I'm a man of wealth and taste | 03

[ Vought's stadium ]

At least he won't have to hear another of Madelyn's rant thinks Homelander, watching A-Train getting ready to race with Mister Marathon, also preparing in his corner.

" It's so long.. What are they waiting for ?" Starlight says from his side, looking below at the two competitors.

" You'll understand why this part is so long when you'll see the race." He says playfully, his thoughts occupied by Kimiko. He convinced her to stay hidden in his apartment, saying she must be hunted right now and that she should keep a low profile for a time. She told him she was looking for her brother but he hadn't the time to dig deeper.

" So.. How was your meeting with your friend, what's is name again ?" Homelander asks, his imperious eyes falling possessively on her.

" Hughie." She answers, she knows he doesn't like him, he made it clear he disapproves. " He canceled at the last minute." Starlight adds, not hiding anything.

" And he call himself a man ?" Homelander retorts. His words makes her think of Hughie's lanky teenager body humorously as she compares him in her mind to her man of reference, Homelander.

" Anyway, you still comin' to my apartment tonight for dinner ?" He asks her, his hand taking its rightful place on her lower back.

" Yeah..." She answers excitedly, looking in his mesmerizing blue eyes.

" Come as Annie." He adds and she agrees, a happy smile on her youthful face.

Their discussion naturally comes to an end as a voice projected in the stadium announces.

" And now ! Ladies and gentlemen, the moment you've all been waiting, the race to decide who's the fastest man alive !"As the fans cheers, Maeve takes her place besides Homelander, offering a good picture of him with Starlight and Queen Maeve to his right and left respectively to the paparazzi. Just like Vought's PR Department planned.

Baang ! A-Train and Mister Marathon disappear from human eyes.

In the second it takes A-Train to finish the lap first, Homelander catches the murderous glare of a man on him, a black-haired man with a beard.

William Butcher stares at his one-sided nemesis, a inconceivable rage in him as he just wish to kill him, right here, right now. Especially after all the work he and the Boys did on A-Train and his girl Popclaw for two weeks got thrown trough the drain. Whatever advantage or weapon against Homelander that was in the grocery shop already lost to him, Frenchie, MM and Hughie.

" Hahah ! You were right I get it now." Starlight laugh distracts Homelander, when he looks back, Butcher disappeared amongst the anonymous mass. As he reflects, he's sure to have seen this man before.

" Butcher.." He whispers, finally remembering.

[ Later in the afternoon ]

Madelyn cradles her adopted son, she chose him because of the power he got after the injection. When he grows up she'll have the mean to go everywhere, escape anyone.

Bam ! Her office's door loudly opens, Homelander entering and closing it.

He fixes his piercing and cold eyes on her then travel the distance separating them.

" Give it to me." He says, holding out his arms and looking meaningfully at Teddy, the baby boy in her arms.

" n-no." Madelyn's answers a shaky now and the baby laugh at the glowing red eyes on him.

" I said give it !" Homelander yells making her jump slightly in fright before she reluctantly holds out her baby. He takes him in arms, not an ounce of care on his face as he gets a bit farther from her.

" Becca Butcher." He says the name, he didn't remembered her immediately but once Anika did some digging for him on her husband everything lined up, unfortunately they met a black hole when trying to gets more info on Becca location or status. And, when he sees Madelyn reaction he knows he's onto something.

" I want to hear it from you. To decide." He pressures her.

" I don't know what you're talking about John, please give him back t-" His head spin from anger as she says.

" Lie one more time Madelyn, I dare you." Homelander's voice makes her shudder, she's seen him angry but this, this go further. She goes livid as Teddy starts to cry, Homelander pressing on his little fragile head with a finger. The baby not teleporting despite the danger, almost like knowing it would only endanger him more.

" What do you want to know ?" Madelyn says, sitting in her chair, her tone and teary eyes defeated.

[ Jonah Vogelbaum Villa ]

Trapped for the end of his life in a wheelchair, Jonah stares at his greatest failure descending from the air, like an antichrist coming back to haunt him.

" John. I was.. expecting you to come. One day." He starts off, already seeing where this will leads.

" It wasn't enough right ? All your damn tests, your games !" John says, his voice rising. " You said I will be cursed to forever be alone, you lied, you said that.. I wouldn't, couldn't have any family, only you and Vought." He takes a deep breathe trying to not kill him before saying it all. " Why ? Why ?!" He asks griping the wheelchair breaking it. Jonah coughing as he falls on the ground.

