Military Conference

Outside the building, various people were chattering and making noise, but inside a small lounge, the atmosphere was strangely heavy and tense.

A man in his forties, with a clean buzz cut on his head, dressed in a crisp dark green military uniform, his eyes hidden behind black-framed glasses, revealing no expression.

Only the shining star on his shoulder reveals his identity as the top person in W County.

Behind him was a woman in a major's uniform, holding a folder in her arms. He looks to be no more than twenty years old, with a neat and tidy short hair under the boat-shaped military cap. A beautiful oval face, paired with this outfit, adds a touch of heroism to the softness.

Just a few worries always show through the brows and eyes.

"Are they all here?" Please have a seat. Wearing glasses, Tang Zihao glanced around and sat in the main seat in front of the temporarily arranged meeting table.

Before the big shots of the base entered the conference room, the bodyguards they brought were all stopped outside by the fierce soldiers. At this time, they were all sitting in groups of three or four, whispering to each other and finding seats.

Huan Chu only brought Queen Chen with him, without interacting with other big shots in the base. He picked a chair in the corner, leaning against the wall, and kept scanning the room with his eyes.

The Republic is a country that values seating arrangements, and one's status and power can be seen from the order of the seats.

Naturally, He Jin and Gu Chengyi sat at the heads of the table during the meeting.

Before the Han Dynasty, the right side was considered superior, but after the Han Dynasty, the saying 'keep the left side empty to await' made the left side superior. In the past, the two would naturally compete for the position on the left side of Tang Zihao. But today, everything Gu Chengyi did was very unusual. As soon as he entered the meeting room, he chose the position on the right hand side, and He Jin accepted the title of the second person with a smile.

The two of them sat down at the lower end, followed by the big shots of various factions, who were not as particular as the two leaders. After a few polite exchanges, they all took their seats one by one, casting their eyes beyond Tang Zihao in the main seat, staring straight at the female major behind him, as if they wanted to strip off her clothes.

A bunch of perverts. "Chen Wenwen is not satisfied."

Women all have a sense of comparison. Before entering the conference room, the lecherous looks of those big shots made Queen Chen very unhappy, wishing she could shoot them all. As soon as she entered the meeting room, the lecherous gazes of this group of men shifted to the female major. Although Chen Wenwen didn't say anything, she felt somewhat uncomfortable in her heart.

Unfortunately, she didn't know that the perverts were shifting their gaze not because she wasn't as pretty as the female colonel or didn't have a good figure like the female colonel.

Men all have a strange hobby, called uniform temptation (Xiao Du is also o(n_n)o) - the round buttocks wrapped under that narrow skirt, the towering full breasts under that shirt, really make these perverts drool just by looking at them.

With no subordinates present, Huan Chu reverted to his nerdy self and leaned in close to the queen, whispering softly, "How old do you think that girl is?" "

Even your crush's attention has shifted to that fairy? !

Chen Wenwen's face remained unchanged, but her jade-like hand was gripping the soft flesh around Huan Chu's waist: "What's wrong?" Are you interested in her? "

Where can I find it? In front of the crowd, Huan Chu dared not reveal his identity, and could only secretly explain to Queen Chen, who had been fed vinegar: "I just thought, you see that girl is at most not even thirty years old, right?" "

Chen Wenwen nodded with a cold smile.

Huan Chu felt like his waist had turned into a twisted doughnut: "He's only thirty and already promoted to the rank of major? If you say he has nothing to do with Tang Zihao, I won't believe it!" "

Queen Chen spat and said, "Bah!" What are you thinking about all the time! "

Feeling a sense of relief in his waist, Huan Chu couldn't help but let out a sigh, and continued to point and comment: "I didn't expect that Sima Yi would be so good at being a secretary." "

Can't someone really have the ability to come up on their own? Knowing that the person in her heart didn't have any special thoughts about that female major, the queen's feminist ideas flared up again.

Huan Chu was about to speak again, but Tang Zihao interrupted.

Since everyone is here, let's start the meeting. "

I don't know how he trained his voice. This meeting room was temporarily converted from the lounge. Although it can't compare to the large conference room in the Gun Sword Corps, it is not small either. Tang Zihao didn't have a microphone in his hand, nor did he shout loudly, but his voice just calmly penetrated through the countless discussions and reached the ears of everyone present.

Although the military might not be as strong as before, when Tang Zihao spoke, all the big shots immediately stopped talking, and the whole conference room fell into silence.

The female major handed the materials in her arms to everyone present, then walked back behind Tang Zihao.

