Chapter 141 Actually, I'm not familiar with him!

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"You were somebody back in school, but you think you can still act that way in society? As if."

Those classmates all started to join in, eager to step on Hao Jian to curry favor with Li Jianwei.

And there was Li Jianwei, scoffing. Think you can fight with me? I don't even have to speak to squash you!

"You guys..."

Chen Zhiyan was also stunned. She couldn't believe that these classmates of hers were all so mercenary.

Talk about classmate loyalty, at this moment she just felt the reunion was disgusting.

Despite the accusations from so many classmates, Hao Jian's expression remained calm, and with a smile, he pointed at the empty table:

"Which eye of yours saw me eating or drinking his stuff?"