Survivors on the Journey

Pang Le pulled back the gun bolt, looking at the zombies outside the car window, a hint of excitement showing on his face. It seemed that he was eager to enjoy the bloody thrill of the night again, even sticking out his tongue to lick his lips.

Chen Wenwen couldn't help but shudder at the silly look of the fool. It's true that what kind of boss brings what kind of little brother. At this moment, Huan Chu showed no signs of nervousness, with a cold smile on his lips, observing the situation around him.

The campus was completely dark, with only the flashlight shining every three seconds to remind everyone that there were still people alive here.

Although most of the zombies outside the car had already fallen into a deep sleep, Huan Chu still did not dare to be careless. Because he had no idea if there would be high-level zombies here at all. He didn't want to provoke those monsters again and go through another heart-pounding battle.

Huan Chu attached the silencer he found in the police station to the muzzle of his Type 92 pistol, slung the automatic rifle on his back, and instructed the two of them, "Be careful not to wake up the zombies. Do not shoot unless absolutely necessary." "

Chen Wenwen didn't say much when she heard this. She followed Huanchu's example and attached a silencer to the pistol, tucking her pants into her boots to make her outfit more conducive to movement. He took another piece of chewing gum from his pocket and threw it into his mouth.

Although she has experienced numerous battles with Huan Chu, she is still a woman. Faced with these disgusting monsters, she cannot help but feel waves in her heart. So she simply chews gum to calm herself down.

Pang Le's eyes brightened when he heard Huan Chu's words. He took out a dog-leg knife he had found in a military store and carefully wiped off the dust on it.

Under the moonlight, the dog-leg knife gleamed with a cold light, clearly eager for the upcoming battle just like its master. It seems that Pang Le prefers the sensation of cutting through flesh and blood with a blade rather than shooting zombies from a distance.

Seeing that the two of them were ready, Huan Chu looked around again, chose the path to enter the teaching building, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. When I opened my eyes again, the fatigue in them had disappeared, replaced by a burst of vigor. I calmly said to the two of them, "Let's go." "

As soon as the words fell, the three of them opened the car door together and silently got out of the Hummer. The temperature outside the car was indeed quite low. As soon as Chen Wenwen got out of the car, the biting cold wind made her shiver in her thin clothes.

Huan Chu couldn't help but smile, secretly sighing that the queen cared more about demeanor than warmth, then took off his thick coat and draped it over Chen Wenwen.

Chen Wenwen casually put on Huan Chu's coat and immediately felt the warmth from Huan Chu's body temperature. She couldn't help but look at Huan Chu with joy, and all her nervousness and excitement disappeared. Judging from the situation, if it weren't for the timing being off, Queen Chen would probably take the initiative to give Huan Chu a kiss.

Huan Chu naturally understood that it was not the time for banter. He smiled at Chen Wenwen, then opened the police flashlight in his hand, illuminating the path ahead for the three of them.

Even though the three of them were mentally prepared, they were still startled by the scene in front of them. Huan Chu parked his car just 20 meters away from the main entrance of the teaching building. However, on both sides of this small road, there were dozens of zombies lying around in a disheveled manner. Judging from their clothing and appearance, most of them are probably infected college students.

The first to recover from the shock was the fool Pang Le. Looking at the pile of flesh targets in front of him, the fire in his eyes could no longer be concealed. He felt a wave of heat in his body, wanting to rush forward and chop these zombies into pieces one by one, enjoying the pleasure of their blood pouring over his head.

But Pang Le still remembered the existence of his boss, looking eagerly at Huan Chu, his hand holding the dog-leg knife trembling uncontrollably, apparently ready to lunge forward.

Huan Chu immediately thought of Chen Wenwen's evaluation of Pang Le's performance - a mad dog - when he saw Pang Le's performance. Looking at him now, with his mouth slightly open and a look of restlessness, he really looks like a mad dog restrained by its owner. It seems that as soon as the owner releases the leash, he will open his mouth wide and bite all the enemies in front of him into pieces.

However, Huan Chu was destined to disappoint Pang Le. Their goal is not to sweep away zombies, but to save people. Anyway, they will leave tomorrow morning. It's better not to have any contact with zombies if possible.

Huan Chu waved his hand at Pang Le and whispered, "Don't touch those sleeping zombies." But if you see a zombie waking up, cut off its head immediately. "

Pang Le, upon hearing the first words from Huan Chu, was clearly disappointed and menacingly slung the dog-leg knife over his shoulder. But the second half of the boss's sentence invigorated him, squinting his fierce eyes around to see if there were any unsuspecting zombies to satisfy his bloodthirsty desires.

Huan Chu saw Pang Le being comforted and led the two of them towards the teaching building.

Everyone is visiting Liu'an for the first time, so they are not familiar with this university at all. They can only take it step by step, quietly avoiding zombies and cautiously approaching the entrance of the teaching building.

It has long been said that Huan Chu likes intelligent people. The survivors in the teaching building were obviously not stupid. Seeing that people had come to rescue them, they poked their heads out and communicated with Huan Chu using a flashlight. The survivor is a male, wearing glasses, and appears to be a student based on his attire.

