Chapter 5 looks so delicious!

"Help... uh... help..."

A broken cry for help came from a dim alley, where the beauty who had just left the bar leaned against a wall!

In front of her, two gangsters each held a pill, frantically stuffing them into the woman's mouth!

"Hehe... pretty lady, stop yelling, just eat the pill, and keep Brother Huang company!"

"Haha... even if you scream your lungs out, it's useless! You can't refuse Brother Huang!"


The two gangsters uttered filthy words and fawned over Huang Shulang with flattery!

Beside the trio, Huang Shulang's face was anxious, constantly urging:

"Hurry up and make her swallow the pills! Dammit, don't let anyone see this!"

Huang Shulang's excited face was flushed; all these pills were female aphrodisiacs, capable of turning a decent woman into a wanton one, and now, by making this beauty ingest them, he would... Hehe!

Thinking of possessing such a beautiful woman tonight, Huang Shulang's smile grew even brighter!

Soon, the two gangsters had fed all the pills to the woman and, after receiving a stack of money from Huang Shulang, they said contentedly:

"Brother Huang, the job is done! Hehe... We'll leave you to your fun now!"

The two gangsters looked greedily at the woman before reluctantly starting to leave the alley!

Seeing this, the sinister smile on Huang Shulang's face grew thicker, and he stepped toward the woman in the corner, his lustful gaze hardly concealable:

"Hehe... pretty lady, now it's just the two of us. Today, I'm gonna be your man! Haha..."

Huang Shulang's fat face displayed a nauseating grin as he moved closer to the woman!

However, just as his chubby hand was about to reach the drunken beauty, he suddenly noticed the two gangsters who had just left were stepping back!


Huang Shulang hated being interrupted during his deeds, and immediately yelled harshly:

"Fuck, didn't I already pay you? Just scram, or do you want me to kick you out? You fuckers..."

However, Huang Shulang's words were abruptly cut off mid-sentence because he saw that a young man was blocking the way for the two gangsters!

Upon seeing the young man in washed-out jeans and a white casual shirt, Huang Shulang suddenly fell into a rage:

"Boy, so it was you! Fuck... How could those idiots fail to take you down!!!"

Indeed, the one blocking the gangsters' way was Hao Jian!

At this moment, Hao Jian leaned against the wall, a cigarette dangling from his lips and a slight smirk on his face, giving a somewhat sinister and eerie impression!

"Cough cough... Those sugar pills the beauty ate just now, do you have any more? They look really tasty!"

Seeing Huang Shulang staring at him, Hao Jian scratched his head and asked sheepishly.

His demeanor resembled a child eyeing candy, almost drooling over it!

However, listening to his words, Huang Shulang and the two gangsters' mouths twitched!

Sugar pills?

Taste good?


Is there something wrong with this guy's head?

At this moment, Huang Shulang even doubted if Hao Jian's brain had issues; otherwise, how could someone fail to recognize the aphrodisiac pills!

But, Huang Shulang had no time to ponder whether Hao Jian was truly foolish, as his most pressing concern was to get the woman into bed. He once again pulled out a stack of money from his pocket and threw it to the two gangsters:

"Take this money and take this bastard down! CTM, I've despised this kid for long, and today I'm gonna take both his arms!!!"

Huang Shulang spoke with extreme viciousness, and the two gangsters immediately lit up, nodding and bowing eagerly:

"Don't worry, Brother Huang, we'll handle this little matter! Just watch us!"

Having said this, the two gangsters, faces twisted in cruel smiles, approached Hao Jian, rubbing their hands together, eager to start.

"You... don't come any closer... I'm telling you, I... I'm really tough!"

Hao Jian saw the hostile looks on the faces of the two gangsters, and fear crept over his face as he backed away, his voice trembling as he spoke.

However, his demeanor only made the sinister smiles on the gangsters' faces even richer:

"You're tough? Kid, let's hear it, what's so tough about you?"

The two gangsters didn't take Hao Jian seriously at all. At that moment, they advanced step by step, toying with him like a cat with a mouse. In the blink of an eye, Hao Jian had been cornered against the wall.

"I... I'm really tough. When I go crazy, I even hit myself. I'm asking you, are you scared?"


Even hits himself?


Upon hearing this, the two gangsters and Huang Shulang burst into laughter, bending over backward!

Still asking us if we're scared?

I'm scared of your sister!

This guy definitely has a screw loose!

"Idiot! This guy is actually an idiot! Hahaha... You two, give me... Uh!"

Huang Shulang was laughing so hard his stomach hurt, yet just as he was about to instruct the two gangsters to teach Hao Jian a lesson, his speech abruptly stopped!

Because he saw Hao Jian's whip kick, suddenly and without warning, strike hard on the heads of the two gangsters!

Bang bang!

As the sound of two heavy bodies hitting the ground echoed, the two gangsters had no chance to react before a whip kick knocked them unconscious!


The scene unfolded too quickly, unbelievably fast!

The smile on Huang Shulang's face instantly froze, his mouth gaping so wide he could fit two eggs in it, the expression utterly ridiculous!

A master!

When Huang Shulang finally came to his senses, his whole body shuddered!

A single whip kick knocked out two men!

This bastard was playing possum!

Looking at the two gangsters lying unconscious on the ground, and then at Hao Jian, who was approaching with a sinister smile, Huang Shulang's scalp felt like it was exploding. He turned and fled, not even sparing a moment to consider the groggy beauty in the corner!

However, at this moment, Hao Jian seemed like a completely different person, his smile tinged with a trace of bloodlust!

He flicked his wrist, and a button suddenly appeared, then he hurled it at Huang Shulang!


The button, now like a bullet, was too fast to see clearly. In the blink of an eye, it struck Huang Shulang's right leg with incredible accuracy!


Blood splattered, and Huang Shulang felt a pain in his right leg. He fell to the ground with a thud!

"Ah... my leg! My leg! Damn it... Ah... it hurts!!!"

Huang Shulang saw a bloody hole in his right leg, created by the button, blood gushing profusely, a ghastly sight!

Waves of intense pain washed over him like a tide, causing Huang Shulang's body to tremble, sweat pouring down his forehead, nearly fainting from the pain!

"Devil... you're not human, you're a demon! You... you're a ghost!!!"

Huang Shulang had never seen anyone use a button to shoot through somebody's thigh. It was like something out of a fantasy, a devilish act!

Yet, the smile on Hao Jian's face remained as clear and pure as ever. At that moment, he walked up to Huang Shulang, grabbing his right hand:

"Earlier you paid money for my hand, tell me, how much are you willing to spend now? To buy your own hand!"