced companions. As they tracked the Felican deeper into the unknown territory, Turai realized that this mission would test not just his combat skills, but his patience and strategic thinking as well.

Finally, he heard a whisper that brought his mind back to the present. "Ready for your first hunt?"