Chapter 7 You Really Are Cheap!

The morning sunlight filtered through the leaves outside the window, casting patchy shadows across the large bed in the bedroom!

The bedding and clothes on the bed were scattered about, as if reflecting the wild night before!

On the bedside counter stood an alarm clock, set to ring at six in the morning!

Tick, tick, tick!

The second hand moved ceaselessly, and just a few seconds remained before the ringing time!

However, the very moment the hour hand reached six, a large hand stretched out from the bedding. In the instant before the alarm was about to go off, it suddenly pressed down!


The alarm, as always, did not go off, and Hao Jian emerged from under the bedding and leaned against the headboard!


Hao Jian let out a long sigh, then took out a Double Happiness cigarette, lit one, and took a deep drag!

As the scent of tobacco filled his lungs, Hao Jian turned his head to look at the other side of the big bed!

Hao Jian could tell that this beautiful woman was not a prostitute, nor was she looking for a one-night stand. It could be said that last night was just a misunderstanding, but he had taken her body, and that was a fact!

The moment these words fell, the beautiful woman quivered under the bedding, her long eyelashes slowly fluttered open, and her watery eyes looked empty and confused, as if the scenes from last night were slowly surfacing!

In fact, she had been awake for quite a while, even earlier than Hao Jian, but she did not know how to face all this!

Looking at this delicate yet unfamiliar man in front of her, the beautiful woman's pretty face showed neither emotion nor anything but indifference and coldness!

She slowly sat up, and the thick bedding slid off her skin, exposing a captivating scene that made Hao Jian involuntarily gasp!

"Have you had enough of looking?"

Sensing Hao Jian's intense gaze, the beautiful woman's serene words came through!

Her voice was pleasant, giving a fresh and clear feeling, but for some reason, Hao Jian only heard intense disgust!

"Enough... eh... no, not enough, I mean! Never enough..."

Hao Jian expected that this woman might cry, create a scene, hit him, blame him, or demand responsibility, among other possibilities!

But he never imagined that she would have no reaction, no emotions at all!

This surprised and astonished Hao Jian!

The beautiful woman got out of bed, picked up the clothes she had taken off the night before, and slowly put them back on one by one. Her movements were stiff and unnatural as if there was no calmness in her heart as it appeared on the surface!

"What's your name?"

After putting on her clothes, the beautiful woman looked at Hao Jian quietly and asked coldly.

At this moment, the beautiful woman exuded an imposing, stunning aura like an ice mountain!

Seeing this ice-cold and imposing side of the top-tier beautiful woman, Hao Jian coughed dryly, then said:

"My name is Hao Jian!"

"Hao Jian?" The beautiful woman paused, then nodded:

"You really are cheap!"


Hao Jian's mouth twitched, and then he saw the beautiful woman slowly take out a wallet, then took out a stack of cash and placed it on the counter!

This scene made Hao Jian's forehead break out in cold sweat!

Fuck, is this considered prostitute's pay?

"This is prostitute's pay!"

The beautiful ice queen's words confirmed Hao Jian's guess, and her frosty gaze fixed on Hao Jian, emotionless:

"Remember, last night, I paid you, not the other way around! Take this money, and from now on, we have nothing to do with each other!"

Coldly stating this, the ice queen turned and walked towards the door!

Seeing this, Hao Jian frowned slightly, and lifting a corner of the bedding, revealed a cluster of red petals on the bed:

"Did you pay me with your virginity?"

This statement made the ice queen, who had just reached the door, tremble violently, and she spun around, her face flushed with deep embarrassment and anger:


"I'm stating the facts, whether you admit it or not, you gave me your first night!"

At this moment, Hao Jian, clearly provoked by the ice queen's arrogant attitude, pulled open a drawer, took out a somewhat rusty pendant, and threw it at her:

"Here! You can pay me for sex, and I can just as well pay you for your defloration! With this, we are even!"

Hao Jian's gaze was filled with dominance, while the ice queen caught the worn pendant and glared at him hatefully before turning and leaving the room!


As the door closed, Hao Jian's dominating expression instantly turned into a bitter smile!

Because he saw, she had cried...

He heard, she had cried...

"Women, always so troublesome..."

Hao Jian shook his head, then pulled the bedding over his head, ready to go back to sleep!

However, just as he lay back and covered his head with the bedding, his ears suddenly started to tremble, and he cracked a sly smile.

Then like a monkey, Hao Jian leaped from the bed, clad only in boxers, and scampered into the bathroom!

Although the bathroom was quite basic, Hao Jian wasn't there to bathe. He pressed his ear against the wall, listening to the noise from the other side, a mischievous grin spreading across his face!

"The best time of the day is about to start! Absolutely thrilling..."

Muttering to himself, Hao Jian leaned against the wall in front of a little hole, peering through it!

"1, 2, 3, Open!"

As Hao Jian called out, a 'squeak' sound came from across the way as the bathroom door was pulled open, and a young housewife slowly walked in!

The Landlord's wife!