Huan Chu saw him using a flashlight to point at the crowd first, and then at himself, quickly realizing that he was confirming his own position to the crowd.

He actually chose a good hiding place, you can tell at a glance that it is the classroom at the end of the fifth-floor corridor, very convenient for rescuers to remember. When the flashlight shone on Huan Chu again, he nodded at the teacher and then pointed to the flashlight in his hand, indicating that he understood and asked the student to turn off the flashlight.

The survivor made an 'OK' gesture towards the others, knowing that keeping the strong light on in such a dark environment would be very disturbing for everyone. They immediately turned off the flashlight, but did not retract their gaze, still looking hopefully at the others.

Losing the strongest source of light, the entire campus was suddenly left with only the faint light emitted by the police flashlight in Huan Chu's hand.

Huan Chu and others were already accustomed to operating in the dark. At this moment, in order not to alert the zombies, they dimmed the flashlight and quietly passed through the zombie horde. As everyone was about to step onto the steps leading to the teaching building below, ready to enter the building without any surprises, an unexpected situation occurred.

A zombie wearing a duckbill cap suddenly opened its eyes and immediately noticed the faint light in the pitch-black night environment. But with zero intelligence, he obviously didn't understand where the light was coming from, and he walked unsteadily towards Huan Chu and the others.

Huan Chu was startled when he heard the faint footsteps behind him that did not belong to the three people. He quickly turned around and saw the zombie wearing a duckbill cap. The zombies could now see clearly that the source of the light was actually three living people. Perhaps due to not having tasted human flesh for a long time, the zombie's pale face revealed a hint of a sinister smile under the flashlight.

Huan Chu was startled, watching as the zombie was about to open its mouth to make that iconic screaming sound, not knowing how many sleeping zombies this sound would awaken.

Watching the zombie slowly open its blood-filled mouth as if in slow motion, even able to see the trembling vocal cords inside in the light, Huanchu felt like it was already too late to draw his gun.

The patient Pang Le, who had been waiting for a long time, obviously would not allow this situation to happen.

He did not encounter any awakened zombies along the way, and had to suppress the animal desire within himself due to Huan Chu's orders. At this moment, a zombie finally came to the door, and he was not willing to let it go.

Just as the zombie opened its bloodthirsty mouth, he took a big step and leaped directly from the steps of the building, knocking down the approaching zombie.

I don't know if he is really confident or if he never even thought about it. Pang Le disregarded the possibility of being bitten by the zombie, just like a human fighting, riding on the zombie, slapped the zombie's mouth shut, even knocking off the cap on its head.

The zombies obviously did not expect such a fighting style in the world, and were stunned by Pang Le's actions, not immediately opening their mouths to bite Pang Le.

But it was this moment of hesitation that sealed his fate.

Pang Le raised the dog-leg knife in his hand without hesitation. With a flash of cold light, the zombie's head fell off with a spray of black blood. The survivor hiding upstairs had obviously never seen such a violent act before, and for a moment, they stood there with their mouth wide open in shock.

Huan Chu felt relieved when he saw Pang Le swiftly eliminate the threat brought by the zombies like a mad dog. Just as I was about to praise him, I saw the fool somehow pull out a rope from somewhere, intending to thread it through the ear of the zombie, apparently wanting to imitate ancient warriors who used to hang the heads of their enemies on their waist to show off their martial skills.

Even though Huan Chu was used to many things, he couldn't bear the thought of Pang Le's body covered with zombie heads, so he quickly stopped Pang Le's extreme behavior.

Under the command, Pang Le could only reluctantly give up his own ideas and follow Huan Chu into the lobby of the teaching building. Huan Chu held a Type 92 pistol in his left hand and a machete in his right hand as he walked in the front. As soon as he entered the hall, everyone felt a sense of darkness.

There was still the moon and starlight outside the building, but the moonlight couldn't penetrate into the hall at all. Only at the entrance could one vaguely see several zombies or bodies lying on the floor ahead. Looking further ahead, even with a flashlight, only some vague shadows could be seen.

Huan Chu could only adjust the flashlight to brighten it up, to first understand the surrounding environment. After the lights came on, Huan Chu realized that the group of zombies lying on the ground were also sleeping, completely unaware of the presence of the crowd.

Right in front of the main entrance is a large staircase leading upstairs, but every few steps there is a zombie either sitting or lying on the ground resting. For Huan Chu and the others, this number of zombies was nothing to be concerned about, but it was more than enough to stop a group of unarmed students.

Huan Chu breathed a sigh of relief. It made sense when he thought about it. There were never too many students gathered in the lobby of the teaching building, so having just a few zombies was normal. Upon second thought, something doesn't seem quite right. I immediately shone the flashlight around, and although there were countless bloodstains on the floor and walls, there weren't many zombies around.

Huan Chu's worries had not disappeared, but he couldn't give up the current action because of his worries. He had to prepare himself mentally, carefully stepping over the zombies lying on the ground with the two of them, and heading upstairs.