" Yes John, I lied, and every lies I said have played a part in what you are today. A disappointment, a mistake." Jonah says, laying on the ground unable to get back up. "But if there's one truth I told you John it was that you will forever be alone. You think Becca Butcher is proof of something ? In her third semester the subject gave her a kick, it caused internal damage and bleeding. We saved her. Until it happened again the next day. The mother dying and the subject drowning in its mother's blood." Jonah adds, his voice clinical as he recall the pregnancy he monitored.

" Urghh. " Jonah makes a throaty sound as John gets on top of him and starts strangling him, his face neutral as he extinguish the life of his only father figure. Throwing him in the pool, Homelander fly up.

Higher and higher, until Jonah property becomes a dot, then the city. He keeps going up breaking the sound barrier as he disperse the clouds around him. The atmosphere thinners as he pierce the sky, stars twinkling like distant diamonds against the velvet backdrop of space. His powerful frame gliding effortlessly, defying gravity, while the chill of the void wraps around him. As he ascend, a sense of isolation envelopes him; the silence of space contrasts sharply with the usual adoration. Below, the world becames a mere speck, yet he feels an intoxicating rush of power. In that moment, Homelander is not just a superhero he's a God. He puts Jonah in a box and locked it away, focusing on the revelation he got, he can procreate. He can creates something like him, have a family, the word sound strange even in his thoughts but it fills him with purpose. He can have the dream, the dream ingrained in him as a child.

[ Approximately an hour later ]

[ Stan Edgar office ]

" Jonah is dead. Found in his pool, there were unusual marks on his neck for a drowning but the police concluded to an accident. He's broken wheelchair was found broken beside the pool, he most certainly have fallen in the pool and drown. Wouldn't you agree Madelyn." Stan says with a taciturn voice, his fingers crossed as he don't even look at Madelyn sitting in front of his desk.

" He killed him sir." Madelyn answers, her calm facade back on.

" Because you told him about Becca Butcher." He retorts, checking the email containing the advanced date of the board meeting.

" Si-" She begins to start her defense but he don't let her.

" He would have come to be aware sooner or later, but be mindful that it don't happen again Madelyn." He says. " As for Jonah, he wasn't a Vought's asset anymore, he was retired. His death does not concern us and we've already got Tech Knight on the affair to quickly get it behind us." Stan adds, looking at Madelyn, his face unreadable, apathetic.

" Now talk to me about Homelander, how is he ?" Stan asks.

" Out of character and it's been going for a while now. He's more.. more calm, composed and he's becoming more ruthless." Madelyn starts. " He's taken Starlight under his wing, protecting her, for example he vetoed any changes to her costume. Now the girl thinks she can do anything... " She continues her rant, not mentioning directly the event in her office.

" Nevertheless he's performing, he got 15 points in three weeks." Stan says pragmatically, checking the numbers on his screen.

" Yes." Madelyn says, pained to admit it. " He considerably reduced the collateral damages, infrastructures and human, as for medias he's starting to appeal to a larger segment... " She explains under Stan's inquisitive face.

[ Homelander's Apartment ]

Kimiko stops her net crawling, looking at Homelander getting in from the balcony. She looks questionably at him, seeing a strange expression on his face.

Walking towards Kimiko, Homelander let himself falls on his bed, his back hitting it making the lotus seated Kimiko slightly bounce.

" You'll have to stay in the spare room this evening and night, I have someone coming." He says, staring at ceiling. " You'll stay in the room no matter what you hear ?" He asks her, his tone veiling the order.

" I promise Kimiko, tomorrow's we'll speak more about you.. and your brother. Just rest tonight, you need it." Homelander continues, looking at her clothed with one of his rare shirt, a black one. She filed her nails and brushed her hair, a sexy petite woman thinks Homelander.

" Uh-huh. You can take it, I'll bring you dinner." He answers, chucking as she takes and shake the laptop then mimics eating.

[ Evening ]

[ Starlight's apartment ]

Annie pulls her black skirt, having to force a bit to makes her bottom clad in black cotton panty fit inside. She puts her feet in her medium heels. Looking at her breast she smile, she looks hot and she's slowly starting to realize it thanks to John. Putting on the matching black bra of the set, she slides in a white shirt with a modest neckline, buttoning all buttons except for two. A traditional style instilled by her mother.

[ An hour later ]

Annie laughs as Homelander demonstrates how thirty minutes of ingredients preparation can be reduced to seconds with superspeed. Sipping from her red wine she glances at his biceps. She can't help but find him handsome and sexy in his beige chino and black shirt.

" Laugh all you want baby, but next time you'll have to cook for me from A to Z. And no pasta." He says, slapping her ass as she gets to his side to helps him with the salmon.

