Dear beloved

The next day the sun rose and peaked beyond the horizon, the group moving from the forested landscape to the hilly regions of the skyward mountains. Their visions were plagued by the low fog yet they kept their pace, their steps crunched against the mountain's soil, yet it kept the atmosphere of a silent journey. 

Mirai stopped in his tracks, causing the others to look back at him, the young lad looked rather dazed for a second before scratching his head with an awkward smile.

"I'm sorry but, can we take a break here? Kinda hungry haha," His query was appeasing to them yet Kaluar and Kurai exchanged glances with a rather confused look.

"Is this really the place to take a rest?" Kaluar asked, mentioning the surrounding fog, but Mirai has already stumbled on his backside, his back leaned against the mountain that framed the side of the path.

"We wont reach the clearing for a bit now, so why not?" He smiled, "And to be completely honest, I'm drained out of my mind."

He burst out into a soft chuckle that would echo softly in the mountains, Kaluar chuckling along with him, sitting by his side "Yeah same, what about you Kurai?"

"I'm fine-" He muttered, "I'm just gonna go ahead-"

He turned to continue the journey alone, his footsteps getting lost within the path that they were destined to cross.

"O-ok, well we'll catch up!" Kaluar called out, Celi climbing off his shoulder and to the floor with a rather concerned look about her.


"A break? really-" The blue haired lad muttered to himself as he walked, his eyes squinting to peer through the fog. "I see he's as laid back as ever..."

He took a minute and stood out in the fog, letting out a soft sigh of frustration before he continued his climb, Kurai could feel the path getting steeper and steeper as he climbed higher and higher. there was no doubt to his weariness, as the young man finally reached the top. Standing above the fog and looking towards the sun that beamed down on him from above.

"Just clear skies from here..." He mumbled to himself, his eyes closed as he felt the sun's warm glow envolp him.

"You can say that again..." Another voice agreed in his ear, causing him to jolt from surprise. He turned to see who it was and saw Celi, kicking her legs idly on his shoulders. "You sure do talk alot when you think you're alone huh."

"You're...Kaluar's pet thingy-" Kurai said in realization to Celi's presence.

"Pet thingy?! I'll have you know i'm his travel companion and my name is Celi!" She roared in defense, the young lad covering his ears as he winces from the sudden noise.

"Okay, okay im sorry!" He shouts back, his voice soon getting soft again as he muttered. "You don't have to shout you're by my ear-"

Celi crossed her arms and pouted, looking away from him with a stuck up tone.

"why'd you come with me anyway aren't you with Kaluar-" He pondered.

"Well this is my adventure too and I'd prefer to move ahead, so don't go thinking i came cause of you or anything," She stated, her voice still lead with her usual defensive tone.

"I wasn't thinking that-"

The duo continued their journey in silence, Kurai walking with deliberate steps, his mind lingering on the conversation they had for no particular reason, and for long than he'd like to admit.

"This is taking so LONG!" Celi whined, looking at he path up ahead, her ears perked up with intrigue at the sight of a shorter path past the mountains.

"Hey, hey, hey! Let's go there!" She urged, pointing to the even narrower yet shorter path ahead.

Kurai looked it, bewildered she would even make such a suggestion.

"This path is risky enough, we'll take the longer one-" He responded, his voice leaving no room for discussion but she pressed anyway.

"Come on! What are you, scared?! Let's just go!" She whined, nudging his neck with her tiny foot to geet a response.

"I said no!" Kurai snapped.

"It's just a little climb, stop being a scaredy cat and march!" The young lad let out an exasperated sigh, his hands reaching for his temples as his mental strength was tested to the limit.

"Whatever, fine but if anything happens it's on you-" He muttered, walking along the mentioned path.

"Now you're talking!" Celi clapped in glee, watching as they started to venture this risky slope.

loose rocks break under his feet, his hand pressed against the mountain's walls to stay standing up right.

"Shit-" he hissed as the rocks would fall from under him, his eyes narrow in focus to make sure neither of them fell to their deaths.

"You got this," Celi would cheer in a hushed voice not to break his concentration, her hand clinging to his hair just in case. 

"Just one foot after the other-" Her words are starting to get to him, his mind desperately trying to block the sound of her voice but it would just keep going, the lack of concentration making one of the potholes catch his leg, causing the young boy to stumble a bit.

"h-hey careful!" Celi squealed, clinging to his face.

"Move i can't see!' Kurai shouted, but it was too late, his balance was already obstructed, as he started to tip towards the edge. they both let out blood curlding screams as they fell under the fog once more, a loud thud echoing throughout the forest, so much so it also reached the ears of our resting heroes in the distance.

"What's that?" Kaluar muttered, his ears perked up to the noise.

"No idea..." Mirai muttered as he started to stand, "Let's go check it out."

Kaluar looked at him, his eyes filled with concern and worry. "Are you ok enough to continue though?" 

Mirai stretched, warming up his limbs for the journey ahead before turning back to Kaluar with a grin. 

"Yeah, never better. Let's go."

Kaluar mimicked his grin before getting up and stretching himself, hyping himself up for the walk ahead.
