A Proposition

Kaluar got up from the sidewalk, his heart still panging in his chest as he tried to steady his breathing, looking at the back of his savior before following him. Celi too pursued the lad, running as fast as their tiny legs could take them.


They made their way to the wall, walking through the dead train tracks, a single flame of fire magic to guide them through the dark path. Their footsteps echoed throughout the tunnel, eyes barely keeping up with what is being presented, the darkness keeping everything hidden in a ghostly shroud as the flames from the guard's fire fought against it. 


Soon they stopped midway, Kaluar bumping into the man, his face planted into his back as he was wandering mindlessly. The guard clicked his tongue in annoyance, the flame being guided to a black hole that seemed painted on the wall, it's contents seeming murky as the mana with in it slowly resonated.


'What's that?' Celi questioned, a bit of uncertainty laced in her voice as she watched the man feed his flame to the thing, his magic slowly being absorbed within.


'A shadow Beacon, one of the many things you can make with mana alchemy.' He informed, his voice cold and to the point. The shadow beacon slowly enlarges, a purple hue starting to stain it's once void-black color. 


'It absorbs mana to start, but once it's opened like this all sorts of magic can pass through.' He says reassuringly, leading the way into the beacon. Kaluar closed his eyes and breathed, his foot stepping into the portal with hesitance. Once inside, he felt as though he was walking on air, yet his feet feel wet. His eyes could see but he could tell it was darkness, there was no smell and he could hardly feel his skin no matter how hard he held onto his hand.


the only source of light being the exit on the other side. He ran towards the light, his feet digging into the murky depths, the feeling of it, squishy yet no tension, no feeling, it felt like he was running along the clouds, praying to god each step doesn't make him fall. Once his hand reached the other side her clawed at the entrance. Pushing his head out for a weird sense of relief when he got back to the outside world.


His eyes panning around a ruined station that seemed to be abandoned, a bunker made with a ancient stone that seemed lost in this town's history, going against it's overall aesthetic. 

There the man stood in front of him his feet tapping impatiently. 


'Took you long enough.' He commented.


'Where are we..' Kaluar murmured, looking around the abandoned area.


'It's our old station, every few know about this place, one of the relics of our past.' He informed.


'Your..past?' Our young hero looked even more confused by this statement.


'Yeah but enough of that let's keep going.' He muttered, his gaze shifting throughout the ruin. His steps brisk as though he was in a hurry to leave.


Kaluar watched from afar, feeling a light tug on his pants, he looked down to see what could be wrong and saw Celi staring at him with concerned eyes.


'Are you alright?' She asked, visibly concerned for our hero.


He forces a soft smile of reassurance, before kneeling down to her level, offering his hand once more to her. Celi watches him with eyes of hope yet caution, waiting for his verbal response.


'I'm fine, don't worry.' He murmured, his smile growing even more warm but it didn't feel genuine at all, never the less Celi smiled back, grabbing onto his thumb like she always do before climbing on. 


The Director sat at his desk, a metal pic dancing around his fingers idly as he waited for any news on the recent events. The pressure started to get to him as he waited but that's all he could've done. 


After a while, he heard a click to the door, his head raises in hopes of joyful news to see fiery red hair peaking through the cracks of the door as he entered. Gloves adorned with the stains of a tinkerer, boots that marched through all sorts of terrains. 


'Sir, I brought him.' The blue eyed guard announced with the child by his side. Kaluar looked around the room in awe, and so did Celi, the gold and brown color pallet of the room gave of a simplistic yet prestige style that only made them want to admire. 


'Unfortunately, he lost a rune on the way here so-' The guard was cut off by the hand of the director as he walked up to Kaluar, his gaze looking the child up and down, his hand on his chin as he pondered, finally making his decision.


'No, no this will do.' He announced, turning to smile at the guard, one of gratitude and acknowledgement.


'Good work, you may depart now.' 


The guard nodded and made his leave, leaving Kaluar, Celi and the Director in the room.


'You, boy, what's your name?' He inquired, his hand resting on the desk he once sat. pale fingers running along hallow yet firm wood, a golden brown the richest there is. 


Kaluar seemed hesitant before steeling himself, stepping forward, his hands on his chest as he addressed himself, a common curtesy around Elvendoria.


'I'm Kaluar, Kaluar Fairglen.' Kaluar announced, waiting for his introduction to gain a response.


'Well, Kaluar.' The director spoke, his gaze turning to the elf that stood before him, a soft welcoming smile on his face as he spoke.


'Why not join the academy?'