Set Off

At six o'clock in the morning on August 1st, the Mingyue Community, which had been quiet throughout the night, started to come alive with noise.

In the square in front of the Xtreme Martial Arts Hall, three buses were parked, waiting for the prospective warriors who were about to take part in the combat assessment today. There were still ten minutes before the departure time, but the buses were already crowded with people.

Those wearing black martial arts uniforms were the prospective fighters, preparing for the assessment. Surrounding them were family members, there to see them off, filling the air with blessings, encouragement, and concern.

The head of the martial arts hall stood in front of the buses, holding the attendance list. After confirming the names, he shouted to the crowd, "Alright, everyone's here."

"All prospective warriors taking the assessment, get on the bus. Family members, you can return home. They'll be back tomorrow after the assessment is complete."

Every year, during the actual combat assessments, some of the fighters would be injured or even lose their lives. Naturally, the families were anxious but still offered countless reminders, hoping their loved ones would return safely.

Xia Zhi and his grandfather stood off to the side at that moment. 

His grandfather looked at Xia Zhi, who was only eighteen, his youthful face still bearing traces of immaturity. With one arm gripping Xia Zhi's hand tightly, his mouth moved without sound. His lips trembled, and his eyes reddened.

In the end, all he could say was, "Be careful and come back safely."

Xia Zhi nodded and, under his grandfather's anxious gaze, boarded the bus. As the vehicle started and drove off into the distance, he could still see his grandfather standing there, watching him go.

The bus, filled with the hopes of the families from Mingyue Community, carried the prospective warriors, including Xia Zhi, to the Yangzhou City Railway Station.

There, Xia Zhi and the others boarded a fully enclosed armed train. As the train gradually picked up speed, it finally left the safety of the base city, heading into the outer world.

Inside the train, the prospective warriors were scattered in their seats. Some chatted in small groups, while others closed their eyes to rest.

Suddenly, a news broadcast interrupted the chatter. "And now, for a special report: Qin Youyi, who became a sensation in China with her song 'Sky of Adolescence,' has recently been signed by Huaxu Entertainment, the top entertainment company in the country."

"During the signing press conference, Huaxu Entertainment announced that they would create a personalized career path for Qin Youyi..."

Xia Zhi's attention was immediately captured by the screen. The girl shown in the report occupied a special place in the memories of the body he now inhabited.

The original Xia Zhi had worked tirelessly in the hope of standing proudly beside this girl one day, making countless sacrifices to reach the level of a prospective warrior at the age of 18, without the help of any special resources.

Noticing Xia Zhi's intense gaze, the person sitting beside him raised an eyebrow and teased, "A dream girl, huh?"

"No, just an old classmate. I didn't expect to see her on the news, much less as a rising star," Xia Zhi replied, shaking his head.

"Hah, my younger brother is 17 this year and was head over heels for her for the past two years. If he had even half your talent, my parents in heaven would have been proud."

The speaker was Yang Ming, someone Xia Zhi had met at the Mingyue Community martial arts gathering. Yang Ming had passed the prospective warrior test last year but failed the combat assessment, though he escaped unscathed. After preparing for another year, he felt confident this time around.

Over time, Xia Zhi had gathered plenty of information about the combat assessment from Yang Ming. Occasionally, after training, they'd chat when they ran into each other around the community.

Xia Zhi had signed a prestigious A-level contract with the Xtreme Martial Arts Hall. Word of this had spread among the local warriors over the past month, and many believed that if Xia Zhi continued on his current path, he would surely become one of the strong. Yang Ming, knowing this, had grown close to him.

As the news broadcast ended, a familiar face appeared on the screen: Zhuge Tao, a higher-up from the headquarters who had taken an interest in Xia Zhi.

"Hello, prospective warriors. I'm Zhuge Tao, director of the Jiangnan Base City branch of Xtreme Martial Arts Hall.

"Our Xtreme Martial Arts Hall was founded by Hong Jiancheng, the world's strongest warrior and leader of the world's number one organization. After you become warriors, I invite you to join us."

After Zhuge Tao, another figure appeared. "Hello, everyone. I'm Wang Zhihong, president of the Jinan Base City branch of the Raiden Martial Arts Hall. Our Raiden Hall was founded by Raytheon, the second strongest warrior in the world..."

And then another, "Hello, everyone. I'm Zhou Feng, president of the Jiangnan Base City branch of the HR Family Alliance. Our alliance was co-founded by the world's most powerful families and economic consortiums. Join us, and you'll have access to unmatched resources..."

High-ranking officials from various major powers took turns promoting the benefits of joining their organizations, hoping to attract the attention of prospective warriors who hadn't yet signed contracts. Even Yang Ming, who had already signed a contract, watched the screen with interest.

However, Xia Zhi's thoughts were elsewhere. The girl from the news wasn't just a former classmate; her memory deeply affected him.

She was a beautiful and kind girl.

Growing up in poverty, the original Xia Zhi had always been sensitive and insecure, often the target of ridicule. The one thing he clung to was the dream of becoming a warrior, a symbol of respect and admiration in society. He practiced relentlessly, unwilling to connect with others, hiding behind a mask of indifference.

But then, one day, that girl had entered his life, casting light into his gray, lonely world.

Qin Youyi—better known as Yiyi—had risen to fame at the age of 13 with her song "Sky of Adolescence." But rather than fully embracing fame, she had chosen to continue her education, laying the foundation for her future.

In school, Yiyi was the dream girl for many boys, all eager to catch her attention. The original Xia Zhi, insecure and reserved, had never intended to get close to her. He had been content to admire her from a distance.

However, fate had other plans.

In a school-organized study group, Yiyi and Xia Zhi were paired together. He had planned to stay hidden, preferring to remain unnoticed. But Yiyi's kindness couldn't be ignored.

Her friendliness had drawn the ire of other boys, including the arrogant Li Wei and his circle, who had started bullying Xia Zhi even more. It was a difficult time, and things could have continued that way.

But one morning, Yiyi had stumbled upon Xia Zhi practicing alone in the park.

"You're amazing! I've never seen anyone our age so skilled in martial arts," she'd said, watching him with awe. "Are you going to be a warrior someday?"

Caught off guard, Xia Zhi had only managed a stiff nod.

"I'm sure you'll become a powerful warrior. I believe in you!" she had said, her smile etching itself into his heart.

In that moment, Xia Zhi's world changed. His heart pounded, and the indifferent mask he had worn for so long shattered.

From that day forward, he trained even harder. Not just for himself, not just for his grandfather, but for the girl who had given his life color.

"When I become a warrior, I'll stand before you with pride," he had vowed silently.

A gruff voice snapped Xia Zhi out of his reverie, bringing him back to the present.

The train began to slow down.

"We've arrived. Get ready to disembark!" called the voice.

"Welcome to Jiangnan Base City's Armed Base No. 1049."