A King For the People.

I have come to a decision. We are going to face the Rebel army head on but not to engage in a warfare but rather to persuade them into changing their thoughts.

Most of the council started whispering to themselves in disagreement to the King. This is was because they believed that the only way to bring an end to something that might lead to a civil war is to stop it at its roots. 

Doubts started to brew in the minds of the council. Believing that the King is only seeing things in a short perspective. Their doubts are suddenly interrupted by a loud but calm voice. A voice as calm as the breeze of the sea.

I know your problems and I understand them as your King but also I am not a King just for you people but a King for the people. Just like my fathers before me.

When I was a boy I never understood why my Dad had so much value in our family sigil until I became King.

(The sigil of house Frostbourne is a wolf howling at a crescent moon on a frosty blue field)

The wolf of our family represents the loyalty and unity of our people while the crescent moon represents our house's deep connection to the cold and their dominion over the northern lands.

If in times like this I am not able to unite my people as one and be loyal to them rather than killing them, Then what sort of King will that make me? I understand the winter has had sevre impacts on all of us but it is during times like these that we must all come together and stand as one.

If we are not able to even stand as a united front during times like these and start killing each other then what Kingdom will be left to rebuild? Do we want our Children to grow up in a Kingdom rebuilt from the blood of our own people or a Kingdom rebuilt from the unity and strength of our people? 

That is why as Your King I will not force you people to agree with me because that is the way of a dictator and I am no such Person. I am King Sigfrid the 20th of House Frostbourne and I am a King for the People and not myself.

We leave at dawn. Anyone that wants to join me should come to the gates.

The King ends his speech and leaves the room with his two sons and Sir Duncan.

The entire council are left speechless by the words of the King.

Sir Duncan ready my sons and any of your men that wants to join me. We leave at dawn.

At The Kings quarters Celene is informing Sigfrid about how proud she is of him not just as a king but as a Person. 

Sigfrid looks into Celene's eyes seeing the fear in it as she believes that if Sigfrid is not able to convince the people to stop this rebellion, the civil war might have two outcomes.

Either the king and his entire lineage is killed off by the people or the rebellion is quelled leading to the death of many.

Sigfrid comforts Celene by telling her that this is not how he dies and that he is going to come back in one peice with the children. 

Celene starts sobbing and rests inside the arms of her husband thinking to herself how it came to this.

They both comfort each other for sometime as this could be their last moment together. 

Celene calls for their children to be brought inside the quarters and they all share a moment together.

Just like that time passes and dawn has approached

Sigfrid clad in his steel armour and his Veilblade steel sword Black Night makes his entrance at the castle gate with his two sons and Sir Duncan.

But to his surprise no one was at the gates. Implying that they all have chosen the path of war.

This deeply hurt Sigfrid but he knew if he wanted to be a King for the people things like these were bound to happen.

Sigfrid turned to his children in dissapointment asking them to forgive their dad for being such an idiot and thinking he could have solved this without any bloodshed.

But before he could finish talking he was interrupted by Jace.

Dad look behind you.

Sigfid got up and turned but to his surprise what he saw was not some rebel army or assassin but a manisfestation of what Compassion and great leadership can result to.

What he saw was all of the council members and his entire army all clad in their armour ready to follow their King and die for him no matter what.

My Lord said the council leader as he stepped forward.

We gave it a good thought as to what you said and we have come to a final decision.

What is a Kingdom if there are no people to help build it? and as your vassals it is our duty to also protect you.

We shall always be by your side My lord. Whether it be life or death we shall always be your arms and legs, we shall be the manisfestation and sword of your will. For we are your vassals and you are our King.

All hail the King of the North, First of his Name, Lord Sigfrid shouted the council member as he went down on his knee.

All hail the King said in unison by the entire army as the all bowed down to their King.

It was said that the echoes of their chants could be heard all throughout the capital.

At the church of the old gods stands Celene. 

She prays to the old gods to protect the husband and children.

Lady Celene is approached by this old but strong looking man. This man was the head of the altar of the old gods. 

Master Herodotos what are you doing here? asked Celene

Well I am the master of the altar obviously I am allowed to be in here. 

You seem to be very worried my dear. Is it about the rebellion? asked a concerned Herodotos.

It seems I can't really hide my emotions from you can I Herodotos? I am a bit scared not scared for Sigfrid but rather my sons.

So you have finally accepted Leon as your son? asked Herodotos

Even if I don't want to what other choice do I have Herodotos. He is the son of my husband and has the blood of a Frostbourne I can't always mistreat him.

Hahaha You are Right Lady Celene. He may be a bastard but he does have the blood of Sigfrid. I Just came by to tell you to not worry. The gods have shared with me their vision and from what I saw you needn't worry Lady Celene. For the worst has yet to come

What do you mean by "The worst has yet to come" Sir Herodotos? asked a shocked and concerned Celene.

The Old gods revealed to me a vision of the future. I may be one of the wisest men in all of the 9 Kingdoms but even I couldn't properly understand this revelation. 

