The Golden Mountain Hotel

As the last human settlement in the entire northern part of Jiangxi Province, the scenery of X County is truly breathtaking.

Heading north, you can see the vast Henshan Lake with its clear blue waters. Although it lacks the enchanting beauty of West Lake and the vastness of Poyang Lake, it has a unique charm of its own. The lake water, shimmering in the sunlight, gently ripples, with fish occasionally leaping out of the water, telling the last piece of tranquility in the end of the world.

On the other side of Hanshan Lake, the winding Tianyue Mountain stretches from northeast to southwest, with majestic peaks, steep cliffs, and deep valleys. The main peak of this mountain range is the famous Jiugong Mountain. According to legend, during the Three Kingdoms period, the famous general Taishi Ci of Eastern Wu resisted the large army of Liu Biao, set up camp on the mountaintop, and the mountain came to be known as Mufu Mountain among the people. The forest in the mountains is vast and boundless, with the trees covered by white snow filling the undulating mountain ranges. From a distance, it looks like a vast expanse of white clouds.

And now, on the other side of the winding lake next to Tianyue Mountain, stands a ten-story modern building, with a golden plaque on the first floor that reads "Golden Mountain Hotel", abruptly disrupting the beautiful scenery of the mountains and waters.

Humans always seem to destroy nature in order to enjoy it.

Although he had been watching for more than ten years, Huan Chu still felt all the fatigue along the way swept away as he looked at the beautiful scenery in front of him. It was truly a sight that never tired the eyes, only the Tianyue Mountain.

But he didn't have much time to admire the view outside the floor-to-ceiling window at the moment, because there were several people waiting for him to speak at the long conference table behind him.

Zhang Qi sat in the corner of the meeting room at this moment, feeling extremely uncomfortable. It was not because the luxurious chair was uncomfortable for his agile buttocks, but rather the slightly oppressive atmosphere in the meeting room that made him feel uncomfortable.

He is a newcomer brought into the team by Huang Yaola and one of the twenty people selected by the boss. The twenty of them will be responsible for the security of the entire Jinshan Hotel starting today, and for him, this is definitely not an easy job.

He stole a glance at the boss standing with hands behind his back in front of the French window. The delicate face still looked a bit tender, but Zhang Qi did not dare to underestimate this young man.

Just five days ago, when a newcomer with a gun tried to incite the locals to seize power, he was shot in the head by the boss with a single shot, and the remaining three accomplices were locked in the eighth-floor guest room, with their families also being driven out by the boss.

It's not solitary confinement, but being kept alive and raised until death. Zhang Qi has never seen anyone deliver any food or water to that room. He heard the curses in the room gradually turn into pleas, then slowly fade away, indicating that the three poor souls locked inside had lost even the strength to speak.

I'm afraid that in less than two days, the three living people will become three emaciated corpses.

Zhang Qi doesn't care who he sells his life to, as long as he can survive in this damn apocalypse with his family. He is willing to do things he wouldn't dare to think about under normal circumstances.

But the premise is to survive.

He really couldn't understand what that unknown idiot was thinking in his mind, actually wanting to incite rebellion? Not only did the main culprits suffer misfortune, even Huang Yao, who was said to be the boss's brother who grew up with them, was punched hard by the terrifying guy named Li Feng who brought them in.

He had never imagined that a human could have such great strength. The young man who usually looks gentle and friendly unexpectedly punched Huang Yao, whose body weighs nearly 80 kilograms, flying more than ten meters away. Until today, he can barely walk on the ground.

Thinking of this, Zhang Qi couldn't help but shiver - what kind of people are around the boss? Pang Le, who looks like a beast, Lu Hao, who is as cold as an iceberg, Li Feng, who greets with a smile, Zheng Zhi, who always looks serious, and Ye Hongbo, who doesn't seem like a good person no matter how you look at him.

I don't know what they were doing back then. Each one of them was like a ruthless killer, making me, a newcomer, shudder at the thought.

Huan Chu is not a deity, so he naturally wouldn't know what the newcomer sitting on the outermost periphery is thinking. However, if he can make the newcomer feel awe towards him and dare not have any thoughts of betrayal, then that is already enough.

He is not a born emperor with the aura of dominating the world, nor is he a deity who can make everyone as loyal to him as Pang Le.

For these newcomers, he just needs to maintain a loose control for now. Anyway, there is still plenty of time left, and he can slowly train these guys who have never seen blood before.

But my luck has been pretty good since I returned to W County.

When looking for his parents, Huang Yao, who knows the local situation, appeared in front of him. When I was worrying about finding a place to stay, Cao He, who runs a hotel in W County, came to my rescue. Without any hesitation, Huan Chu readily accepted when Cao He suggested using the Golden Mountain Hotel as the team's base.

