Chapter 10: The summoning


Gin and Carolynn had been missing for over seven hours. Naturally Marcus panicked and alerted the security in-charge of affairs outside the dome. A search party was sent out almost immediately, it was mainly because the missing people in question were children of influential people.

Fritia's slums as a whole was too wide to comb through in a matter of hours. While the capital city comprised of a number of towns, the country comprised of a number of big cities, cities that had been forgotten.

A rupture appeared out of nowhere in front of the dome's main entrance, out of it came two bloodied and battered individuals, Gin and Carolynn. They collapsed to the hard floor almost immediately after the rupture closed. They were passed out from the injuries and mana depletion.

The mages at the entrance stood on alert for a moment, observing from a distance, before one of them identified that the people laying on the floor were the two missing people.

They rushed to help them up. The mage in-charge of the search called it off when he was inform that the missing students had been found.

They were taken to the school's infirmary since they were still in uniforms.


A few hours passed. Gin woke up. He stared in the mirror. His injuries were gone like they were never there.

"Healing magic at it's finest. Gotta love it" He whispered.

After staring in the mirror for a moment, his eyes widened. He remembered something he had forgotten.

"Carolynn!" He echoed.

Gin made his way out of the room. Incidentally, immediately he got to the corridor he bumped into Carolynn's father.

"Oh? You're awake already. That's surprising. Surprising but good. How do you feel?" He asked with his both hands on both Gin's shoulders.

"I'm alright. That doesn't matter right now. How is Caro—"

"Carolynn is fine. She's in the room next door. Her mana is still being replenished. Slowly apparently, not like yours" Mr Jonas interrupted him. He shot Gin a suspicious look, then he smiled slightly.

"That's — good. I was worried" Gin said.

"Well, you needn't be. Come along now, we have somewhere to be. I was counting on Carol waking up first but I guess this isn't so bad" He said, walking past Gin.

Naturally Gin followed behind him because he wanted to know what Jonas was talking about.

On their way to the exit, they ran into Gin's mother and sister.

"Oh? Sweetie, you're up already? I'm so glad" Gin's mother said, she had tear drops at the corners of her eyes.

"This is the second time mother drags me here just to see you. We came earlier. Just so you know, you owe me one" Zain, Gin's sister said with a small smile on her face.

"Mom, Zain" Gin called out. He had surprise written on his face; but more than that, he is as just glad he to see them.

"Hello, Rosia. Been a while. I'm sorry to interrupt this sweet reunion but we have to go now" Jonas said, checking his pocket watch.

"Oh, yes I understand" Gin's mother responded.

"Mom, what's going on?" Gin asked.

She cupped Gin's face with both hands.

"Honey, you'll be fine okay? I promise. just answer every question honestly. Be on your best behavior, okay? You do not want to make your father look bad in front of the king" she said.

"King?!" Gin exclaimed, stepping back and taking her hands off his face.

"I'm going to the palace? Did I do something wrong? What exactly is going on?!" He asked. Clearly he panicked upon hearing mention of the king.

"don't screw this up. You'll understand everything once you get there. Hopefully" Zain said. She had a more serious look in her eyes.

Gin knew that it meant serious business whenever she did that.

He kept silent and acted more relaxed.

Zain and Rosia moved apart. Jonas walked out the front door. Gin slowly followed behind him because he couldn't seem to fathom the whole thing.

Outside the main entrance, a royal carriage lay in wait for them. Without hesitation, Jonas entered. After giving it much thought, Gin nervously stepped into the carriage.

"Maybe you should tell me what's really going on, Mr. Jonas" Gin requested as the carriage took off.

Jonas stared him down before sticking a cigarette in his mouth and striking the lighter to light it.

"I'm really not in a position to tell you this but if you'll be this persistent then i can share information without giving you too much details" Jonas said, then he sighed.

"Well go on" Gin requested.

"Look, you might be in quite some trouble. Not just you, Carolynn is involved too. Depending on the outcome, you both might be arrested—" Jonas paused like he had something stuck up his throat.

"Or Silenced" He said.

Gin's eyes widened.

"Silenced? You mean like killed?!" Gin yelled.

"Keep your voice down, son" Jonas said in a calm voice. He drew smoke from his cigar and exhaled.

"I don't understand any of it. It was my fault that Carolynn ended up in that situation. It's all my fault" Gin lamented. He had a look of desperation in his eyes.

Jonas stared at him for a moment, then sighed.

"All of that doesn't matter now. You kids have gotten yourselves in quite the mess. You saw something you should never had seen" He said.

Gin's expression went from desperation, to shock, and then to anger.

"You all already knew about all of this? The labyrinth?" Gin asked in a low tone. He tried to contain his anger.

"People have been going into those things and dying for how long now? answer me honestly" His eyes twitched.

"We know about that, and a lot more that you don't know about the mystery that is Fritia" Jonas responded.

"I'd like to speak to my father" Gin requested.

"He'll be there , your mother mentioned, didn't she?"

Gin stayed silent following that.