Entering the City

Huan Chu's heart skipped a beat, looking at the ambiguous expression on Chen Wenwen's face, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Did you hear everything?" "

Chen Wenwen still had a nonchalant expression, casually picking up some snacks to munch on, and replied nonchalantly, "Heard it, it's just 'Snow on Changdao Island,' right? I've actually heard that song before, it's pretty good." Looks like you're a real homebody. "

Upon hearing Chen Wenwen's words, Huan Chu suddenly remembered that he had forgotten to hang up after pressing the call button during his conversation with the queen. Naturally, the queen would have heard him singing. His heart calmed down a lot, but he still tentatively asked, "Did you hear me singing?" "

Chen Wenwen turned over in bed and said, "Yeah, well, it's not that bad, but compared to your piano, oh, it's totally incomparable." "

Chen Wenwen's disdainful expression seemed genuine, which made Huan Chu's tense heart finally relax. He knew that Chen Wenwen hadn't overheard his conversation with Zhang Jing earlier, so he breathed a sigh of relief and his mood improved. After eating something casually, he sat on the outer edge of the bed. Seeing that Hei Zi seemed to have fallen asleep, he asked the Queen, "How many bullets do you have left?" "

Chen Wenwen took out the bullets from her pocket, counted them, and realized that she had very few bullets left. She replied with a heavy tone, "Well, including the ones in the gun, I only have 12 rounds left." When Huan Chu heard Chen Wenwen's answer, which was not much different from what he had expected, he thought for a moment and then said, "Let's not continue our journey tomorrow. Let's go to the local police station here and see if we can find something useful." "

Chen Wenwen also knew that the situations she might have to deal with in the future would become more and more serious and complicated. She responded with a 'okay', quickly finished the instant food brought into the hotel with Huan Chu, drank some water, turned off the light, and fell into a deep sleep. Listening to the gentle breathing of the beauty not far away gradually becoming steady, Huan Chu on the bed was still lost in his own thoughts - since fate has brought you back to my side once again, even if I have to become one of the seven million evil spirits in hell, I will still bring you back to me - even if you are no longer human.

Silent night. As the morning sunlight streamed through the curtains into the hotel room, the two of them had already packed up and were ready to hit the road. Huan Chu hastily repackaged the leftover food from last night and carried it on his back again. After all, in a world like this, wasting food is an extremely shameful thing.

Seeing Chen Wenwen signaling that she was ready to stop, Huan Chu took one person and one dog back to the Hummer, put the luggage in the trunk, and sent the car away. He then drove towards the small county town called Shangcheng following the signs along the road.

Perhaps because of its remote location, neither of them saw any groups of zombies on the main road. They drove along the road without any surprises or dangers, and after about twenty minutes, the car entered the town.

Shangcheng County is located in the southeast corner of Henan Province, at the northern foot of the Dabie Mountains. It has produced 54 generals of the Republic of China, such as Hong Xuezhi and Chen Xianrui, not to mention 38 generals whose birthplaces changed due to changes in administrative divisions. Therefore, this small county with an area of only 2,000 square kilometers is also known as General County.

When Huan Chu was in university, he had a roommate from Shangcheng, Henan. In the eyes of my roommate, Shangcheng is a picturesque and beautiful small town with beautiful scenery. Every autumn, the sycamore trees on both sides of the county town roads will shed a carpet of yellow leaves, wrapping the entire commercial district in a layer of gold. The folk songs that blend the characteristics of both the north and the south will also gently float in the county town.

However, the cruelty of the end times shattered Huan Chu's illusions. The whole district was shrouded in silence, with the fallen leaves of the plane trees already stained red with blood. Groups of zombies roamed the streets, occasionally lifting their heads to emit a piercing howl, mercilessly crushing the fallen leaves under their feet. The streets are littered with scattered corpses, and there is not a trace of living soul in the entire county town.

Huan Chu, driving a Hummer, searched for the location of the police station while secretly doubting his own choice in his heart. Henan is the province with the highest population density in the country. After the zombie outbreak, the threat to humans here is naturally the greatest. Huan Chu originally thought that in a small county like this, no matter how many zombies there were, it wouldn't make much of a difference. However, he overlooked the fact that this small county town actually has a population of seventy-four thousand.

Just crossed a major street, Huan Chu roughly calculated that he had seen no fewer than a few hundred zombies, which was not much less than the capital city. At this moment of worry, Huan Chu couldn't help but secretly feel fortunate that he chose to take a detour and did not pass through the provincial capital city of Z in Henan Province. Otherwise, who knows what situation he would have encountered.

The roar of the Hummer naturally attracted some attention from the zombies, but due to Huan Chu maintaining a high speed, he easily shook off the dozens of zombies following behind, and soon turned a street corner. The zombie without a target appeared confused for a moment, then continued to wander aimlessly in place.

