Saving the kids

'You ok?' He asked, concerned for her safety.


Celi nods at his inquiry, looking back at the monster once more, for it was far from done. It's webbed feet clawed into the earth before before shooting off at our hero, it's jaws clamping down on the gun he held so dearly. It's bug eyes staring into the soul of it's attacker. 


Kaluar grunted, the struggle between them palpable as he shifted his weight against the ground trying to toss the monster over, but it's jaws were to strong, snatching the gun out of his hand, the force sending him flying across the ground, dry leaves and sticks digging into his back. 


The creator's jaws crushed the gun lodged in it's mouth, the harmony between steel and wood broken, shattered into pieces before it's creator. Kaluar's eyes widened in distraught as the pieces fell to the floor before him. His hands digging into the soil as the creature stomped forward.


His face stretched forward in an attempted to bite him. Kaluar quickly rolled out of the way and got to his feet. Running away from Celi. The monster followed him, it's webbed feed digging into the soil as it began its pursuit of the young lad. 


Celi watched as it tailed him, her hand clenched into fists as it got ever so closer to Kaluar. The creator lunged forward, hoping to catch the hero in it's mighty jaws. Kaluar's shoots a stream of fire from his hands, the flames burning his eyes regardless of their tiny size.


The monster face planted to the ground, allowing Kaluar to continue his escape.


'Just got to get this as far as possible,' he thought to himself, his brows furrowed over his eyes with a determined gaze. His feet practically gliding against the leaf invested ground. 


The creature got up from the ground it was dug into, it's claws burrowed shallowly into the soil as it shot off once more at it's target. Jaws opened wide as It began chasing him once more.


Celi ran towards the broken gun, her heart racing in her tiny chest as she fumbled with the pieces, desperately trying to put them together. Her fingers clumsy against the cold shards of steel. The wooden piece's nothing but splinters hidden in the grass.


Kaluar took a right turn into the woods, making his way through the narrow path, the monster struggling to make a way beyond the borders it was set by, breaking the trees in it's path. getting closer to him regardless.


Kaluar gritted his teeth as he shifted through the woods, turning and weaving by the turn of his heels his hands pushing past the trees that surround him. He looked behind, to see how far the monster was only to be met by it's bugged eyes, putting him in a trance. His mouth slightly agape as it reached for him.


The cries of the children got louder, echoing far and wide throughout the forest the more they fought. Shouting at the top of their lungs, screaming, kicking, throwing a tantrum in the forest.

Celi gathered the pieces of the broken weapon. Holding them in her hands as there was nothing she could do now. She held the pieces close. Her tears falling into her hands.


'Not again..' She cried, gritting her teeth. 


'I'm sorry Kaluar... I couldn't-' As she mourned the soon death of her companion, her hand glowed in a cyan blue light, the pieces formed into a musket embedded in blue light. Her eyes widened at the thing that lied before her. It's design a carving of a woman praying. 


Slowly she wrapped her fingers around the musket, pulling the trigger with all of her might, praying to god himself that this would work. She closed her eyes, her body blown back by the recoil, massive gusts of wind shot out, cutting up the trees in it's wake and soon the monster, it's body lying in pieces before the young elf.


Celi watched in disbelief as part of the forest was cleared. Falling to her knees, her mouth slightly agape and her eyes wide open.


'Celi... did you do that?' Kaluar asked, his eyes too wide with disbelief.


'Yeah, I guess I did.' A weak smile spread across her face, a smile that spread through all the fatigue she felt before.


'That's awesome!' The young elf shouted at the top of his lungs, running over to his little companion, scooping her up in his arms. Bringing her close.


Celi wrapped her hands around the cheek of our hero, balling her eyes out to the world, humiliation long since left the window. 


'I thought you were gonna die!' She cried, burying her face into his cheek.


'Never do that again!'


'I'm sorry.' Kaluar muttered, leaning into her embrace ever so slightly in an attempt to comfort her friend.


Slowly, footsteps started to echo throughout the forest, Kaluar's eyes quickly darting towards the source of the noise, only to find big beady eyes staring back at him, tiny hands holding onto the trees to hide behind incase of danger.


'Excuse me,' A little girl asked, her eyebrow furrowed over her green eyes in concern, purple hair cascading over her white gown. 


'Were you sent to rescue us?'


Kaluar grinned, giving them a thumbs up as he looked at all of them. 


'That's right! Kaluar, the tinkerer of legend has come to save you all!' He announced, his hand to the sky.


Celi rolls her eyes an endearing smile stuck on her face after what just happened, she wanted things to stay like this, she wanted Kaluar to stay like this forever. The kid's eyes lit up in amazement, swarming him in an instant, their tiny little hands clinging to his body, with cheerful screams of joy.