Femboy Hooters

I would like to thank SaiyanSlickMars for helping me with this chapter.

Check out his work at SaiyanSlickMars on Ao3 or Deathkip12 on Wattpad.

For now I'm working with the idea that there are only mammalian Anthros in this world, but I may change that in the future and add more species. What do you think of this idea?

[POV: Marcus Carvalho]

With no other establishment serving good meat or cold beer at this hour in this area, I accepted my fate and went into the Femboy Hooters.

The buzz of the place hit me like a wall. Anthros of all types crowded the tables, their laughter and conversations blending into a constant hum of tvs all over the place. Human attendants, all men in very short shorts and tight tops with exposed midriffs, glided between the tables, carrying trays of drinks and food. The air was filled with the smell of fried food and cheap perfume.

Edith and I sat at a corner table, away from the loudest noise. She looked as distracted as I felt, her wide, nervous eyes taking in everything around her. The difference is that she was fascinated, trying to absorb everything with her eyes, while I wanted to absorb as little as possible.

In a few seconds, a blonde waiter approached, his shorts are shorter than my fight with honeybadger. He had a wide smile and bright eyes, clearly interested in more than just our orders…

"Good evening! Welcome to Hooters! What can I get you today?" His voice was as lively as it was effeminate, almost humming.

Edith ordered something quickly, her words barely audible over the noise of the place. Even though I was depressed, I was still hungry, so I decided to place my order.

"Your biggest serving of ribs, spicy chicken wings, and the biggest glass of cold beer in the house."

"We have a free refill offer with your order of ribs," warned the cheerful twinky.

"Perfect." I responded with the first good news I heard in this place.

The waiter quickly wrote everything down, but before leaving he approached me, smiling curiously.

"Wow, you're super strong, man!" The tone, in addition to being effeminate, was also childish, making my stomach boil in disgust. "How did you get such big muscles? Is there any special secret?"

I sighed, feeling the weight of the situation irritate me even more.

"Just a lot of training and... eating protein."

The waiter whistled, impressed.

"Wow, I guess that's why you eat so much, right? Can I grab your bicep?"

I growled, pissed at the twinky for thinking that was going to happen.

"W-Well, if you need anything, just c-call," he stuttered, scared. "My name is Luni."

He walked away, leaving me to my dark thoughts. I looked around, seeing the other femboy waiters moving between the tables, flirting and laughing with the Anthros. It was a stark contrast to what I expected.

"Shit…" I mumbled, laying my head on the table.

My behavior caught the attention of Edith, who placed a comforting hand on my arm.

"Marcus…" She called with a voice full of concern. "Are you ok?"

Her delicate and cute hand was a relief in the middle of this nightmarish house.

I forced a smile, trying to hide the whirlwind of emotions inside me.

"I'm just really frustrated," I replied, looking around once again. "This place is very different from what I expected."

She blinked her eyes and turned her head like a curious wild rabbit.

"And what did you expect?" Edith asked.

Frustration combined with hunger made me lose my speech filter, and I ended up not mincing my words and started ranting.

"I expected to see a lot of waitresses with big tits in tight tops and juicy asses in short shorts," I commented in a louder tone than I had been speaking so far.

The relief that the outburst gave me ended up distracting me from the fact that the clientele and employees were starting to pay attention to our conversation.

"Marcus, I think you'd better keep your voice down-." Edith tried to give me advice, but I cut her off in the middle of my monologue.

"Seeing the kind of woman capable of giving a nice glock glock 9000."

"Wow!" Exclaims Edith, embarrassed.

"You know a bitch who bounces on my dick so hard that it makes me walk around crooked for a week!" I exclaimed with a nostalgic sigh. "This is what I expected to see."

Edith pulled her long ears down, hiding her face.

"What's the matter?" I questioned the rabbit's behavior, finding it strange.

Looking around, I noticed that the entire restaurant was silent, and for a moment, the only sound was the distant hum of traffic outside. Every anthro was looking my way, and I could feel the weight of their gazes.

"But how did they hear me?" I questioned in surprise.

Edith leaned in with her ears still covering part of her face, whispering softly.

"Marcus, anthros have better hearing than humans," explained the little white rabbit. "They heard everything."

I was paralyzed, the reality of the situation hitting me like a punch in the stomach. I had just unleashed a series of pervert-in-heat nonsense in the middle of a Hooters.

'That's just what I need right now,' I thought, annoyed. 'Getting kicked out of this femboy hellhole without eating.'

The silence stretched for another moment, and then, something unexpected happened.

