Quasi-Warrior Assessment (Part 2)

On the other side of the assessment site stood a machine over three meters tall.

In front of the machine was a boxing target designed to test the martial artist's punching power.

Noting the excitement from the speed test earlier, the trainees waiting in line for their turn to test willingly let Xia Zhi go first at the boxing power test.

Standing before the tester's boxing target, Jiang Tao swiped Xia Zhi's citizen card, and the tester emitted a series of synthetic machine sounds.

"Participants in the summer solstice assessment, please hit the boxing target ten times with full strength. Each punch must exceed 1000 kg, or the assessment will be considered a failure."

Punching power varies significantly depending on the martial artist's physical strength and technique. The difference between an untrained individual and a professional boxer is vast, and the disparity grows when considering full-force strikes versus continuous blows.

For martial artists, the minimum requirement is a 1000 kg punch. The quasi-martial artist assessment demands ten consecutive punches, each meeting the standard, to pass.

Xia Zhi took a deep breath and prepared himself.

With his body poised, centered, and force rising from his legs, his spine arched like a coiled spring.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The immense power driving his strikes caused the tendons in his body to twitch, producing a sound reminiscent of a bowstring snapping.

His fists flew toward the target with such speed that they seemed like lightning bolts.

The target was nearly parallel to the ground as Xia Zhi continued his rapid assault.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

"3168 kg, 3089 kg, 3212 kg…"

"The ten-punch test is complete. Average punch strength: 3128 kg. Assessment: Passed. Evaluation: Excellent."

The electronic announcement of the results caused another uproar among the crowd.

"What's happening?" Li Qiang, who had just completed his nerve response speed test, exited the test room and saw the commotion.

Though he was elated about his own success, seeing Xia Zhi surrounded by an admiring crowd cast a shadow over his mood.

"What's this? How did that nobody achieve such results?"

"His speed and punching power are extraordinary. This Xia Zhi must be a genius."

"An 18-year-old with such physical stats is unheard of for a quasi-martial artist assessment!"

Some veteran trainees, claiming expertise, marveled at Xia Zhi's results.

"The kid Xia Zhi, speed 48.2 m/s? Punch strength 3128 kg?"

"How is this possible? Those stats are fighter-level. How could he improve so quickly?"

Li Qiang gaped in disbelief, his triangular eyes wide with astonishment.

At that moment, a group of people entered the hall, standing behind the gathered crowd.

Among them was a man in his fifties, dressed in a Tang suit, observing Xia Zhi with interest.

"Lao Xiang, your branch did well this time. This is impressive," the man in the Tang suit said with a smile.

Despite the gentle tone, his commanding presence was evident.

"Supervisor, I'm grateful. This success is thanks to the support from the headquarters," replied Xiang Zhonghua, the branch curator, who stood beside the Tang-suited man.

Xiang Zhonghua, usually known for his stern demeanor and scarred face, was visibly excited and respectful towards the man in the Tang suit. It was clear this was no ordinary figure.

"I've visited several assessment sites, and I didn't expect to find such a promising candidate here. Take this young man for a nerve response speed test. I'll meet with him afterward," the supervisor instructed.

"Yes, supervisor. I'll arrange it immediately," Xiang Zhonghua responded, his respect evident.

With the curator's arrival, the crowd quickly dispersed. The instructors resumed organizing the assessment.

Xiang Zhonghua handed Xia Zhi the test results with a smile. "Your performance in the assessment was outstanding."

"Next, we'll proceed to the nerve response speed test. Afterward, you'll meet someone who's interested in seeing you."

The curator's words indicated that Xia Zhi's impressive performance had indeed attracted the attention of high-ranking officials.

"Understood, curator."

Following the curator to the nerve response test room, Xia Zhi noticed Li Qiang watching with a stunned expression. 

"Move aside," Xia Zhi ordered coldly.

Li Qiang, still dazed, moved aside involuntarily before he could react. Watching Xia Zhi head toward the nerve response room, he seethed with frustration and confusion.

"Why did he improve so quickly? I need to inform Westbrook after this."

In the nerve response test room, Xia Zhi was the sole participant. Several staff members prepared the equipment.

The curator stood aside as the staff signaled to begin. "Stand in the circle. During the test, avoid touching the red light on the circle's edge, or you'll fail."

Nodding, Xia Zhi positioned himself in the center of the circle.

With the test room's switch activated, a dim red light emanated from the circle's edge, encircling him like a red tent.

Four tall machines were positioned around the circle, each equipped with several muzzles.

"3, 2, 1. The test begins!"

The machines whirred to life, and dozens of muzzles fired red rubber bullets at various speeds and angles.

Focusing intently, Xia Zhi's body moved with remarkable speed, deftly dodging the barrage of bullets.

As the speed of the bullets increased, they became a blur, but Xia Zhi remained agile and precise, avoiding every shot.

The large display screen outside the test room broadcasted a live feed of Xia Zhi's performance.

Students and instructors watched in awe.

"He's incredible. His speed and reaction are exceptional. It's been almost 30 seconds, and he hasn't been hit once."

"Look at his stability and agility. This level of control is usually achieved only after years of training."

Li Qiang, observing from a distance, was overwhelmed and quickly exited the hall.

Xia Zhi felt exhilarated by his heightened sensory perception, making dodging the bullets feel effortless and almost exhilarating.

As the test instruments slowed and eventually stopped, the results were displayed.

"Within 60 seconds, 0 hits. Evaluation: Excellent fighter-level."

The curator, beaming with pride, directed Xia Zhi. "Let's go. You need to meet the supervisor."

"This supervisor is the head of our Jiangnan Base City headquarters. This is a significant opportunity. Be respectful," the curator advised.

"I will," Xia Zhi agreed.

As he followed the curator, he wondered what kind of contract or offer awaited him from such a high-ranking official.