Chapter 230 Waiting for You to Kneel Down!

After speaking, Hao Jian let out a cold laugh and strode out of the room.

Upon hearing this, everyone's faces showed expressions of shame. If they put themselves in his shoes, and they were the ones to receive such insults, they too would have likely stormed out, leaving the old master to fend for himself.

But Hao Jian didn't do that, which was already a stroke of luck amidst the unfortunate circumstance.

Yu Zhixun's face was livid, his brows knotted in frustration as he still cursed Hao Jian inwardly for having no conscience, for just walking away like that.

"You, go call him back! If he leaves, the old master is as good as dead!" Yu Xiatang smacked Yu Ou on the back of the head and barked in desperation.

At such a critical moment, Yu Ou hadn't moved an inch, as if he were a wooden statue.

And indeed, Yu Ou responded woodenly: