Chapter 136 What happened to your hair?

"Have a few more drinks?"

Leng Feng's mental defenses completely crumbled, and he broke down.

He wasn't afraid of death, but he dreaded making a fool of himself in front of Shu Ya, and even more so that invincible stinky big farting radish.

Damn it, that bastard's farts really stink!

After hesitating for a moment, Leng Feng's mouth twitched a few times, and he finally chose to swallow his pride and said begrudgingly:

"Shu Ya and I grew up together; in a sense, you could say we were childhood sweethearts."

Hao Jian paused for a moment and said, "So, you like her?"

"Of course not. I'm an orphan who was taken in and raised by the Zhang Family. Their only purpose in raising me was a singular one, to protect Miss Shu Ya's safety. The relationship between Miss Shu Ya and me was doomed a long time ago, it was absolutely impossible for us to become lovers, and it's out of the question for me to have any improper thoughts about her."