Chapter 11 You Big Liar

"Oh great, you're cursing at me again! Who's the brainless one now? You're just a scammer; you're also responsible..."

Leng Qingxue erupted. It was just a rear-end collision; was there really a need for such ugly insults? Plus, she was a beauty loved by everyone who saw her.

"Damn it, I can't make it clear to you. Girl, take out your phone and add me on WeChat. Just transfer the money you spent later. Don't worry, I won't scam you; I'll ask only for the exact amount."

Su Sheng thought about it and decided not to call the police, as that would require an assessment of the damages and delay him further.

So he immediately took out his phone and took some photos to keep as evidence. However, the girl kept on babbling. She really must be out of her mind.

"The phone, hurry up and take it out."

"I don't have one, you big scammer..." Leng Qingxue hid her hands behind her back while holding her phone in them.

Su Sheng was speechless and simply took matters into his own hands, pulling the girl over and pinning her on the hood.

There, he got the phone just like that.

Luckily, there was no passcode. He quickly opened her WeChat.

Self-sufficiency is truly the best policy.

"Ah, you pervert, let go of me." Leng Qingxue was still being pinned down. She kept yelling loudly, but to no avail.

Although other vehicles were passing by at that time, they could tell at a glance that a rear-end accident had occurred between two luxury cars. They quickly sped away, fearing they might get unnecessarily involved.

"Alright, so your name is Leng Qingxue, huh? Nice name, but no brains."

Su Sheng stuffed the phone back and, of course, let the girl go.

"Ah, how did you know my name?" Leng Qingxue was confused, not quite grasping the situation.

"Your ID photo is in your phone. Eighteen years old, you just got your license, didn't you? Go home and study the traffic rules properly. Not everyone is as kind-hearted as I am," he said.

Su Sheng sighed and vanished swiftly, got into his car, and sped away quickly.

"Ah, my money, scammer, I'm going to kill you."

Leng Qingxue stood dazed next to the car, only to realize then that just two thousand had been transferred out of her WeChat...

"Scammer, pervert, scum, you were responsible too; I'm going to report you to the police!"

Leng Qingxue could not make sense of it and eventually couldn't help but report to the police on the spot.

However, when the traffic police arrived and heard the situation, they were baffled, muttering, "Ma'am, the rear-end collision is entirely your fault!"

"What, don't lie to me. He was also at fault; if he hadn't been driving so slow, would I have hit him? And what about the two thousand yuan he transferred away?"

Leng Qingxue was truly baffled, unable to understand why she was completely at fault, even if that were the case, two thousand didn't seem right!

The traffic police replied, "Ma'am, you should file a police report, or contact the other party to return your money. But you still need to pay for the other car's damage."

"Aren't you the police?" Leng Qingxue was confounded again.

"I'm a traffic officer, not a criminal police officer. Ma'am, go home and study the traffic laws before you drive again; don't cause harm to yourself and others," said the officer before riding away on his motorcycle.

"Scammer, big scammer, give me back my money!"

Leng Qingxue opened WeChat and began shouting furiously, then sent out her voice messages...

Su Sheng kept the phone as far from his ear as possible, speechlessly saying, "What kind of person is this, needs a lesson!"

Of course, he, being such a righteous and noble person, wouldn't stoop to stealing money. Transferring two thousand was for safety; otherwise, that girl would surely have defaulted later.

He drove to the 4S shop and after checking the car, the preliminary costs of damage was estimated at eight thousand, and he could collect the car tomorrow afternoon.

Then, Su Sheng calculated for himself. With a household allowance of one million per month and a daily income over thirty thousand, the two-day transportation delay seemed to put him at a loss even after he transferred two thousand.

"Let it be, round it up, no need to take advantage of a little girl."

With that thought, he transferred two thousand back on WeChat. Unexpectedly, she accepted it instantly, probably upset upon seeing just two thousand, and started sending furious voice messages again...

Su Sheng hadn't listened to a word since he expected nothing good from it.

Su Sheng sent a picture of the repair estimate and wrote, "Repair cost eight thousand, lost wages ten thousand, giving you back two thousand. Girl, you should be more careful, remember to bring your brain when you leave the house."

"Rogue, swindler, it's also your fault…" Leng Qingxue was still standing there; she had never understood it.

Time flew by rapidly. Towards the evening, Zijun drove home to find, as expected, that Su Sheng's car was not in the garage; no telling where he had gone off to mess around again.

"Eh, why is there a smell of food?"

Zijun's face was full of confusion.

Since they did not employ a live-in housekeeper, the stove was usually not even turned on. She often ate just a vegetable salad when she got home at night, so where was this smell of food coming from?


Upon entering the house, Zijun was shocked to see Su Sheng lounging on the couch watching TV. Was this an illusion?

"How come you're at home? Isn't your car..."

"There was a rear-end collision, the car is at the shop," Su Sheng sat up.

Having no car was inconvenient, so he had come straight home that afternoon. He got hungry and had cooked a meal.

"You aren't injured, are you?"

Zijun nonchalantly placed her keys at the door, getting ready to change her shoes, but she felt something was off with Su Sheng today.

Suddenly, Su Sheng walked over and blurted out, "Are you concerned about your distant relative?"

"You…" Zijun knew it would turn out like this; she couldn't even speak three sentences without her anger piling up.

"Su Sheng, what are you doing?"

"Waiting to use the car; not saying more, I'm leaving now." Su Sheng grabbed Iceberg's wife's car keys and headed for the door.

Zijun was a bit slow to react, "Wait, you…"

"Click!" The door closed, and Su Sheng was gone.


Zijun couldn't help but scream. Why did she have to end up with such a man? Totally incurable, she would surely be driven to death by frustration eventually.

A sense of powerlessness, an intense sense of powerlessness!

Just then, the door suddenly opened, and Su Sheng leaned in half his body, saying speechlessly, "Why are you screaming? By the way, there's food on the table; I left the leftovers. There's plenty left, definitely enough for you. Once you finish, remember to wash the dishes."

"Su Sheng!"

"Bang!" And off he went again, closing the door behind him.

Zijun couldn't help but feel like throwing something. What kind of man was he? He made her pay for lunch and now expected her to do the dishes in the evening, treating her like a housewife?

After a while, only when she heard the sound of a car driving away did Zijun calm down, only to unexpectedly find three covered plates and a soup pot on the table, all covered, and the light in the nearby rice cooker still on.

She furrowed her brows and lifted one cover; it was scrambled eggs with tomatoes, still warm, and apparently untouched by chopsticks.

Curiously, she uncovered the second lid; it was stir-fried pork with garlic sauce. Checking the third one…

All of these were dishes she liked to eat, and none had been touched by chopsticks. How could this be?

Zijun was stunned right there. The rice in the rice cooker had been spooned, about half left, or roughly two bowls worth of rice, which meant Su Sheng had indeed eaten, but what about these dishes?

No, during the three months they had been together, she never knew Su Sheng could even cook. What was happening today?

After a good while, she silently picked up the bowl and chopsticks and began eating.

Shock overcame her at the first bite; the food was unexpectedly delicious, hitting her taste buds perfectly!