"Hm! We've already passed through the dangerous area, but if you spot anything suspicious, don't just randomly touch it."
Su Sheng said, then took the lead to check the sacrificial altar, which was completely empty. He figured it must have been swept clean by someone earlier. Otherwise, how could there only be some carvings and no items?
Those who had come before were really unethical, weren't they? Couldn't they have left a little something for him to turn over to the country?
"Instructor, there should have been an Eastern cauldron here!"
Belle pointed to a spot, seemingly more knowledgeable than her own people!
Su Sheng didn't need an archaeologist to prove anything; what could be found was the good stuff. The lost items, the more he knew of them, the more it hurt.
"You're right, but let's all search. Is there anything left here?"