" Eh ! I'll have you know I can cook.." Annie says defiantly. " I can bake cookies, cake. And I make the best pancakes. " she adds, her mind going back to these days her mom teached her recipes.

" You can't feed your man with only sweets Annie. Or a child." John says, teasing her and ending his sentence with a meaningful gleam in his eyes.

" I'm a super, I'm better, you said it yourself. I'll be a chief in no time." She answers, putting the salmon in the dish with the potatoes, carrots, tomatoes and onions. She holds it up and John opens the oven allowing her to put the dish inside while she imagines little blonds heads calling her mom.

" We've got a bit of waiting, wanna go on the balcony ? The sun is going down." John proposes, getting behind her and kissing the nape of her neck. " Hnn.. yeah." Annie answers, her body pressing back against him.

Not long after they enjoy a bit of the intimate moment, they moves to the balcony, John sits on a chair and Annie sits on on his lap, her hips rolling on him to find the good position. Heating up as she feels his hardening shaft under her, she adjust her hips one last time to place her covered pussy directly on his dick. Feeling it's shape despite the clothes separating them. Together, they watch the sun settling down.

" So Maeve and you..." Annie asks innocently.

" You really wanna know uh ?" John answers, smiling in her hair, his breath on her neck giving her goosebumps.

" I told you about Supersonic. " She says, and she did, she even admit to him Supersonic broke with her because she wouldn't let things go further than some kissing and very light groping. " Come on John, please ?" Annie adds, turning her head and making playful puppy eyes to John.

" Give me a kiss." He says with a smile and she pecks chastly his lips and he frown. " Anni-" He begins to utter her name, making her smile and goes for his lips again. This time dipping her tongue in his mouth.

" So you'll tell me ?" Annie says after reluctantly stopping the kiss.

" We met when Maeve joined the Seven, she was fresh out of Godolkin, your age." He starts as she listens attentively. "She was a lot like you in fact, she wanted to change the world and just like you she was disappointed by Vought's way of doing things..." John continues.

" We've started to dating at that time, it was beautiful, but, I guess it was a lot for Maeve with all the PR stunt forced on us. " He concludes rather curtly.

" Y-You still love her ?" Annie asks, searching his eyes.

" Maeve will always be a person I appreciate and protect Annie, but-" John begins and pulls her close to him.

" It's you. It will always be you." He says then kiss her tenderly, she turns and circles her arm around his neck, this kiss feeling different that the others. Her belly making flips and her heart beating fast in response to his words.


They stares at each other and John smiles at her. "Come on, let's go eat, we'll play after." He says, his eyes promising pleasure, fueling her desire.

Just before getting into it, John uses his superspeed to serves 3 plates then brings one to Kimiko while Starlight finishes to set the cutlery.

[ A few minutes later ]

As she takes the last bite of the perfectly cooked salmon, Starlight stares at John as her left foot leaves her heel and glides along his calf, teasing him.

" Want the desert ?" John asks as he grabs her dainty foot, rubbing circle on her sole. he recognize the look on her face, eager but hesitant to voice out her desires.

He stands and she follows, starting a kiss as John's pulls her up, his hands on each asscheeks to hold her as she locks her legs behind his waist. He takes them to the bed as she abandon the other heel on the way.

Letting her fall on her back on the bed, Annie laugh as she takes him down with her using her legs circling his waist. Their foreheads touching as they share a complice and intimate look. Kissing her possessively, John play with her tongue, gravity making her swallow his saliva as her hands roam his muscled back. John's hands don't remain idle, they glides over her smooth legs going under the skirt to her thighs.

As the tension continues to builds up between the two, he starts to unbutton her shirt while they keep kissing passionately.

" John. " Annie moans his name, her voice almost pleading as she exposes her neck that he quickly pamper with kisses and lick, as she helps him getting rid of her shirt.

" I want to see more. " He says simply, his hands unclasping her bra.

" John we-" She tries to says something but he cuts her off with a finger on her lips as he admire her freed breast.

" Shush, trust me..." He says as he kiss her lips then her neck before his head goes to her bosom. Right in the valley between her breast as his hands cups each boobs and he takes in the scent of vanilla on her skin.

" Oh !" Annie moans as John kiss the underside of her left boob while his hands roams her body, one hand tending to the other while his second hand slowly goes down, caressing her hip then her belly. He alternate between her breast, leaving his love marks on them, marking them as his possession as he takes an hardened nipple in his mouth and play with it, twirling his tongue around and gently nibbling it making her release a series of moans. Her hands tenderly on his head as she press him against her boobs, loving his touches.

