Chapter 163 A Completely Unrecognizable Foot!


After seeing Liu Yufan's swollen and bruised face, everyone was shocked and took a step back as if avoiding a snake, also frightened by Liu Yufan's current hideous state.

Liu Yufan's entire face was swollen, with multiple bruises, now a patchwork of blue and white.

They had no idea how Liu Yufan's face had suddenly turned into such a state.

"With the way I look now, how can I still film?"

Liu Yufan had the urge to kill someone, having been beaten four times in a row by an extra during filming, and now his face was disfigured—what a shit crew this was! What kind of people were they hiring?

"Why did you go so hard?" the director asked, stunned, turning to Hao Jian.

But inside, he felt an incredible sense of satisfaction, wanting to laugh but not daring to; he could only pretend to scold Hao Jian.