
Let's go! "

Huan Chu dealt with the zombies blocking the way, hearing the increasingly intense roars of the zombies in the offices on both sides, knowing that it wouldn't be long before this corridor would be filled with a surging horde of zombies. Without hesitation, he led the group to the iron gate of the armory.

Fortunately, in the Republic of Wansheng, police officers are not allowed to carry guns on a regular basis. To make it easier to access firearms, the door to the armory is not equipped with high-tech security measures like electronic passwords or iris scans seen in foreign movies, but rather just a heavy steel anti-theft door.

The door that had blocked countless survivors could not stop Huan Chu at all. He aimed the muzzle of his Type 92 pistol at the keyhole and fired in rapid succession.


A burst of bullets shot out, directly riddling the heavy lock on the security door. With a pull of the latch by Huan Chu, the heavy door of the armory swung open.

Come in! "

Watching as the zombies rushed out from seven or eight dark doorways, charging madly towards a group of living people. Huan Chu shouted loudly, threw the machete in his hand on the ground, held a Type 92 pistol in his left hand, and clamped the automatic rifle under his right arm, firing at the corridor.

"Dada dada~"

Several charging zombies fell down, and at this moment, Zheng Zhi, who was lagging behind, also rushed into the inner side of the gate.

"Zheng Zhi, Hongbo, Guohao, the three of you guard the gate." Wenwen and I went in to clear out the zombies. "

Huan Chu saw that Zheng Zhi's automatic rifle had also started roaring, so he gave an order to the crowd. After Ye Hongbo and Li Guohao took over their positions with micro submachine guns, he and Chen Wenwen turned and walked towards the armory together.

In this narrow corridor, an automatic rifle and two Type 79 submachine guns are enough to suppress the approaching zombies, and Huan Chu doesn't need to worry about the three of them at all.

Taking the flashlight from Chen Wenwen's hand and lifting the machete again, Huan Chucai finally had some time to survey the surrounding environment.

The public security bureau in Lu'an, in terms of both jurisdiction and number of police officers, is far superior to the two county-level public security bureaus that many people have visited before, and naturally, the armory is also much larger.

The multiple layers of gun racks divided the entire basement into several spaces, and Huan Chu couldn't see the full view of the armory for a moment.

Firing a gun in an armory filled with weapons is undoubtedly a very dangerous move. They don't want to end up getting killed by the explosion of the ammunition instead of being taken down by the zombies.

Since he didn't have a detailed understanding of the surrounding environment at this time, he could only gesture for Chen Wenwen to put the gun back in her pocket and walk towards the interior with a machete in hand.

At the entrance, the sound of gunshots from Zheng Zhi and two others and the wails of zombies being hit kept ringing out. Huan Chu couldn't tell whether there were any zombies in the armory, and the light from the flashlight was not enough to illuminate the entire basement. At this moment, he could only move forward step by step with the principle of being extremely cautious.

"Be careful, I always feel eerie here." "

Huan Chu's intuition has always been accurate. As he stepped into the dim darkness, he had a vague sense of discomfort.

Just like when entering the university teaching building before.

Chen Wenwen has always had unconditional trust in Huan Chu's words, but at this moment, she just nodded in response to Huan Chu's reminder. A slightly sweet smile appeared on her lips as she whispered, "As long as you're by my side, I'm not afraid of anything." "

Huan Chu gave a faint smile, his ambiguous tone reminding him of the days when they relied on each other. He reached out and held Chen Wenwen's delicate hand, gave her a determined look, and then continued walking forward.

After skirting past the first row of gun racks filled with various pistols, Huan Chu and Chen Wenwen finally entered the armory in earnest.

Although it was still daylight outside, there was no light in the deep underground armory, only a dim yellow light left where Huan Chu's flashlight swept over.

In the dim yellow light, Huan Chu clearly saw a police officer's body lying under the gun rack.

There was a large hole in the chest of the body, and the entire chest cavity had been emptied, with nothing inside but darkness. His right hand still held the gun, but it detached from the wrist and fell not far from the body.

Huan Chu could tell at first glance that this police officer was just an ordinary corpse, and he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Why? Because his head... is gone!

Has someone come in?

Huan Chu's mind was gradually filled with doubts. If someone had indeed been to the armory and killed the police officer who might have turned into a zombie, why didn't they take the gun?

Huan Chu cautiously approached the body of the police officer, crouched down, and carefully examined it.

Chen Wenwen was taken aback. They had seen plenty of decapitated bodies along the way, most of which were caused by the two of them. She wondered what Huan Chu was up to and asked directly, "What's wrong?" What's so interesting about a headless body? "

Huan Chu 'hissed' and lifted up the severed wrist of the corpse to examine it carefully.

The notch on the wrist is very smooth, as if it were cut directly with a knife. It seems that the killer is also a skilled hand no less than Chen Wenwen.

