Chapter 2: The challenge


A man of the Sofiaso household being mocked by the whole of the academy? I had rubbed dirt on my family's name. I didn't feel like staying at school, but going home wasn't something I could afford either.

My enemies must have been happy, the downfall of Gin was definitely delightful to them.

Hiding the news I got from my family was the valid thing to do, but knowing Williams, she had probably called my Dad and bragged already.

My chest tightened as I stood in front of our family's— fortress.

"Master Gin, you're home. Welcome, young master! We have set up a feast in wait for your return!" One of the guards at the gate yelled.

"A feast? I never asked anyone for that! Would you open the gates at once?!" I snapped at him.

My body's temperature rose so high that I thought I might have been hit by a fever.

"At once, young master! I apologize" he pleaded, and went into the control room.

Shortly after, the mighty gates separated and opened. He didn't bother to deactivate the magic circle in front because all members of my family, as well as the mansion workers had their mana signatures recorded, it prevented the security measures from going off.

Quite frankly, I found the security measures useless because anyone who was dumb enough to attempt a break-in surely had a deathwish.

" the guard mentioned a feast being prepared. Does that mean that they don't know? Could it be that Williams never called?" My thoughts played on repeat in my mind like a broken record player.

I would rather she broke the news herself and not me. Atleast I wouldn't have had to ruin the mood in the mood.

I pushed the gigantic doors open.

"Surprise! congratulations!" My father yelled in his thunderous voice.

"Congratulations my sweet boy, you're on the path to being the greatest battle mage this family, and the whole of Fritia has seen" Mom added with a soft smile drawn across her face.

"There's no way little Gin is going to be a stronger battle mage than me! you hear me, mom?!" Zain, who was my immediate elder yelled.

My entire family laughed. Everyone expect our eldest, who was on a mission outside of Fritia's capital at the time.

The sadness I felt turned to anger once more. I clenched my fist tightly.

"My own family dares to mock me?! What the hell is everyone so happy about?! tell me!" I thundered.

I had planned to act it out cool but seeing them all being happy and positive tipped me off.

"Gin, what's wrong honey?" Mom asked.

I knew Williams had already called the house through Father's exaggerated reaction. They were trying to cheer me up. While I appreciated the effort, I hated how pathetic it made me look. I would much rather have had my father called me a disappointment to my face, I know he thought it.

"Can you all just quit this charade? I know Williams already called home. Could you all quit acting like I'm a dumb child? It's sickening" I expressed, the tone of my voice had dropped much lower than before.

Father took a deep sigh and put down the cake he held in a tray.

"What do you want, son? What do you want me to do? Tell my son that he's a failure? I can't do that because you aren't a failure, far from it" He placed a hand on my shoulder, I felt infuriated, but underneath that feeling was immerse sadness, bitterness.

"You're a member of this household, my household. You know what that makes you? It makes you a great man by default." Father added.

"Yeah right, you know what else that makes me? a reputation leech. Now, if you don't mind, Father, I'd like to be excused now." I said in a shaky voice.

He made way, holding back my mother as she tried to stop me.

I had done the very thing I was avoiding, ruining the happiness. Again the high and mighty Gin Sofiaso, had proved himself to be the family's black sheep.

The rest of the evening was just as horrible as the first day. I managed to force myself to get sleep, but not before thinking about how I'd be looked at in school the next day.

Six in the morning, I was informed that Isaak was outside the gate. We usually walked to school and back together.

I didn't feel like going to school, or leaving my room at all but; that would have made me look weak, more pathetic than i actually was. Besides, I picked a fight with the biggest bully group in ny grade.

That was my motivation, if I could defeat those guys without any skills, then I'd still be seen as the most powerful in the whole school. After them, I'd have that duel with Isaak, and then my dearest father!

After recollecting my thoughts, I prepared and went out to meet Isaak.


Things at school were worse than I expected them to be. I was the talk of the morning. At the time, I was even more famous than the principal. I could walk past two people without hearing snickers and whispers.

Barging into my homeroom after assembly, I walked over to Orion's seat.

"Well, well, if it isn't the most popular loser in Fritia. To what do I owe this honour? your highness." Orion jested. his brainless minions laughed in unison, like the puppets they were.

"Orion, fight me. I thought you said you were going to hand my butt to me!" I yelled. I had stirred up a scene quicker than expected, students from other classes trooped into ours.

Orion wore a wicked smile.

"I changed my mind, it —"

Before Orion could conclude his speech, I landed a slap across his face. The highest form of disrespect in the Kingdom.

"Sofiaso!!!! You, me, Arena, now!" Orion lost it and stormed off.