Shadows of the Past

Team Happy's victory in the season opener had reinforced their status as the reigning champions, but Ye Xiu knew better than to let his guard down. The thrill of victory was fleeting, and the challenges they faced were far from over. The competition was only going to get tougher as the season progressed, and every team in the league would be gunning for them.

As the days turned into weeks, Team Happy settled into the rhythm of the season. They won some matches decisively, while others pushed them to their limits. But through it all, they maintained their focus, determined to defend their title and prove that they belonged at the top.

One afternoon, as the team gathered for a strategy meeting, Ye Xiu noticed a subtle tension in the room. The atmosphere was different from the usual camaraderie—they were still united, but there was an undercurrent of something unspoken. He could see it in the way his teammates exchanged glances, in the way they hesitated before speaking up.

"What's on your minds?" Ye Xiu asked, breaking the silence.

The team exchanged looks, and it was Wei Chen who finally spoke up. "It's not something we've really talked about, but... have any of you noticed how the other teams have been playing against us lately?"

Tang Rou nodded. "They're more aggressive, more focused. It's like they're targeting us specifically, trying to exploit our weaknesses."

Su Mucheng added, "And it's not just in the matches. There's been a lot of chatter online, too. People are questioning our strategies, dissecting our every move. It feels like we're under a microscope."

Ye Xiu understood what they were getting at. Their success had brought them into the spotlight, and with that came scrutiny and pressure. But there was something else, something more personal that was bothering them.

"It's not just about the matches, is it?" Ye Xiu asked, his gaze sweeping over his teammates.

Luo Ji hesitated before speaking up. "I think... it's about you, Captain. There's been a lot of talk about your past, about your time with Excellent Era."

The room fell silent, the weight of his words hanging in the air. Ye Xiu had always been a central figure in the Glory community, but his past with Excellent Era—the team he had once led to multiple championships before being forced out—was a subject that stirred up strong emotions among fans and players alike.

Ye Xiu leaned back in his chair, his expression unreadable. He had never been one to dwell on the past, but he knew that it still cast a long shadow over his present.

"People are saying that you're only in this for revenge," Bao Rongxing said quietly. "That you're using us to settle an old score."

Ye Xiu's eyes narrowed slightly, but he didn't react immediately. He knew that rumors and speculation were part of the territory, but it was clear that these doubts were affecting his team.

"Is that what you all think?" Ye Xiu asked, his tone calm but serious. "That I'm here to settle a score with Excellent Era?"

The team exchanged uneasy glances, but it was Chen Guo who spoke up, her voice firm. "Of course not. We know why you're here, Ye Xiu. We're here because we believe in this team, and we believe in you."

"Then don't let what other people say get to you," Ye Xiu replied. "I didn't come back to Glory for revenge. I came back because I love the game, because I believe in what we're doing here. We've built something special, and that's what matters."

He paused, letting his words sink in before continuing. "Yes, I have a history with Excellent Era, and that's something I'll always carry with me. But that's not why I'm here. I'm here because I want to see this team succeed, because I believe we have what it takes to be the best."

The tension in the room began to ease as his teammates absorbed his words. They had all known, on some level, that Ye Xiu's past would be a factor in their journey, but hearing him address it directly helped to dispel the doubts that had been lingering in their minds.

"Besides," Ye Xiu added with a small smile, "if I were really in this for revenge, I would have done things very differently."

The team laughed, the mood lightening as the tension dissolved. They knew that the road ahead would be difficult, but they also knew that they could trust their captain to lead them with integrity and determination.

As the season progressed, Team Happy continued to face tough opponents, but they also grew stronger as a unit. Each match was a learning experience, each victory a testament to their hard work and dedication. And while the shadows of the past loomed large, they refused to let them define their future.

One evening, after a particularly grueling match against Misty Rain, Ye Xiu found himself alone in the café. The others had gone home to rest, but Ye Xiu stayed behind, his thoughts consumed by the challenges they had faced.

As he sat at the counter, staring into his cup of coffee, he heard the door open and turned to see Su Mucheng entering the café. She walked over and sat down next to him, her expression thoughtful.

"You didn't go home with the others?" Ye Xiu asked, raising an eyebrow.

Su Mucheng shook her head. "I wanted to talk to you. About Excellent Era."

Ye Xiu's gaze flickered, but he remained silent, waiting for her to continue.

"I know you don't like talking about it," Su Mucheng said softly. "But it's been on my mind lately. What happened back then... it's not something you can just forget."

Ye Xiu sighed, leaning back in his chair. "You're right. I can't forget what happened with Excellent Era. It was a big part of my life, and it ended in a way that I never wanted. But I've made peace with it, Mucheng. I've moved on."

Su Mucheng looked at him, her eyes filled with concern. "Have you really? Or are you just telling yourself that because you don't want to deal with the pain?"

Ye Xiu didn't answer immediately. He knew that Su Mucheng understood him better than almost anyone, and her words struck a chord deep within him.

"I've had to move on," Ye Xiu finally said, his voice quiet. "If I hadn't, I wouldn't be here with this team, fighting for what we've built. But that doesn't mean I've forgotten. Excellent Era will always be a part of me, for better or worse."

Su Mucheng nodded, understanding the complexity of his feelings. "I know it's not easy, but you don't have to carry that burden alone. We're all here for you, Ye Xiu. We're a team, and that means supporting each other, no matter what."

Ye Xiu smiled, grateful for her words. "Thanks, Mucheng. It means a lot to hear you say that."

They sat in comfortable silence for a while, the bond between them stronger than ever. They had been through so much together, and they knew that their shared history would always be a part of who they were. But they also knew that they had a future to fight for, and they were determined to face it together.

As the season wore on, Team Happy continued to prove themselves, their victories hard-earned but well-deserved. They faced fierce competition, but they also grew closer as a team, their unity a powerful force that carried them through even the toughest matches.

And while the shadows of the past still lingered, they no longer held the same power over them. Ye Xiu had made peace with his history, and his focus was firmly on the future—on the battles yet to be fought, on the victories yet to be won.

For Ye Xiu and Team Happy, the journey was far from over. They knew that there would be more challenges, more trials that would test their resolve. But they also knew that they were stronger together, that their bond was unbreakable.

The Glory's Champion had faced the shadows of the past and emerged stronger for it. And as they looked ahead to the battles yet to come, they knew that they were ready to face whatever the future held.

For in Glory, the fight never truly ended. And with each new challenge, Team Happy would rise to the occasion, their spirits unyielding, their hearts united in the pursuit of victory.