An anthro on the other side stood up, a large woman with lioness features, began to clap. The sound echoed throughout the hall, and soon, other anthros joined her. In a matter of seconds, the entire restaurant, including some men, was applauding.

"O my gosh he is so brave!" Exclaimed a waiter next to the bar. "You do you lad."

"An honest male, that's new." A mare grumbles, almost neighing.

"The kind of guy you dont show to your momma, am I right?" A hippo jokes while sitting in two chairs, one for each cheek.

"I'm so wet I slipped off my chair." Comments a sheep.

I stood there, stunned, as the sound of applause filled the room. Edith's jaw dropped, the little bunny was as surprised as I was. Her big, round eyes reflected the confusion I felt.

"I'm so wet I slipped off my chair." Comments a sheep.

I sigh awkwardly at the comments.

"Oh shit!" I murmured irritated. "I must look like a tik tok 304."

"For the love of Goddess, Marcus," she complained, massaging a headache on her forehead. "Nothing makes sense with you around."

In response, I gave an awkward laugh, but before I could apologize, I was cut off by a big, hairy hand that landed on my shoulder.

"Hey there, cutie?" said a deep and familiar female voice.

I turned around slowly. The heavy hand still resting on my shoulder gave me a slight squeeze, trying to show dominance. My eyes found a tall, muscular anthro hyena dressed like a biker. Her black and red jacket had several chains hanging from it, which rattled with every movement. She stared at me with a predatory smile, her eyes shining with a mixture of amusement and desire.


"So the bunny isn't up to the task, huh?" Her voice was husky, almost a growl, but there was a playful tone to it. "My name is Drika, I think you'd better remember it, because you'll be shouting it all night."

I felt Edith shrink, her presence diminishing even more in front of the imposing Anthro. The hyena noticed her discomfort and let out a throaty laugh.

"Relax, bunny. I just want to play with the cutie, I promise to return him in one piece." The anthro hyena commented, licking her lips. "At most he'll have some bite marks."

Drika laughed loudly, accompanied by other hyenas that were behind her.

Despite her wet dog hair and smell; she has a great body, but...

'If she wasn't such an asshole, I wouldn't mind clapping those cheeks in the bathroom,' I thought, looking at her.

But while I was planning the most efficient way to stick Drika's arm up her own ass, something else unexpected happened.

"Leave him alone." Her voice was firm, but with a slight tremor. "He's not interested in you, y-you b-b-b-bitch."

Edith, the little bunny I knew as shy and insecure, had stood in front of me. Her body was shaking, but there was a determination in her eyes that I had never seen before.

The hyena turned to Edith, with a sneer on her face.

"And who's going to make me, bunny? You?"

The little white rabbit hesitated, paralyzed for a moment.

I don't even judge her for that, her opponent is much bigger and stronger. These conditions, coupled with the fact that Edith has zero combat training, make this a lost cause.

But once again, she surprises me.

Edith didn't back down. Instead, she stepped forward, her eyes shining with courage.

"I will." Her voice gained strength, the tremor disappearing. "I know you're bigger and stronger, but that doesn't give you the right to harass someone who clearly wants nothing to do with you."

The hyena laughed again, but this time there was a note of concern hidden in the laugh.

"You're a brave little bitch, bunny." Drika glanced at me, then back at Edith. "But do you really think you can stop me?"

Edith did not hesitate and responded firmly.

"I can try!" Edith exclaimed, crossing her arms in a defiant tone.

The silence in the place complemented the tense atmosphere between the two, who seemed ready to start a fight. And as interesting as it may be to see women fighting over me, I still have my priorities...

It's like my wise grandfather said: 'Good food is more important than pussy.'

"Listen here, you lion king villain on steroids," I said, starting to get up. "I don't like hitting women, But I make exceptions for bitches like you."

As I stand, I fix my eyes on the weirdly familiar hyena.

As she faced me head-on, her arrogant smile began to disappear. Her eyes dilated, and I could see recognition dawning in them. Her body began to shake, the chains on her jacket rattling with the movement. And the hairs on the back of her neck stood up in attention.

She looked like a wild animal that had just noticed its predator's presence.

"No..." Drika murmured in fear. "No, no, no, no, no, no… are you that knight?"

Finally understanding who the hyena was, I stepped forward, my body blocking Edith from the hyena's view.

"So your name is Drika?" I spoke in a humorous tone with a touch of threat. "I warned you that if I saw you or your friends harassing innocent people, I wouldn't be so merciful." I punctuate the sentence with a big, wild smile.

Her friends fled through the door, abandoning their leader, who was still paralyzed.