As Huanchu and his companions turned the corner, they found their destination for this trip. About 200 meters ahead, a white six-story building stood tall by the street, with a large national emblem hanging in front of the main entrance, shimmering with a golden light in the morning sun.

After confirming the direction, Huan Chu found a secluded place without zombies, parked the car, and said to Chen Wenwen beside him, "It seems that we can only walk the rest of the way by ourselves." Chen Wenwen looked at the road conditions ahead, only to see that the traffic on the road between here and the police station was completely stagnant, with sporadic damaged or abandoned vehicles scattered along the road, blocking the entire road.

The key point is not these, but the fact that in the short 200-meter distance, there are at least hundreds of zombies wandering among the abandoned vehicles. Obviously, when the zombie outbreak just occurred, there was a chain reaction of car accidents here, attracting countless zombies to 'watch'. Eighty percent of the culprits of the car accident have already turned into zombies. Even if Chen Wenwen wants to give this guy who obstructs their progress a slap in the face, she can't find him anymore.

The two people and a dog got off the car one after another. Huan Chu squatted down, repeatedly instructing Blackie to stay calm, and then walked along the sidewalk. I have to say, although the mall is in a small county town, the population and vehicle density have prompted the government to widen the roads. The main road where the police station is located appears very spacious, with zombies gathering in the middle of the road. The group of people walking through the sparsely populated sidewalks did not attract the attention of the zombies, and they moved safely along the way.

But at this moment, an unexpected situation occurred: just as the two men were approaching the police station, a white Santana 2000 with sirens blaring suddenly rushed out of the police compound, revealing itself to be a police car belonging to this place. The white police car raced straight onto the main road, made a sharp turn, and roared towards the two people with its siren blaring.

However, the driver clearly overestimated his driving skills. In this road condition that even Schumacher would find challenging, the police car swerved left and right, knocking down more than a dozen zombies. Finally, with a loud 'bang', it crashed into an abandoned car, making a heavy impact sound.

Huan Chu quickly grabbed Chen Wenwen and, along with Heizi, hurried into a small shop on the side of the sidewalk. The parked police car was quickly surrounded by the awakened zombies, with several tall and burly zombies rushing to the front, angrily smashing the car door. The person sitting in the car is obviously a bold and daring individual, otherwise they wouldn't dare to try to drive away in such a situation. Instead of cowering in the car and waiting for death, they took out a gun and started fighting the zombies.

The police officer in the car had obviously prepared for this escape for a long time, deliberately equipping his gun with a silencer. Han Chu and others who were dozens of meters away could only vaguely hear the 'puffing' gunshots in the air, and saw one zombie after another falling outside the car. But even Huan Chu, who came for the guns, did not dare to have any ideas about the gun, because he knew that the police officers surrounded by hundreds of zombies could not have a second ending.

Watching the zombies gathering in the middle of the road from both sides of the sidewalk and from the surrounding shops, as well as the large number of zombies attracted out of the police station by the police cars, Huan Chu mourned for the police officers in his heart for a moment, but then he secretly rejoiced. Because of the police officer's escape, the biggest obstacle on the road was cleared for the two of them.

Huan Chu was about to call the queen and Heizi to continue moving forward, but suddenly heard Heizi let out a few low growls, followed by a strong stench coming from behind him. He quickly turned around and saw two zombies, a man and a woman, staggering out from the back of the shop, their eyes bloodshot as they stared at him and Chen Wenwen.

Huan Chu sighed, gestured to Chen Wenwen with his eyes to deal with the female zombie on the right, drew a machete from his waist, warned Heizi to keep quiet again, and then rushed towards the male zombie. The lion exerted all its strength to catch the rabbit, so naturally Huan Chu wouldn't dare to be careless when facing the zombies. The zombie rushing towards him was only about 1.65 meters tall and weighed no more than 50 kilograms. Huan Chu kicked the zombie on the bamboo pole, feeling like kicking a piece of wood, which made the bamboo pole recoil backwards.

Huan Chu didn't hesitate at all, he quickly followed, his left elbow hitting the zombie's chest as it staggered trying to maintain balance, then his right hand swung the knife, a cold light flashed, and the zombie's head on the bamboo pole was cut off. At this moment, the queen also dealt with the female zombie easily, calmly retrieving the broken water bottle.

Huan Chu peeked out and looked around, seeing that the quick movements of the two did not attract the attention of the zombies. He casually grabbed a pack of cigarettes from the counter and stuffed it into his jacket pocket. Then he beckoned to the queen and Blackie, quietly walked out of the small shop, and ran towards the nearby police station.