Let's all take a look at the intelligence we have in hand and see what kind of situation we are facing. Tang Zihao took a sip of water without even lifting his eyelids.

Huan Chu held the materials, still carrying the lingering warmth of the female major's body. With a smirk, he opened the cover, revealing two big blood-red characters inside - Top Secret!

This is the first time in my life that I've seen top-secret information. Huan Chu smiled at Chen Wenwen and then flipped back. As Caicai looked at the first page, the smile on his face froze, and the further he flipped, the more grim his expression became.

The others in the meeting room were no different from Huan Chu. Their relaxed expressions quickly turned into frowns, looking as if they had lost their parents. They couldn't help but start whispering to each other.

Commander Tang, is everything written on here true? He Jin was the first to open his mouth and directly questioned the authenticity of the intelligence: "My Wolf group's people go out several times almost every day, how did they not find it?" "

Tang Zihao raised his eyebrows, and the female major stood up. Her voice is very pleasant, I bet she sounds nice when she moans.

Of course, the sentence behind was added by Huan Chu himself.

The intelligence was obtained and confirmed by our military's reconnaissance unit after a continuous week-long investigation, 24 hours a day, for seven days. Its authenticity and reliability are beyond doubt. "

He Jin's eyes widened in shock: "More than a hundred thousand zombies?" Why did they come looking for trouble when everything was fine? Are you full and bored? "

It seems that Chen Wenwen's words also make sense. Since Tang Zihao can bring her to preside over this military meeting, that female major is indeed not just a decoration: "I believe Captain He should also know that our intelligence department has long confirmed the existence of high-level infected individuals. They possess intelligence no less than humans, and can control low-level infected individuals, which are what we usually call zombies." According to the assessment of the General Staff, this encirclement is likely organized by high-level infected individuals. "

There was a sudden burst of light in Huan Chu's eyes.

General Staff? The county garrison unexpectedly has direct contact with the rear area!

By the way, no matter how terrifying zombies are, there is no way to shoot down satellites in the sky. How could I have overlooked this!

Was he full and couldn't eat anymore? Why did they attack us out of nowhere? "

He Jin was born with a personality that enjoys making others uncomfortable, and his instinctive response was to refute the words of the female major. As soon as he spoke, he realized it was not right.

Do zombies need a reason to attack humans? Wolves eat sheep because they are hungry, but zombies, it seems that they are born in this world with the purpose of destroying humanity.

If the high-level zombies know about the existence of the human base here, they have no reason not to organize their minions to launch an attack.

Colonel Ke smiled in a businesslike manner and answered Captain He's question, "I'm sorry, Captain He." We did not have spies infiltrating the ranks of the infected, so we have no control over the reasons for launching an attack on high-ranking infected individuals. "

This sentence is soft yet firm, it stung He Jin sharply, leaving him speechless and sitting back angrily.

Gu Chengyi's followers had long developed a habit of mocking whenever He Jin was embarrassed, but Tang Zihao stopped them with a glance.

Two fingers of the right hand lightly tapped on the table, and the whole conference room immediately quieted down.

Normally, these big shots can ignore the face of the police commander, but in the current situation, their own lives and fortunes depend on the protection of the other party, so they dare not offend the military at this time.

Speaking of which, the base in County W has been attacked by zombies not just once or twice. Leaders like He Jin and Gu Chengyi have led their troops to make significant contributions to the safety of humanity, haven't they? So, this time there is no need to panic, as long as we work together, the security of the base can still be guaranteed. "

I see.

Huan Chu suddenly realized and said how the Wild Wolf Team and the Bounty Hunter Gang managed to accumulate 5000 contribution points in just one month, it turned out that they earned them by helping the military defend the city.

It does feel a bit strange to exchange points with NPCs during the monster siege on the guild.

They say that while the landscape may change easily, one's nature is hard to change. A homebody is a homebody, who even in such times can think of going online to play games. I really don't know whether to say he has strong nerves or a simple mind.

Tang Zihao's words were not finished yet. Even though there were thick lenses between them, the big shots present could still feel his eagle-like gaze: "However, it is absolutely impossible to ensure the security of the base solely relying on my army. It requires the concerted efforts of everyone present. Don't forget, the base is not just my base, but also yours. If the base is destroyed, you will have no good days either. "

"It takes a thousand days to raise an army, but only a moment to use it. Here, I hope all the captains can give it their all, set aside past grievances, unite against external enemies, and fiercely beat back the zombies!" "

Glancing around and seeing that no one had anything to say, Tang Zihao leaned back in his chair and quietly sipped his tea.

The female major stood up again and said, "Next, I will announce the tasks of each guerrilla group in this battle..."