First Day of School 3

Mo Xuleo just smiled. Before she could decline or accept....

"Ha it is true I was right " Du Jinya said as she saw Xuleo smiling.

A boy walked into the classroom with his head down. No one acknowledged or noticed him walking in.

"Alright everyone, take your seats" a man came in .

Everyone sat down but they gave the boy a weird look when he was still standing.

"Young boy stake a seat by that girl " he said to Lu Song pointing at Mu Xinyan. The boy went and sat down with her. His head was still down.

Xuleo felt a chill down her spine as she noticed his side profile.

"I'm Mr Chen, I'm your class teacher. Welcome back from your holidays. Its time for roll call. When I call your name, stand up and answer present"

The teacher called their names and they would answer present.

When he called Lu Song everyone thought no one would answer.

"Present " the boy with the bangs answered. The rest of the class were surprised . Everyone gasped and turn to look in his direction.

"Alright then class, your teacher will arrive once the bell rings. Have a good day "

Mr Chen called the rest of the names and everyone answered as they were meant to.

He advised everyone concerning the new school year and re-inforced the rules.

He would get a bonus if his class did well so he wanted to cheer them on properly.

Mu Xinyan looked at the boy. He didn't look so bad. Why did he have his head down all the time then.

When the teacher was done with roll call and left, everyone was still too nervous to say hi to Lu Song.

Such a formidable family, no one wants to mistakenly shake up this young masters temper.

"Hi I'm Mu Xinyan, Nice to meet you"

She stretched out her hand for a handshake too. Everyone was surprised. She was talking to the Lu Song, didn't she now who he was ?

Wasnt she nervous even a bit?

Xinyan was nervous when she talked to him, she thought he wouldn't reply, from the way everyone reacted when they mentioned his name, she knew he was the one everyone was talking about earlier.

But from all the questions she asked Xia and Xiner, the fastest way to make a friend in school was by talking to your seat mate. As they were closest to you. That's why she took the initiative.

Everyone wanted to see whether he would answer or not. They thought Mu Xinyan would be embarrassed.

He finally raised his head up to reveal his sharp brown eyes.

He looked handsome and all the girls couldn't take their eyes off him.

He looked at Mu Xinyan like he was scanning her.

Then he stopped and looked straight at her. She had deep blue eyes. He just couldn't look away. He completely forgot the question she asked him. Her eyes were that captivating.

"You have pretty eyes" he said then he immediately bit his lips and his ears turned red.

Too late everyone had already heard him .

"Did he just compliment her?" a girl asked her seat mate with wide eyes. The whole class was in an uproar but Mo Xuleo stayed silent.

She had met this guy a lot of times. He never even said half a word or even a sound but he had complimented this girl.

She was surprised, angry and jealous.

"Thank you" Xinyan said awkwardly and pulled her hand back.

He thought she wouldn't talk to him again. He looked back at Mu Xinyan.

"Sorry" was the only word he could say.

Lu Song really wanted to dig a hole and hide in it.

She was about to say something then the teacher came in.

"Good morning class"

"Good morning teacher " everybody in the class greeted the teacher simultaneously.

"Class Monitor, come and share these textbooks to everyone"

After the books were shared, class started.

5 classes after. The bell rang and the last teacher left.

Mu Xinyan was very happy.

She loved school. She learnt alot. It was much better than being stuck at home and much easier than learning things herself. She planned to finish the entire textbook in 3 days. It was all so interesting.

It was lunch time. She left the table and went to get her lunch money from her bag in the locker. She was about to leave then she remembered something. The group of people had gathered around her table .

Xuleo looked happy. She thought Lu Song had changed since he complimented Mu Xinyan, so he would go to lunch with her right ?

"Bro Song would you like to join me for lunch?"

No answer

"Bro Song ?"

No answer

Xuleo was embarrassed. Everyone stared at her weirdly and also at him.

He could hear her clearly but was outrightly ignoring her existence.

"Xia" Mu Xia was standing a distance from where the crowd gathered to go to lunch with Xuleo and Lu Song, turned to see Xinyan beside him


"Mom said I should give you your lunch money"

She held out some money and gave it to him. She looked towards her desk albeit hesitantly.

After some inside contemplation, she still asked ....

"Lu Song are yoy going to the cafeteria for lunch?" She asked a good distance from the crowd so she had to raise her voice slightly.

Apart from Xia, he was the only one she talked to, so she asked.

"No thanks I don't like crowded places " Lu Song said trying to look at her through the crowd.

How could someone have such pretty eyes, he couldn't help but want to glance at them.

Everyone else, especially Mo Xuleo was astonished. She had been trying to talk to this boy and he didn't pay attention but all that girl had to do was just ask once . It infuriated her. Mu Xinyan, how could she!

She, the daughter of the Mo family had been ignored in front of everyone, how dare that sick girl try to steal her spotlight.

"If you're hungry I can buy your lunch for you and bring it to the class for you " Xinyan asked again.

"No thankyou" he said. Mu Xinyan was disappointed, she would be eating her lunch alone then. She knew Mu Xia wouldn't sit with her, Xiner was out of the question and didn't want to sit by herself. She could only compromise now.

Mo Xuleo sneered inside. He didn't accept her either.

My Xinyan sighed and was about to leave.

Xuleo and her team were about to go too.

"Wait" Lu Song said when Xinyan was almost at the door. Mo Xuleo felt happy. She was very happy.

"Wow Xuleo got him to come "

"I can't believe I get to eat with Lu Song ".

"All thanks to our Xuleo " they were fawning over that Xuleo again but this time in low hushed voices. Xinyan was quite sad .

She didnt want to join Mo Xuleo's group . They sounded exactly like the children at the orphanage, who only liked the other girl, everyone loved this other girl but not her. No matter how hard she tried They wouldn't be her friend. She has enough experience to know her and Xuleo would never be truly good friends.

They would never be real friends. She would just be a follower. She frowned and turned around, planning to head for the cafeteria.