The rotten dark brown flesh rolled on the broken neck of the police officer, with the white cervical vertebrae exposed, looking very disgusting.

However, Huan Chu showed no emotion at all. He casually tore off a piece of fabric from the police officer's uniform and carefully wiped away the blood and flesh from the police officer's neck.

At this moment, Huan Chu finally noticed that the wound on the neck of the corpse was different from the gash on the wrist, with the cut being uneven, as if... as if it had been bitten off by some wild beast!

Huan Chu was suddenly stunned at the thought of this possibility. Zombies don't have such big mouths. Is there a Tibetan Mastiff or other large dog breed being kept in the armory?

It seems unlikely when I think about it. Huan Chu sighed lightly and stood up, no longer paying attention to the grotesque corpse.

The unknown is often the most terrifying. Huan Chu couldn't help but tap his fingers rhythmlessly on the hilt of the knife, feeling a long-lost sense of tension in his heart without any possible information from the corpse.

Quietly stepping over the headless corpse with Chen Wenwen, Huan Chu leaned forward and looked down the corridor. In the dim light, he could see large patches of blood on the floor inside—not the dark blood of zombies, but the bright red blood that flows in human bodies.

Although Huan Chu remained silent at this moment, his expression appeared somewhat frozen, and a few blue veins gradually surfaced on his right hand gripping the machete.

Huan Chu had seen plenty of terrifying or bloody scenes. But both Huanchu and Chen Wenwen had never seen such a bizarre scene before.

It feels as if somewhere in the darkness, a pair of cold and crazed eyes are greedily staring at the two of them.

Huan Chu cursed under his breath, as if to bolster his courage, he held the machete in his right hand horizontally in front of his chest, leading Chen Wenwen to continue walking forward.

Even when the two of them reached the deepest part of the armory, Huan Chu still did not find any trace of zombies or monsters. The entire armory was empty, with only the headless corpse and pools of thick blood.

Chen Wenwen was obviously also very uncomfortable with the tense and eerie atmosphere before. Seeing that they had searched all the way and found no threats, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Just as she was about to curse herself for being overly suspicious, she saw Huan Chu still frowning and looking around.

He heard a strange noise as soon as he opened the door to the armory. And since entering the basement, he has felt a sense of oppression looming. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was off when he saw only one body in the entire basement.

With the flashlight's beam brightened, Huan Chu continued to examine the gun racks around him. If no trace of zombies is found in the aisle, they are probably hiding in the gun rack.

Although there were some human bloodstains on the gun racks around, there was no sign of any living creatures.

After a careful look, Huan Chu also realized that the narrow gun rack probably couldn't accommodate hiding zombies. He shook his head and was about to ask Chen Wenwen to move the gun when he suddenly felt a chill on the top of his head.

A drop of unknown liquid dripped onto his head.

The armory is sealed tightly, so it couldn't have been caused by water leaking from upstairs. And that drop of liquid is somewhat viscous, it doesn't look like a drop of water no matter how you look at it.

Huan Chu, who was puzzled, immediately looked up and was stunned at once!

A naked monster, resembling a large lizard, was crawling on the ceiling no more than three meters high.

As soon as Huan Chu saw this monster, he immediately thought of the Lickers in Resident Evil. Although the monster on the ceiling did not have that thick tail, the skin on his body seemed to have been peeled off alive, leaving only the red and tender muscles exposed, with even the blood vessels visible.

Its long, slender tongue, which protrudes from its mouth from time to time to suck, is as long as half a meter, resembling a gecko. I'm afraid the mysterious liquid that just dripped onto Huan Chu's head was a drop of saliva flung from its tongue!

The monster probably spotted Huan Chu and the other person long ago, its pair of dark green ghostly eyes in the darkness staring fiercely at Huan Chu, as if considering when to devour them.

Huan Chu never expected that zombies could actually cling to the ceiling. He had been walking all this time without paying attention to what was above his head, and he had no idea what this monster was or when it appeared.

Chen Wenwen was also seeing such a terrifying creature for the first time, and she couldn't help but shudder as she gripped the severed right hand.

Facing the enemy in the air, Huan Chu was at a loss for a moment and didn't know what to do. He could only pull Chen Wenwen back a few steps quietly, trying to create some distance from this terrifying monster.

When the monster saw Huan Chu retreating, its limbs seemed to have suction cups attached to them, adhering to the ceiling as it moved a few steps towards Huan Chu. Its long tongue kept protruding towards Huan Chu, and in its ghostly green eyes, a momentary burst of intense greed and envy could be seen!

Huan Chu was taken aback, about to retreat again, when the monster on the ceiling pushed open the roof like a frog and leaped towards Huan Chu.

As it fell from the sky, its seemingly small mouth crazily expanded to the size of a hippopotamus, and its long tongue shot out fiercely towards Huan Chu.

That appearance is just like an impermanent being living in this world!