
Gunshots outside the window kept ringing incessantly. Chen Wenwen couldn't help but feel worried, so she followed Huan Chu's lead and quietly went to the back of the curtain to look down. Just then, two VN1 type 8x8 wheeled armored vehicles that appeared in the parade for the 60th National Day slowly drove along the nearby commercial street. In addition to the original 7.62mm machine guns mounted on each armored vehicle, there was also a soldier holding and firing a machine gun from the vehicle. Around the armored vehicle, there are about a dozen soldiers scattered, obviously belonging to the armored vehicle combat team. They are shooting at the nearby zombies while clearing the way for the armored vehicle to move forward.

As the sound of gunshots continued, more and more zombies began to gather around them. Just now there was a loud bang, obviously from the 30mm machine gun mounted on the armored vehicle firing. Facing a large number of zombies, the combat team of no more than thirty people in the vehicle is not afraid at all. The weapons in their hands spit out fire snakes, cutting down the zombies one after another like cutting wheat.

When it comes to combat skills and psychological qualities, the two people hiding upstairs naturally cannot be compared with the elite soldiers in the army. When it comes to facing zombies, the rescue team that has just entered the capital is no match for Huan Chu and Chen Wenwen, who have survived unscathed in the zombie tide for two weeks, although they spent most of their time hiding at home.

Chen Wenwen watched the scene of the zombies being slaughtered with shining eyes, but heard Huan Chu sigh lightly and say, "Alas, such good soldiers wasted in vain." It seems that Chen Wenwen has discovered the confusion. Huan Chu explained, "Making such a loud noise will inevitably attract more zombies. There are at least eight thousand zombies nearby." When the bullets run out, they're done for. No, perhaps we won't even wait for the last bullet to be fired. "

As if to confirm Huanchu's words, the rescue team, despite their strong firepower, found themselves gradually surrounded by wave after wave of zombies. The gathered zombies began to gradually compress the fighting space of the rescue team, gradually completely pressing the soldiers who were originally deployed on the outer line near the armored vehicle, and then launched a fierce attack.

The soldiers clearly couldn't withstand the zombies coming from all directions, as they opened fire while retreating into the armored vehicle. Although the retreat was orderly, there were still a few lagging soldiers surrounded by zombies and being bitten. The military green camouflage uniforms stood out conspicuously among the gray zombie horde.

The soldiers inside the car probably also understood that there was no chance of survival for their comrades who fell into the hands of the zombies. They threw a few grenades out of the car, causing a pile of limbs to explode, and then firmly closed the car door, even the machine gunner at the front of the car covered the roof and retreated inside.

Seeing that the living soldiers had all evacuated, the two armored vehicles simultaneously turned their turrets in the direction they had come from, opened fire with all their might, and in just a few seconds, almost cleared out an area of zombies. They didn't care about some zombies still hanging on the vehicles, and quickly accelerated to break through. Not long after driving, the armored vehicle at the rear suddenly stopped.

Standing by the window on the 13th floor, Huan Chu exclaimed, "Oh no," and clenched his fist tightly, "I'm afraid the zombie's body is stuck in the middle of the tire!" Although the two of them were too far away to see clearly what was happening, based on years of experience playing FPS games, Huan Chu guessed almost exactly why the armored vehicle suddenly stopped.

The zombies that had been left behind were gradually surrounding the malfunctioning armored vehicle, constantly climbing onto the vehicle. Because the team members who dared to come down to troubleshoot were surrounded too tightly by zombies, even after charging twice, they still couldn't open the car door blocked by zombies, so they had to stay in the car and resign themselves to fate.

But at this moment, there was another round of cannon fire from the front, and several shells fell straight into the group of zombies, blasting out a pool of black blood. But the armored vehicle that served as the vanguard refused to abandon its comrades, turned around and roared back to kill.

Seeing this scene that only appears in movies, Chen Wenwen, who is already emotional, suddenly turned red eyes and tightly grabbed Huan Chu's arm. Although Huan Chu still appeared calm, his behavior of not reacting to the bloodstains on his left arm scratched by the queen's nails betrayed him. His gaze and attention were completely focused on the armored vehicle in the distance.

The consequences of the previous strategy mistake of the rescue team have now manifested, as the approaching horde of zombies is firmly stuck between two armored vehicles, making it difficult for the incoming rescue vehicle to move an inch. They can only continuously fire from a distance to clear the zombies getting close to the trapped individuals.

However, the firepower of an armored vehicle is somewhat insignificant compared to tens of thousands of zombies. In just a moment, the armored vehicle surrounded by zombies was already covered with them.

Inside the infantry fighting vehicle, a lieutenant tightly gripped the radio in his hand and shouted, "Tiger 4 calling Tiger 7!" Listen up, you little bunnies, hold on tight, I'll bring my brothers to rescue you right away! "

"Captain, take the rest of the brothers and retreat, don't worry about us." A hoarse echo came from the walkie-talkie: "We can't get out..."