Taking advantage of her momentary lapse, his hand sneaks under her skirt then under her panty. He tugs a bit her blonde curls making her hips raise then he starts to play with her unconquered pussy. Teasing her lips before focusing on her joy button, making her hips buckle.

" Ah ! Yes John !" Annie moans again as she feels a powerful orgasm coming as John play with her bosom and her pussy simultaneously. Glancing at her, John sees her with her eyes closed golden light slightly escaping from her eyelids, her mouth open as she breathes erratically, her hips buckling once more against his hand as he coax out a first orgasm out of his young lady.

" Please ! Don't stop !" She shout and he comply. " Yes ! Oh oh!" Her body suddenly tense like a bowstring then spams, her legs trembling as she trap his hand with her thighs and pulls his head back to her to kiss him with love, her tongue lewdly invading his mouth and sucking on his tongue as she rides the wave of her orgasm, her panty and his hand drenched.

" That was.. " Annie says, her pussy still sensitive as she stares at him with stars in her eyes, the proud smirk on his face making her want more.

" Just an appetizer baby." John says, freeing himself from her arms to pull his shirt off under her needy eyes. Grabbing her skirt on both sides, he smile at her and she lifts her butt, allowing him to pull it off her in one go. Then, he gets rid of his own pant before pulling off the last piece covering her, exposing her wet pussy to the warmth air of the apartment and to his eyes.

" John..." Annie says meekly, staring at him as he slowly brings his faces to her lower lips, his hand pulling her pubic hair as his nose takes in her scent, her cheeks reddening as they maintain eye contact.

John hook his arms around her waist and pulled her up until her legs are resting over his shoulders, leaving Annie to ineffectively wave her arms in an attempt to regain her balance. Her soaked slit was right in front of his face and a puff of hot air from his nostrils brushed over her clitoris, making Annie shiver in delight. Flattening his tongue, he gives her pussy a long lick.

His tongue is ruthless, exploring every nook and cranny of her virgin slit and causing her to writhe in unbidden pleasure as he focus on her clit. John unceremoniously insert two fingers in her tight hole, he quickly maps it out and find her G-spot, focusing on it while he keeps using his mouth on her pussy, his tongue playing with her little love button, twirling around it, sometimes pressing on it.

Annie's thighs embrace him and locks him in place while her hands play with his hair, all the while humping herself on his mouth.

Annie tries to hold back the rising tide and keep from climaxing so soon after the last but unsuccessfully.

"I'm cumming !" Annie shout, golden light in her eyes as the lights of the apartment flickers from her powers.

John allow her body to slump down onto the bed, twitching and listless. Her hips thrusting into the open air as her slutty cunt squirt all over his sheets.

Getting rid of his underwear, Annie look at his manhood dangling between his legs, beautiful but intimidating. Climbing over, they kiss, a long and meaningful kiss as their naked bodies mashes against each other's.

" Aah.. We- w- we can't John." Annie says between kisses, her arms and legs betraying her words as they pull him towards her, her nails racking his back as she uses her dainty feet crossed behind him to brings his dick against her slick and molting hot pussy lips.

" Soon... " John retorts, staring at her meaningfully while thrusting up and down, his dick grinding against her pussy.

Taking another mouthful of boobs, John continues to use her slick pussy to please himself. Annie comes once more, her body spasming under him, her heels digging into him, making it a real tremendous effort for him to not sheath himself to hilt inside her undoubtedly tight virgin super vagina.

" In a week, you and I are taking a weekend off." He says, staring at her with desire as she blissfully nods. " But you still got work for tonight baby.." John adds, her clouded eyes following his to the dick she desperately wants.

" Ah, alright.." Annie says, her hand reaching its base, unable to fully grasp it in her hand she strokes it back and forth.

" Firmer. I'm not in glass. " John guides her, smiling at her as she uses her super strength to strokes his diamond hard rod, her motions easy and fast thanks to the lubrifiant applied by her pussy earlier.

" Hmm, use your mouth Annie." He says and she comply, getting on four, her delicious ass jutting behind and her back arching. Pushing her hair behind her ears, she tentatively lick the tip before looking at him.

" Like thish~?" Annie asks, looking at him submissively as she keeps licking and slurping his cock, loving the taste and swallowing the precum leaking from it.

" Yes, don't stop." John says, a smirk on his face as she keeps working his length for long minutes.

He unleash his semen in her mouth, holding her head to make sure she swallow it while caressing her ass with another hand, spanking it slightly when a drop spill from her mouth making her seal her mouth around his shaft with renew attention.

" Show me." John orders as he watch her stick her tongue out to prove she drank it all, his babybatter safely secured in her belly, he smiles. A content and proud smile. " Good girl." He adds and she beams at him, letting himself fall on the bed, he grabs her and she lay down besides him, her naked body draped over him.