The location here is very good, and the roads are very convenient.

And most importantly, the Jinshan Hotel is located by the lake.

As long as they can find a few more boats, they can set up camp on the islands in the lake at any time. As long as these uninhabited islands are developed, even if the zombies are powerful, they cannot swim to attack them.

However, these are all issues to consider after finding the ship.

What Huan Chu urgently needs to solve now is the lack of food and firearms and ammunition.

There's no way. For a dozen or so people, the food and ammunition they have stored can last for a year or more without running out.

Now there are more than forty new members in the team, plus their parents and families, the total number of the team is approaching one hundred. The food that once seemed abundant is now in short supply.

People are selfish, and it is not realistic to rely on revenge to unite the whole team. If you still rely on the meager relief food provided by the military to survive, then why should anyone follow you, why should anyone risk their lives for you?

Therefore, it became an urgent issue for Huan Chu and others to organize the guerrilla corps to go out to search for supplies and exchange them for military supplies.

As he was pondering more details and plans, Ye Hongbo walked into the meeting room with a calm expression on his face, and under the gaze of everyone, he came to Huan Chu's side.

In recent days, as the team continues to expand, Ye Hongbo has been coordinating and assigning tasks such as educating new members, managing food logistics, and distributing daily necessities. He has played the role of a strategist within the team.

Having such a capable and trustworthy assistant by his side has significantly reduced the pressure on Huan Chu. However, for Ye Hongbo, there is still no top-down system architecture in the team now. Working like this every day really exhausts him.

Boss, it's all clear now, we can register anytime. Ye Hongbo had already gone to inquire about the procedures for registering with the guerrilla corps.

Huan Chu could see the bloodshot eyes of his brother, red and full of blood vessels due to lack of sleep, and he knew he had burdened this brother too much. He patted his shoulder and said, "Thank you for your hard work. Once the team is on track, you can take a break." "

Ye Hongbo finally showed the first smile after the team settled in the Jinshan Hotel, but it was just a fleeting moment. Instead of sitting in the seat left by Huan Chu, he immediately stood behind the boss's chair on the right.

Since the team expanded, he has kept a distance from others, only interacting with people like Xiaohuangyao and Caohe during work situations. Even the punishment accepted by Huang Yao was proposed by him.

He knew that his identity as the one in charge was too easy to arouse suspicion, so he tried not to show up in public as much as possible. Whenever Huan Chu appeared, he immediately put on the appearance of a working class. Although Huan Chu often advised him not to do so, even deliberately trying to establish his prestige in the team, he still did not dare to overstep at all.

He has a very accurate understanding of his own position - the military adviser of the team, not the second leader; the servant of Huan Chu, not the brother who entrusts life and death.

There are too many bloody lessons in history, and Ye Hongbo does not want to become the next example of being interfered with. And he has no desire for power, in this world, survival is the only rule.

Huan Chu understood the concern about his arm, so he did not ask him to sit down again, but turned around and returned to his seat.

These people have been left hanging for long enough, there is no need to keep everyone waiting.

He took the cup of water handed to him by Pang Le, took a few sips, and began to speak: "I have gathered you all here today to deliver some news." The team is big enough now, I have decided to go to the military to register as a guerrilla fighter. "

Although the people around the conference table were somewhat excited, they still maintained restraint and there was no whispering, giving absolute respect and obedience to Huan Chu.

With a nod of satisfaction, Huan Chu continued, "In order to obtain supplies from the military, it is necessary to establish a guerrilla corps." But our precious time was delayed because of a few troublemakers in the team before. I also hope that there will be no such useless trash in the team in the future! "

At this point, Huan Chubing's cold gaze swept over everyone one by one: "Of course, I also believe that everyone present is intelligent and wouldn't do such a foolish thing." The drum does not need to be beaten heavily, I won't remind you again. "

Establishing a guerrilla army naturally requires a name. Let's discuss what name to call it. After finishing speaking, Huan Chu picked up the teacup and began to wait quietly.

The conference table was suddenly filled with chatter, with all kinds of tacky names like "Fierce Tiger Team" and "Cheetah Team" constantly being heard.

"Gunblade! Pang Le, who rarely spoke in front of others, finally spoke up.

"Gunblade?" Okay, let's go with this one. The old man in the team naturally understood the meaning of the word 'rifle sword' and immediately echoed.

Huan Chu nodded slightly, indicating agreement. "Since no one has any objections, let's settle it this way." Let Hongbo talk about the composition of the future Gun Sword Team. "

Since the boss had spoken and decided on the name, the remaining newcomers naturally did not dare to stand up and oppose, but looked eagerly at Ye Hongbo, wanting to know what position they would hold in the upcoming Gun Sword Team.