To cobble town!


Kaluar trudged wearily back to his homeland, his disheveled figure covered in dirt and bruises. His unruly hair stuck out in awkward angles as his narrowed eyes reflected the weariness of his journey, the stinging cuts from climbing up the ravine a constant reminder of the challenges he faced.


His hands instinctively found the familiar straps of his bag, and a weary smile broke free across his fatigued face as he realized he had finally returned. Hurrying towards the guild, he pushed open the door with all the strength he could muster, the handle slamming against the wall as he entered, the noise not dwindling its liveliness for an instant.


The smell of beer and wine and the cheers of returning adventurers clogged the guild in its lively banter. Glasses collide in merriment as beer spills on the tables, running off the edges and leaving the work to the cleaners. 


Kaluar's eyes widened, his smile getting wider as he saw the cheers he were familiar with, glad that the guild hadn't changed a bit.


'Fiona!' His voice echoed through the guild, and he made his way to the receptionist's desk, determined to share the tales of his recent adventure. 


Fiona turned to him, a smile on her face, she had just finished placing another mission on the mission board, waiting on a brave adventurer to take it off her hands.


'A mission?' He thought, his mind now focusing on the piece of paper.


'Oh you're back,' She said with an endearing smile. 


'I assume you finished your first task?'


'What's that?' Kaluar pointed to the paper on the board, curiosity lurks in his eyes, a thirst for more adventure, to see it all.


'Someone wants some book to be transported to Prospera, a place of humans and trade.' She said, her hand on her hips, sighing to herself.


'Though, no one wants to take it, claiming it was too easy and the reward is so low.' Her eyebrow furrows, wanting to get rid of the damned thing as soon as possible.


'I tried putting it up multiple times, but-'


'I'll do it!' Kaluar interjected, cutting her off from her monologue, eyebrow furrowing over his eyes leaving no room for argument. 


'You'd take this one?' Fiona questioned, her eyebrow raised as she took it off the board and handed it to him. 


'Well, If you're sure.' She murmured.


Kaluar took the assignment with pride, his eyes lighting up as the paper crushed under his fingers, Celi looked over his shoulder her eyes also filled with curiosity from what was about to happen.


'Okay! We got this!' He said with a determined grin, his fist pumping in the air from excitement, Celi hopped onto the receptionist's desk as Fiona placed a book on the table, its hard cover laced with an intricate design of wooden chains that stretched to the cover.


A seal was placed on it, a blue glow emitting from its hardened brown cover.


Kaluar picked it up from the table, his hands brushing against the design his finger bumping over the seems in a look of awe, the book was smooth to the touch but had so many bumps and indents.


'That's the book in question, they said it's very important and not to open it.' She sighed, leaning against the desk, her elbows right next to Celi.


'Not like we can though, with that seal on.' She muttered.


'But getting back to you, I beg you to be careful, Prospera is a decent mile away even if you have Celi to guide you it won't be as fun as you think-' Her words fell on deaf ears as our hero was already on his way out, book and bag in tow, leaving both Celi and Fiona behind.


'Is he always like this?' Celi muttered, clearly pissed by his way of working.


'Yeah, most of the time.' Fiona leaned more onto the desk, her hand cupping her face with an endearing smile on his face.


'You could say he's like Gerard in that sense huh? Always up for adventure, always running head first.' She sighed, 


A small huff came from Celi's lips, folding her arm with a cross yet cute expression, it was hard to take her seriously.


'He's nothing like Gerard.' She muttered, her eyes filled with annoyance yet an odd fondness, like she was about to giggle just thinking about it like she was growing a small soft spot for the young elf.


'But what do you think about him so far? Is he the one? will you stay on his adventure?' A smile crossed on the receptionist, her gaze more of a teasing one as she stared at the little elf on her desk.


'He's reckless, but not the kind of reckless that just, jumps into situations, he's the kind to think of a plan even if it's small, that's what I get from the first impression at least. I'll probably stick around, and see where he takes me.' She smiled, getting up from the desk and looking at Fiona giving her a small wave.


'I'll be off now, or he'd surely get lost.'


Fiona laughed waving goodbye to the tiny elf. 


'Bye, keep Kaluar safe for me.'


'I'll do my best.' Celi announced before hopping off the desk, leaving Fiona to her thoughts. 


'Oh Celi,' She thought as she leaned back and continued her work in the guild.


'I do wish you luck.'


'Alright! To Prospera!' Kaluar cheered his fists to the sky as he made his way out of the village. His book in hand. 


'Wait a minute! Slow down!' Celi shouted from huffed breaths, her feet desperately trying to catch up to his giant steps. 


'Oh, sorry.' The young elf chuckled lightly, kneeling down and stretching his hands out to her so she could mount it, her tiny hands wrapping around his thumb to get on just as before.


She walked up his arm and nestled on his shoulder, her hand lightly holding onto his hair in the event she fell. Kaluar smiled, holding the book he was tasked to carry close to his heart as he began his journey once more, the lively and merry sounds of the village, replaced with the calm, serene ambiance of the Eldrian fields.


'So where do we go?' Kaluar asked as he trekked forward, his heavy boots pushing through the tall grass with each step, their slow and smooth dance tickling his exposed leg as he walked.


'There's only one known way to get to Prospera.' Celi stated, looking at the pop up she created with her mana this time showing the image of Elvendoria.


'We have to go to Cobble town, a small village connected to the train of Elvendoria, and get there that way.' Celi said, her fingers swiping through the screen.


'Ok, Cobble town we go!' He said with a smile, the sun going down into the horizon as they continued their journey. The once bright clear sky turned into a beautiful dark blue, the stars littering the sky accompanying the moon in it's beauty, the brighter they shined, the more the moon outshined them.