Drika swallowed, her body still shaking. I could see the effort she was making to control her fear, her eyes wide and fixed on mine. She opened her mouth, trying to speak, but the words came out in a confused stutter.

"I-I... I d-didn't know i-it was y-you." Her voice, once so arrogant, now trembled in pure terror. "I'm sorry, I... I d-didn't mean to..."

She stopped, taking a deep breath, trying to compose herself. Her eyes left mine for a moment, as if searching for the right words. When she looked at me again, there was a gleam of desperation in them.

"I s-swear, I d-didn't know." Her voice took on a pleading tone. "I w-was just j-joking, I d-didn't want to c-cause trouble."

As soon as I took a step forward, the hyena yelped like a cornered animal…

…and she wet her pants.

Drika trembled, her eyes wide and filled with fear. The smell of urine filled the air, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of pity. But pity was not enough to let this situation pass.

I pulled an item from my inventory, the Condemned Shackle, a magical item I had used more times than I care to remember.

The shackle glowed blue as I closed it around Drika's arm. She screamed, more in fear than in pain, and tried to pull away, but the shackle was already securely fastened. I could feel the magic pulsing through her, binding her to me.

"What... What is this?" She stuttered, her eyes fixed on the shackle.

"Your third chance," I replied in a cold tone. "Now get out of here."

The hyena ran off, leaving the Hooters silent in its absence. The sound of the chains on her jacket echoed through the room, until it finally disappeared, leaving only the distant hum of traffic outside. I looked around, worried about what I had just done.

'Will the people here be afraid of me now?' I questioned myself internally.

But to my surprise, the silence didn't last long. First, it was a human at the next table who stood up, his eyes shining with something I couldn't identify. He began to clap, a solitary sound that echoed throughout the room. Then an anthro rat on the other side stood up with her human companion, also clapping.

Little by little, anthros and humans began to stand up, clapping their hands. I stood there, stunned, as the sound of applause filled the room.

It was so strange to feel embarrassed with such a small audience applauding me, when I had just been applauded in a large arena.

I gave an awkward wave, sitting down again. Heat rose to my face, and I tried to hide the discomfort with a forced smile. Edith, still standing, looked at me with a mixture of admiration and tenderness.

"Marcus, you... you're amazing." Her voice was low, but I could feel the sincerity in every word.

Before I could respond, Luni, the femboy waiter, appeared at my side, a tray full of food and drinks in his hands.

"Here you go, sir!" He placed the dishes on the table with impressive speed, his movements agile and precise. "I brought your ribs, spicy wings, and your beer."

The smell of food invaded my senses, making me forget all the shame I had felt. But before I could take the first piece, Luni leaned in halfway to my food, his eyes shining with curiosity.

"Sir, are you some kind of superhero?" His voice was an excited whisper, as if he were sharing a secret. "I've never seen anyone take on a hyena like that. She was all 'Oh no, don't hurt me, mister human' and you were all, 'You'll never hurt anyone again,' like super awesome!"

A vein of irritation appeared on my forehead, and I turned to Edith, who quickly understood that if I interacted with this twinki, I was going to fuck him in a way he wouldn't like.

"Look, Marcus is really tired and hungry, so he-." Before the rabbit finished, the waiter understood the message.

"Oh wow, I'm really sorry, I'm such a fool getting in the way, right?" He scored by giving himself an anime punch in the head. "Enjoy."

When he finally left, I turned to Edith and whispered.


[POV: Edith]

I finally found something more incredible than the power and confidence of Marcus Carvalho, the hero from another world...

His appetite.


He looked like a shark in a feeding frenzy, or one of those action anime protagonists.

"This is really good." He says, finishing eating the ribs. "Junk food is cool once in a while, but nothing beats meat and cold beer."

Marcus had already piled his third plate of ribs and chicken wings before my eyes.

"Good thing he has the money to pay," I murmured in relief.

"LUNI!" Marcus shouts, drawing the attention of our waiter. "Another helping of each and more beer."

"Okey Doke, daddy," the smiling waiter replied, arriving with another large mug of beer.

"Hmph!" Marcus snorted, a vein of anger jumping across his forehead.

Luni noticed that her 'special attention' made Marcus angry and uncomfortable, something that Luni seemed to really appreciate, which is why whenever he comes to the table, the femboy waiter always teases Marcus.

"Don't call me that, or I'll break your ass," Marcus threatened.

"Don't threaten me with a good time." Luni said in a needy tone while sticking out his butt.