[ Homelander's spare room ]

Kimiko suck clean the sticky fingers she used to masturbate to to sounds of her savior and a an unknown woman. Her empty plate and the laptop besides her.

[ The next day ]

Annie wakes up feeling more good and well rested, stretching out, she looks at John's face still asleep. Tenderly, her fingers traces his pectorals and abs while they're covered by the bed quilt.

" Slept well ?" Johns deep voice snaps her out of her exploration, making the tip of her ears heating from being caught red-handed and his hand groping her ass.

" Yeah, my best sleep in that damn tower." Annie answers, resuming her caressing of muscles while he chuckles from her words.

Bringing her above him, they share a long kiss before John quickly check the time on his phone laying beside his head.

" Fuck ! It's late ! I need to go !" Annie exclaims when she sees the time, realizing they overslept. " John.." She adds playfully when he don't free her from his arms.

" One last kiss befor-" He don't have to finish before feeling her tongue seeking entrance.

Annie breaks the kiss and stare at him, unaware of her eyes burning a bright golden light as she finally got out of the cover and stands up, her naked form followed by John's eyes as she puts back on her clothes.

" See you later !!" She says as she leaves for her apartment.

Once she left, John glances at the closed door of the spare room. " You can come out Kimiko, we're alone. " He says and she quickly appears, her naked behind barely hidden by the black shirt she's still wearing as she tries to avoid his gaze making him smile.

" I need a shower." He says then stands up. " Wanna come ?" He adds with his eyebrows raised.

Kimono stares at his manhood for a second before lifting her eyes to his face and nodding her head at him.

" Good." John responds, pleased. " Go on." He encourages her and follow behind as she leads them to the shower.

Glancing behind her, Kimiko unbutton her shirt as she turns on the water. Getting under the stream she hears John getting closer then joining her under the stream.

" I think it's your turn to wash me Kimiko, don't you ?" John says from behind her and she nods before grabbing the gel.

Turning back, Kimiko admires his body closely once more then starts to wash him, using her hands to lather his body with gel. Standing on her tiptoes to reach his hair than squatting to wash his legs. Looking down at her, John grabs her hips and pulls her flush against him their noses touching as her hand grasp his dick and lather it with shower gel, washing away Starlight's dried pussy juice.

[ Later in the morning ]

Homelander walks towards the meeting room, furious his time with Kimiko was cut short. By the Deep, of all people...

A devious smile grows on his face as he sees who's approaching him.

" Ashley." Homelander says coldly as the red-haired freeze in front of him. Dress up in a green women's suit.

" S-Sir Homelander, how can I help you ?" Ashley says weakly, her eyes submissively avoiding his.

" Show me." Homelander orders, fixing his gaze between her legs.

" Si-" Ashley looks up defiantly.

" Show me." He reiterates his demand, his tone more hard and scary as she slightly pulls down her green suit pant showing him her color matching thong.

" Turn around." He says and she turn, offering two pale cheeks to him.

" Ow !!" She cries as his hand impact a cheek making her butt jiggles. " Ow !" Once more, this time on the other, marking her two asscheaks with the clear imprint of his hand.

" Now go." Homelander says and Ashley immediately pulls back her pant before hurriedly walking away.

" Oh, and Ashley." He says making her freeze again. " Stop pulling your hair or you'll punish. Now run along." He adds then walks away to the meeting room.

[ The Seven meeting's room ]

Kevin aka The Deep looks as Homelander walks inside, arms behind his back and looking at him sternly.

" Homelander thanks for coming. " The Deep starts, trying to appease his leader and hoping what he's got to announce will earn him forgiveness.

" It better be worth it Deep, I was busy." Homelander says as he reaches the Deep and looks at what's at his feet.

" Zinc. " Homelander adds as he tries to see through the big suitcase and fails. The Deep opens it for him and he sees what's inside.

" Translucent..." Homelander says, surprised and angered to see a member of the Seven in this state. " Where did you find it ?" He asks the the Deep while reading the notes left on the interior of the suitcase, a face he saw recently coming to his mind.

" Deep in the ocean, someone really didn't want it to be found." The Deep answers. "So.. am i forgiven with this ?" He asks.

Homelander looks at him, clasping his hand behind the Deep's neck then bringing him lower.

" Starlight. Maeve. They're mine. We clear on that ?" Homelander says and Kevin nods. " Then we're good, for now." He adds and Deep let out a breathe he was holding when Homelander lets him go.

" Madelyn needs to see this. Go fetch her for me." Homelander orders him and he quickly flee from the room.