Chapter 117 Your Mom is Teasing You!

"What should we do?"

Hao Jian was at a loss for words. Surely he couldn't hide himself, right? Wouldn't that be too embarrassing?

But little did he know, Che Xiaoxiao had this in mind. She looked at Hao Jian seriously, "You'd better hide first, and after my mom leaves, you can sneak away."

"Damn, does it have to be this thrilling? Like having an affair or something. Why don't you just tell your mom that I'm your friend who gave you a lift home?"

With mixed feelings of laughter and tears, Hao Jian felt like he was being treated like a cheating husband caught in the act, and honestly, he couldn't stand it.

"That's not going to work. You don't understand my mom. She won't allow me to have any contact with boys. If she sees you at my place, it's not just me who's done for; you'll be screwed too!" Che Xiaoxiao threatened.

"Cut it out, I don't believe this! It's not like she can kill me, right?" Hao Jian scoffed, underestimating her—a woman's capabilities.