When the waiter bounces away, I turn to the pile of bones that the hero had left. I don't understand how he manages to eat so much and look so good. I was so curious that the question escaped my lips without me realizing it.

"Do you always eat like this?"

First, Marcus raises his hand towards me with his index finger outstretched, asking for a moment while he drains the large mug of beer that elephant anthros usually use.

"Only when I'm hungry and I haven't eaten good meat for a long time," Marcus responds, pushing away the plate of bones while he waits for more. "What about you, Edith? Are you going to eat just that?"

I looked at my plate, a green salad with fresh carrots and tomatoes. Compared to Marcus's banquet, it seemed so... empty. But I couldn't help it, it was what I liked.

Even though I know Marcus is a good person, I'm afraid to answer him. Because carnivores and omnivores always make fun of my typical herbivorous diet.

"Although anthro rabbits can eat meat, unlike wild rabbits," I responded hesitantly. "But we still prefer plant-based products."

Marcus raised an eyebrow, genuine curiosity dawning in his eyes.

"Really? And derivative products like ice cream? And plant-based products made with animal fat, like potato chips made with lard?"

I sighed in relief at the hero's questions. I always forget that he's not from here, that's why he asks these types of questions, he's just a curious boy.

'Are you crazy?' screamed a primal part in the back of my mind as I stared at Marcus' defined chest. 'That's a MAN!'

"Any derivatives such as dairy and gelatin can be harmful if consumed in large quantities," I responded, trying to push away the lustful thoughts and focus on the conversation. "I'm not sure about your example of fries, but I imagine that in a small amount it wouldn't hurt."

"What about alcohol?" Marcus asked, offering a full mug brought by Luni.

"Just like humans..." I responded, muttering.

I picked up the mug as I stared at the golden liquid swaying inside it. I'm not a beer fan, but I didn't want to be rude either. Marcus looks at me with such an honest smile on his face that I don't want to disappoint him.

I took a sip, the cold liquid running down my throat, leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. I tried not to grimace, but it was difficult. Marcus laughed, a deep, genuine sound that made my heart race.

"Don't like it?" He asked, still laughing.

I placed the mug on the table, pushing it away.

"Not my kind of drink," I admitted, feeling the heat rise to my face.

Marcus picked up the mug and took a generous sip, as if to prove that there was nothing wrong with the drink.

'INDIRECT KISS!' shouted my primal side. 'He really wants us. Quick! Jump on his crotch. Or do you want to die a virgin?'

"Each one with their own taste," said the hero, placing the mug back on the table. "But if you don't like beer, what do you like to drink?"

I thought for a moment, trying to remember a drink I really liked.

"I like sweet juices," I finally responded. "And tea."

Marcus smiled, a smile that lit up his face.

'I hope our kits and hummies have his smile!' Said my primal side.

'Bad brain.' I reprimand my primal side. 'This is not the right time.'

'You're right.' My primal side agreed. 'For now let's worry about fitting that smile into our-.''

"How about a sweet drink?" Marcus asked, bringing me back from my thoughts.

"Sweet drink?" I asked curiously.

Before I could protest, he was already calling out to Luni. The waiter appeared almost instantly, as if waiting for an opportunity to approach Marcus again.

"What can I do for you, daddy?" He asked, with a mischievous smile.

Marcus ignored the nickname, but I couldn't help but notice the slight blush on his cheeks.

"Bring Edith a drink that tastes sweet," Marcus said to the waiter next to him.

Luni clapped her hands, her eyes shining with excitement.

"I'll be right back, darlings!"

With one leap, he disappeared toward the bar to talk to an anthro mare bartender. Marcus laughed, shaking his head, before turning his attention to me.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I asked hesitantly.

Marcus shrugged, but responded by relaxing in his chair.

"If something goes wrong, I'll protect you," he ended by pointing his thumb at his own chest.

The statement takes me by surprise, causing me to freeze and respond with a confused mumble.


Lowering his head, Marcus avoids my gaze and focuses on his mug.

"It's not my first time arriving in another world," the hero begins to speak in a tone that is as nostalgic as it is melancholic. "After the shock and excitement of being in a new world wears off, fear and loneliness begin to take over."

Trying to comfort him, I place my hand over Marcus's. He lifts his head and, for a moment, looks at me with a confused expression, but then he breathes a sigh of relief and gives me a smile.

"The good thing is that now I know what to value while I'm here," says Marcus, recovering his posture from before.

"And what would that be?" I ask, sitting on the edge of the chair.

"As much as sex, treasures, adventure, food, and drink are cool and all, those who care about us are what make life worth living," he responds by laughing with his chest puffed out.

