
After everyone was done with eating, they got back on the road.

This time , no one said a word to each other and they all drove in silence.

An hour later, they arrived south of the city.

Past the bustling area to a more quiet area, they got to Skyetower City.

An estate for the rich and powerful full of imposing manors.

Many rich familesnof City A resided here or at least had property there.

At the gates of the estate, the security took one look in the car and let them drive in.

As expected of a high end estate the security was impeccable.

They drove for just 5 minutes into the estate before the arrived at a larged imposing gated manor.

From the gates she could see the flat square roofing of a white brick manor, that could be said to still be a distance from the main gates.

Two men opened the gates as the car drove in, once in the compound she could see trees well taken care of on either sides of the pavement, and lush green lawn that was exactly the right height. Beautiful red and blue flowers in clusters, equal lengths away from each other added some colour to the lush green lawn.

The car stopped right in front of a circular fountain, margined by red and blue flowers.

Shen Yue came down first and opened the door for My Xinyan, who was visibly in awe of the Whitestone manor.

Out of the car now, in front of the fountain, she could clearly see the 3 storied whitestone manor.

Behind the fountain was a railing and behind that railing a well made pavement that extended from left to right, ascending t the apex, the main door and then descending. Behind the pavement, 4 imposing pillars, extending from a roof top balcony to the ground.

"Greetings Master, Greetinga Madam"

A male helper, came and took the key from Mu Yinan and drove the car away.

"Welcome home Xinyan, let's go inside"

Shen Yue said with a smile as she took Xinyan's hand and led her around the fountain unto the ascend

Finally, a home.

She was in awe. This place was much bigger than the orphanage.

As she walked towards the main glass doors, she couldn't help but appreciate the beauty of this place.

A female help opened the door.

"Welcome Master, welcome madame"

Xinyan looked at her and couldn't help but notice, a look of curiosity and scorn in the help's eyes. She paid no heed, nothing she wasn't used to...

Down a wide hallways, lined with paintings in both walls,the walked into the main hall.

Xinyan walked in hand-in-hand with Shen Yue, her new mothed.

Her heart filled with excitement, fear and hope as she heard pelts of laughter the closer she got to the main hall.

They walked in and the whole place was filled with laughter.

As soon as they walked in


A little girl ran in My Yinan's direction and hugged him.

He picked her up and gave her a kiss on her cheek.

Mu Xinyan was a bit afraid to see all the new people, what if no one liked her here like in the orphanage?

More people here, meant more people that couldn't like her.

In her heart, she always wanted a very small close-knit family.

"Daddy who is she ?" the little girl asked with a curiois look.

"Everyone this is Xinyan "Shen Yue announced then put Xinyan in front of her.

Xinyan gave everyone a small smile, not knowing what else's to say.

"She is my daughter" Mu Yinan continued.

"Yinan how could you bring her here do you want to tarnish our family's reputation " Mother Mu was more than angry. Her face contorted in scorn as she looked at Xinyan.

"Mother please let's talk about this some where else not in front of the children "

Mu Yinan tried to calm her down. When he saw that the small smile and hope on Xinyan's face vanished.

"You how could you bring her back . We were fine without her, aren't you happy with Yue . Why do you want to ruin your own family ? tell me dear "

She went to Mu Yinan and held his cheek, completely avoiding Xinyan who was in beside him.

"Mother let's talk else where let's go ." Mu Yinan held her hands and pulled her towards the downstairs study.

They both left and so did Father Mu

"Dear wait for me here okay, I'll be right back"

Shen Yue said then quickly left.

Mu Xinyan felt immediate despair after everyone left. It was happening allmover again. She wanted a family, a happy one, she really hoped when they came back everything would change.

So far so good though, her mum and dad really seemed to like her. She just stood at the door, not knowing what to do.

Besides the little girl, there was a boy whoo looked her age in the room too.

The three children were left in the living room alone.

"What's your name" The young boy that looked about her age asked .

"My name is Mu Xinyan " she said in a cautious low voice.

"I'm Mu Xia, who are you? Where did you come from? How are you my father's child"

Mu Xia had been in the circle of the rich and powerful families all his life. He had heard alot about illegitimate children, step mother's, second wives and mistresses. He didn't want his happy family to become complicated with this girl

This question puzzled her the most she didn't know who she was.

"I don't know" She said, also very simply

Mu Xia looked into her beautiful blue eyes. A feature he had never seen before in the country, except outside the country on vacation. But not as strikingly blue as hers. She was very pretty. Surely, a pretty girl like her couldn't be like all these sneaky and scheming illegitimate children he had heard about right?

He would be cautious.

"Alright come inside and sit at least "

"Oh, no thank you "

She was told to stay right here and that's what she planned to do. She didn't want to give her new mother any reason to dislike her. She was also scared.

"Brother Xia you shouldn't talk to her"

The little girl said with an arrogant look on her face. She didn't like the idea of not being the only girl.

This little girl was Mu Xiner. The young lady of the Mu family. She was loved, cherished and spoilt rotten.

Yesterday, she noticed her mother and some servants fussing over decorating one of the rooms on the third floor.

She knew those rooms could only be lived in by he closest family members, she wondered why her mother was decorating it but her mum only said she'd find out today.

Her mum even hired the best interior decorator in the city.

She was jealous. Who was this girl to deerver such premium treatment.

"Be nice Xiner, she's our guest"

Xia made emphasis on the last word.

Xiner humphed and went back to sitting on the couch while glaring at Xinyan.

"Since you don't want to come in you can just stand there" Xia said then also went to take his seat.

Xinyan stood there, wondering is she was really their daughter or a guest.

Her grandmother and siblings didn't seem to like her very much. They didn't want her here. But why?

Inside the study , all the adults in the family were present .

"Yinan you have to understand we can't keep her here think of Yue and our family's reputation." Mother Mu was desperately trying to convince Mu Yinan to send Xinyan away .

"Mother if it's because of me , I have no problem with this , I'll take care of her like my own daughter."

Shen Yue said honestly .

"But what about our family's reputation?"

"Mother we can just say she's Xia's twin sister , since their about the same age anyway "

Yinan explained. Mother Mu could not refuse anymore.

"Its true Wenna , the child still carries the Mu family's blood " Father Lu said.

"Its decided then the child stays" Elder Mu said finally.

Not allowing Mother Mu say anything else.

Mother Mu couldn't say anything else this time since the elder had decided. She kept quiet reluctantly

Everyone left the study. Mother Mu went upstairs but the rest went to meet Xinyan.

Shen Yue was a bit sad, her children were sitting comfortably in the couch, but Mu Xinyan was by herself standing where she left her.