The lieutenant took off his helmet and threw it on the ground, cursing into the intercom, "What the hell are you talking about with that pessimistic talk!" Laozi brought you out, naturally he can bring you back! Just hang in there! After speaking, he turned his head to the gunner on the side and shouted, "Li Guodong, you damn it, aim your cannon accurately for me!" "

The gunner, with red eyes, did not reply, manipulating the joystick and firing another shot, blasting away seven or eight zombies, answering the captain's command with practical actions. Lieutenant urgently gestured for him to continue, just as he was about to speak into the intercom, he heard a voice coming from the intercom: "Captain, Tiger 7 vehicle commander Liu Yulin, deputy commander Zhang Changgui, gunner Shi Jun... should have 16 people, actually 13 people (3 combatants killed in action)!" Salute to you! It is a great honor in this life to fight for our country under your leadership. In the next life, we will still be your soldiers! "

Lieutenant immediately felt something was wrong and shouted into the intercom, "You little bastard, don't do anything stupid!" Believe it or not, I'll peel your skin off! The walkie-talkie on the other end did not respond, only a strong singing voice mixed with the sound of a fuse burning came through: "Arise, ye who refuse to be slaves! With our flesh and blood, let us build a new Great Wall! As the Chinese nation faces its greatest peril..."

With a loud 'boom', the walkie-talkie was filled with nothing but the 'zzz' of static electricity. The lieutenant shouted into the intercom several times, but when there was no response, he threw the intercom against the car wall, grabbed the machine gunner's control lever, and started firing wildly at the zombies.

The soldiers in the car obviously knew what had happened on Tiger Warrior No. 7, each of them with red eyes pouring firepower at the zombies. After pressing the fire button three times without any response from the machine gun, the lieutenant muttered a word through his clenched teeth: "Retreat..." After that, he collapsed on the ground. After a while, a low sobbing sound could be heard from the compartment of Tiger Ben 3.

A man sheds tears not lightly, only because he has not yet reached the point of heartbreak!

Watching the black smoke slowly rising from the armored vehicle of the rear guard, and the wailing vanguard car gradually moving away. This time, without Huan Chu's explanation, Chen Wenwen understood it immediately. Her beautiful eyes stared at the group of zombies, her teeth clenched tightly. Huan Chu sighed and watched as the vanguard armored vehicle, sounding its mournful horn, turned around and drove away.

It goes without saying that the soldiers trapped in the midst of a zombie horde, knowing that there was no hope of escape, resorted to extreme measures. After unsuccessfully persuading their comrades to abandon them and evacuate, they detonated a hand grenade inside the vehicle, sacrificing themselves in order to force their comrades to leave. It is truly magnificent.

"Hero!" After a while, Huan Chu gently patted Chen Wenwen's shoulder and whispered, "They are the real heroes." The queen fought back tears as she watched the armored vehicle of the vanguard gradually disappear from view, nodding firmly.

The group of zombies surrounding the armored vehicle seemed to realize that the 'food' inside had already died. They stopped scratching at the armor of the vehicle, dispersed, and began to wander aimlessly around. Huan Chu did not immerse himself in the heroic scene. He took out a notebook from his jacket pocket and started jotting down notes: "Tianhua Building, 80 meters to the west, 4 firearms." Note: Enhanced sense of smell and hearing, increased physical strength and power, reduced speed (zombies). "

Chen Wenwen saw the notebook covered with tiny words and looked at Huan Chu in astonishment. Huan Chu carefully placed the notebook close to him and smiled confidently, "How can one survive in this world without being prepared?" "

Chen Wenwen seemed to trust Huan Chu very much and didn't ask what was written on the notebook. She went straight back to the sofa, closed her eyes, and rested. Five minutes later, both of them had calmed down and started discussing their plans for tomorrow.

Chen Wenwen sat back on the sofa, perhaps due to her natural beauty, she has never worn makeup since Huan Chu saw her. Seeing Huan Chu lost in thought, she couldn't help but furrow her adorable brows and ask, "Are we setting off tomorrow?" "

Huan Chu poured a glass of water from the kettle on the table, took a sip absentmindedly, and replied, "Hmm, we will get up at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning and then set off." You go up first and pack up the things we need. The sooner we finish, the more time we will have to prepare, and the safer it will be. "

"Go to Shijingshan?" "

"Hmm." "Huan Chu replied indifferently."

"So you're just going to leave me here alone and head south?" For some reason, Huan Chu always felt that Chen Wenwen's words were a bit awkward, with a hint of sorrow. He wanted to correct the misunderstanding in her words, but then he thought that he would eventually part ways with the queen. She would soon enjoy the protection of the government army, while he would embark on a thousand-mile journey to the south to find his parents. Just consider it as him leaving her behind. At this point, Huan Chu set aside his thoughts of discernment and let out a faint 'Hmm' from his nostrils.

The room fell silent for a while, and Chen Wenwen suddenly raised her head, a blush appearing on her face as she looked hopefully at Huan Chu, "Can I go with you?" "

Huan Chu was about to continue with an 'um', but when he heard these words, he was shocked, as if he couldn't believe his ears, and looked at Chen Wenwen in a daze. Chen Wenwen's face was even redder, but she didn't lower her head, her watery eyes staring at Huan Chu. Huan Chu hesitated for a moment, then asked, "What did you say?" "