But from what I could discern it seems something more worse than the Long winter is about to befall all 9 kingdoms. Something that could lead to the destruction of everything. Therefore worry not about your husband for his death shall not lie in the hands of his own people but rather in the hands of one he considers his own.

And as for you Lady Celene I will be there to see you one last time.

Celene had so many questions she wanted to ask Herodotos but before she could get up to ask them, Herodotos had disappeared into the night.

The king and his army finally finishes all their preparations and they ride to Harmfest the now city of the rebel army. 

At the top of the castle, Sasha stands at the outside of her quarters watching her dad and the army leave. She waves at her dad and siblings before they all leave.

An old woman by the name of Granny May orders Sasha to sit down and continue her weaving lessons.

"Cawing" "Cawing"

A crow lands on the hand of a mysterious man. He takes a note from the leg of the crow.

So they King of the North has finally made a move. Is about time, he said as he exits his room to stand at the balcony atop the castle.

Cheers and chanting of people starts echoing throughout the castle. These were the people of the rebel army.

The man raises his right hand and as if they had seen a god, everywhere went mute.

My people so it would seem the so called King of the North has decided to fight against us. He has decided to bring his curse upon all of us. His curse that led to the death of your families and starvation

But I am here to set you free, I am here to bring about your peace, I am here to fufill your wishes, I am here to bring about your salvation

And now the so called King in the North stands in the way of that. He wants to condemn you all to an eternity of damnation. He wants to bring upon the curse of his family and old gods unto your lives. 

But that all ends now. Today we fight not us people of the North but as Children of the New gods.

We fight for our family, friends and loved ones.

We fight for our kingdom.

Do you all agree with me, screamed Augustus as he raised his arms 

Loud chants by the people could be heard everywhere

It is War said Augustus in a menacing voice.

Character descriptions.

Celene is a vision of ethereal beauty, with flowing red hair that cascades down her back like a waterfall of flame, catching the light in every shade from deep copper to bright amber. Her green eyes are like emeralds, sparkling with intelligence and warmth, framed by long, dark lashes that accentuate their vivid color. Her skin is fair, almost porcelain, with a natural rosy tint to her cheeks that complements her vibrant hair. She has a delicate, heart-shaped face, with softly arched brows, a dainty nose, and full lips that curve into a gentle smile, exuding grace and kindness. Celene carries herself with an effortless elegance, her every movement fluid and graceful, embodying the poise and charm of royalty. She wears a gown of deep forest green, embroidered with intricate gold patterns that shimmer with every step, enhancing her regal appearance. Adorning her hair is a simple yet stunning circlet of gold, set with tiny emeralds that echo the color of her eyes, completing her look as the epitome of beauty and nobility.

 Herodotos is an elderly man with a weathered face, marked by deep wrinkles that speak of a life filled with wisdom and experience. His silver hair, once thick and dark, is now thin and neatly combed back, lending him an air of quiet dignity. His eyes, though framed by crow's feet, are still sharp and clear, holding a depth of understanding that comes from decades of service and contemplation. He carries himself with a quiet strength, his back straight and his steps deliberate, belying his age. His robes are simple yet well-kept, their faded fabric a testament to years of devotion rather than luxury. Around his neck hangs a small, well-worn pendant, a symbol of his faith and the countless prayers he has offered. His voice, though softened by time, carries a calm authority that commands respect. When he speaks, it is with a tone of gentle wisdom, offering guidance not just from the teachings he knows so well, but from the life he has lived. This priest is a figure of resilience and profound insight, his presence a comfort to those who seek counsel in troubled time.

Saint Augustus is a middle-aged priest with a presence that's both commanding and unsettling. Standing slightly shorter than most, his stature is unassuming, but there's an air of authority about him that few can ignore. His brown hair, neatly combed and slightly graying at the temples, frames a face that is both kind and calculating. His deep brown eyes hold a quiet intensity, capable of conveying warmth and understanding one moment, and piercing judgment the next.

Physically, Saint Augustus is not particularly muscular, his frame more suited to the quiet study of scripture than the rigors of manual labor. Yet, there is a certain resilience in his posture, a bravery that suggests he is no stranger to confrontation. He carries himself with the confidence of someone who believes firmly in his convictions, though his arrogance and pride often seep through in subtle ways—a haughty tilt of the chin, a dismissive glance, or a too-tight smile.

Despite his flaws, Saint Augustus is undeniably smart, with a deep knowledge of theology and scripture that he wields like a weapon. He is a skilled manipulator, able to twist words and situations to his advantage, often bending the truth to suit his needs. His sermons are masterful, laced with both genuine piety and the clever rhetoric of a man who knows how to control a crowd.

Beneath the surface, Saint Augustus is a complex mix of contradictions—deeply religious, yet prone to deceit; brave, yet manipulative; prideful, yet devoted to his faith. His parishioners trust him implicitly, but those who look closer might sense the shadows lurking behind his righteous facade.