Chapter 7 Zijun, You Hurt Me

As soon as Su Sheng took his seat, he preempted with, "Let's skip the rules and regulations for now. I don't accept overtime, only weekends off. How much will I get paid per month, and what exactly will my job be?"

"Cough cough…"

The HR manager hadn't received the resume yet and only knew Su Sheng's name. She hadn't expected to find him so difficult to deal with just upon meeting him.

Indeed, those personally recommended by the president are something else, even abnormal.

"Mr. Su, the position you're applying for is the corporation's 'Reserved Youth Cadre'…"

"Get to the point, how much money, what work," Su Sheng forcefully interrupted. 'Reserved Youth Cadre'? Who are you trying to fool? The money is the key.

"Cough cough…" The HR manager quickly adjusted and got straight to the point, "Mr. Su, you will enjoy the benefits of a manager-level position, which all together, amounts to roughly three hundred thousand a year."

As she said this, the HR manager herself found it unbelievable. Compared to the work Su Sheng would be doing, the salary seemed way too high.

"Only three hundred thousand, that's so little? Isn't it supposed to be manager level treatment?"

Su Sheng was surprised. What was this? Tang Zijun was willing to provide a million a month for household expenses, but when he deigned to come and work, they only offered such a modest annual salary.

Could they be any more stingy? The decline of marital authority, so sad!

"Cough cough…"

The HR manager thought to herself that she had clearly mentioned benefits. Simply put, the benefits were on par with manager level, but the salary was different. However, she couldn't say that outright.

The president had instructed to definitely keep the person, but who would have thought that Su Sheng would be dissatisfied with the salary? And at this point, it was too late to report it up the chain. Thinking on her feet, the HR manager said, "The probationary period, what I mentioned was for the probationary period. The specific salary will be decided after the probationary period ends!"

"There's a probationary period? Your company doesn't seem very reliable. Aren't you afraid of losing talents like me?"

Su Sheng was puzzled. Since they were desperate enough to resort to the ashtray trick, obviously they were in dire need. Why still have a probationary period? This was the time to procure a promising horse for a thousand gold pieces. Offering him an annual salary of ten million wouldn't be too much!

"Mr. Su, of course, we fear losing a talent like you, which is why we want to confirm your treatment after you start. I believe with your capabilities, we will soon discuss the salary issue again."

Hearing this, Su Sheng thought it made sense. If they were to offer him a high salary right away, others might feel discontented. Let there be a probationary period then. He wanted to see who would dare to challenge him. If the president was not convinced, then he'd sleep his way to convincing!

"Alright, I'll go with your suggestion."

Seeing Su Sheng nod, the HR manager finally breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly said, "Mr. Su, please report directly to Manager Li's department tomorrow. Manager Li will arrange your specific duties. You need to clock in before 10 a.m. and clock out at 5:30 p.m."

Su Sheng was taken aback for a moment. Manager Li? Could it be his eldest cousin's department?

As expected, the ashtray was a test. It must be said, his eldest cousin's acting skills were terribly good. While openly driving him out, she had immediately arranged for him to pass the interview behind the scenes, even asking him to join her department.

Not bad, still maintaining some discernment and not assimilated by the decay.

"Understood. If there's nothing else, I'll be leaving now. Because of this interview, I haven't even had breakfast."

"Wait, Mr. Su, I haven't finished discussing the rules and the company culture…"

"We'll talk later!"

Su Sheng waved his hand dismissively. Such trivial matters shouldn't waste his precious time.

Watching the back of this major influence as he left, the HR manager stood at the door feeling disheveled. The president sure knows how to pick them! Bringing such relatives into the company was bound to cause endless trouble.


At the same time, the door to the President's office was suddenly pushed open. Tang Zijun looked up and knew it was her cousin coming in, as she was the only one in the entire company who dared enter her office without knocking.

"Zijun, come on, let's go out for a drink."

Hearing it was about drinking, Tang Zijun frowned and said, "Sis, do you think a slump in performance is something to celebrate?"

"Zijun, I'm in a very bad mood, really bad," Li Meixin said as she sat down with a face full of grievance.

Although she was the cousin, she always found herself in an inferior position when facing this President cousin.

"Oh, what happened, who has provoked you?" Tang Zijun's face remained indifferent as her nature had always been this way since she was young.

Li Meixin quickly complained, "Some scum who came for an interview. Zijun, you don't know, that person was outrageously insolent, dressed only slightly better than a beggar, and once inside, he actually smoked right in front of me, even finishing a whole cigarette. At that moment, I didn't know whether to stay or to leave; I couldn't do anything about him.

Zijun, I think you should thoroughly investigate this matter, why such a person got onto the shortlist for the second interview. It must be one of those shareholders' doing, totally disregarding you."

"Cough cough..."

Tang Zijun suddenly understood, absolutely certain that person was Su Sheng, especially since she had already experienced Su Sheng's irritating ability, he was simply a rascal, and she was also helpless against him.

"What's that person's name?"

"Named Su Sheng, completely wasting such a good name," Li Meixin said, grinding her teeth in anger. If not for her rationality, she would have been tempted to hire a hit on him.

"Cough cough... Sis, that Su Sheng is a distant relative of mine. His father did my grandfather a great favor, and this time my grandfather personally asked to arrange for him to work at the company. I just told HR to assign him to your department."

For some reason, Tang Zijun felt a bit of satisfaction, as if she had finally found someone to share the sense of powerlessness. Or maybe, she just couldn't let Su Sheng torment only her.

"What, Zijun, you're the one causing me trouble!"

Li Meixin's face turned pale on the spot, not having expected the behind-the-scenes manipulator to be her own cousin, and it also involved their grandfather. Since their grandfather had intervened, then it was certain that Su Sheng would be hired, but why did she have to be the one to interview him, and why did he get assigned to her department?

Now she couldn't fire Su Sheng in the future, how could she possibly work when she had to see him all the time?

"Sis, how could I be causing you trouble? I need your help. You know how those shareholders have been restless lately, they can't wait for me to give up the President's position. Plus, with the decrease in performance, I can't afford any mistakes at this crucial moment.

Although Su Sheng's employment was grandfather's request, I can't give others a handle to use against me. It's only by placing him in your department that others can't find a way to attack me. Sis, you have to help me!"

Having made her point clear, Li Meixin had no choice but to agree, both as a member of the family and a subordinate.

She arrived with a face full of grievance, and now it seemed she was on the verge of crying.

No way, she had to find a way to deal with this Su Sheng. Even if she could cite family ties and her grandfather's intervention, she couldn't just let it go.

"Zijun, I can help you, but now, let's go have a drink. It's already noon, let's just consider it going out for lunch and relaxing."

Tang Zijun thought for a moment and, this time, did not refuse. There were some issues she also needed to discuss with Li Meixin.

However, what she never expected was that when the elevator descended to the ninth floor, with a ding, it stopped.

This elevator was for company executives' exclusive use, so she assumed it was some high-level manager arriving, but she never imagined that she would run into Su Sheng.

How could this be, wasn't the interview on the third floor? So much time had passed, how did Su Sheng end up on the ninth floor?