"Those who care about us…" I repeated, murmuring.

A thought that is somehow simple, but infinitely true.

"And that's why I want to thank you for everything you've done for me, Edith."

"To thank?" I questioned, raising my ears in surprise. "But I didn't do anything big, I was just paying you back for saving my life that night."

In response, Marcus shook his head negatively.

"You didn't have to follow me into the heart of the city's Chinese mafia," Marcus said, pointing his finger at me. "And even though I'm the most powerful thing in this world, you still care about my well-being."

The last statement makes me feel like a moron. Marcus spent the whole night fighting anthros and negotiating with the mafia like it was no big deal, and the whole time I was scared for his safety and not mine.

I lowered my head in dismay, realizing how stupid I was for having stressed so much about Marcus' safety. If I had at least half a brain, I wouldn't have worried so much about the hero who must have led armies in battle and killed dragons.

"For that, I am grateful to you, Edith." He says, taking me by surprise.

"Huh?" I murmured, raising my head and looking at the human.

"Knowing that someone here cares about me, despite my powers, brings peace to my heart." Marcus responds, putting the beer mug down and holding my hand with both of his.

Their hands are so big and warm. Even though they are rough and firm, I can feel the care and affection he has when holding me.

"That's why I swear to you." He says, looking at me with the same intensity as when he was fighting in the arena. "As long as I'm in this world, nothing and no one will harm you."

I froze still as my body reacted by going out of control. My cheeks turn so red that not even my white hair could hide it. My mind is flooded with a thousand thoughts per second, trying to process the situation, while my heart races at a speed three times faster than normal.

The only part of me that works is my primal side, trying to influence my actions.

'MALE! BREED ME! NOOOOOOOW!' Despite not taking action, I agree with my primal side in the back of my mind.

Marcus' words warmed my heart, a goofy smile forming on my lips. I always feel so safe and comfortable around him, like nothing can get to me while he's by my side. Plus, there are the primal desires, that uncontrollable attraction I feel for him when I look at his body. It's something I've never experienced before, a mixture of protection and desire that leaves me completely disoriented.

I opened my mouth to finally express my feelings, but I was interrupted by Luni, who arrived with a colorful green drink in his hand.

"Here you go, miss bunny!" Luni said, placing the glass of green liquid in front of me with a flourish. "A sweet drink, especially for you."

I looked at the glass, the green liquid shining under the restaurant lights. It was decorated with ice cubes, lemon slices, and a small umbrella.

"Go on, try it." Luni insisted, pushing the glass closer to me.

I hesitated for a moment, but curiosity and the desire not to disappoint Marcus won out. I picked up the glass and took a sip.

"Did you like it?" Marcus asked, eager for my answer.

"I liked it." I responded, still enjoying the taste of the drink in my mouth. "There's something like black licorice and herbs in there with the alcohol, but I can't put my finger on it."

"Just relax and drink slowly-."

But before Marcus could finish his warning, I downed the glass in a single gulp.

"What the hell, Edith!" The hero exclaimed worriedly.

Without understanding his exaggerated reaction, I swallowed the delicious drink. The taste was strange, I felt lemon and herbs in the mix... but there was also something else, a feeling of warmth that began to spread through my body.

"You weren't supposed to drink it all at once, you crazy bunny." Marcus warned, sitting next to me.

I nod, feeling the heat rise to my face and my body soften as it becomes more difficult to maintain my balance while sitting down.

"It is all good." I say followed with a chuckle. "Hi-hi."

Marcus continued to look at me worriedly, while Luni seemed curious about my reactions.

"Wow! Now, that's a party gal.." Luni commented. "I've never seen anyone drink an Absinthe frappé so quickly."

"Absinthe?!" Marcus roared angrily, taking the glass from my hand to smell it.

"That's right, daddy." Luni said, making a 'V' for victory. "And I made it extra strong for my new BFFs."

Marcus stood up so quickly that his chair fell back, the noise echoing throughout the restaurant. All eyes turned to us, but he didn't seem to notice or care. His face was red with anger, his eyes glowing with an intensity I had never seen before.

"Check." He demanded, his voice low and dangerous.

Luni, who until then had been smiling, turned pale.

"B-but, daddy..." She began, her voice shaking.

"NOW!" Marcus repeated in roar.

Marcus quickly paid the bill with a card that was in one of the folders the tigress had given him and pulled me onto his lap.

"Iiiiih!" I exclaimed happily when he hugged me to his muscular chest.

Worried about me, Marcus looked at me with those big green eyes.

"Are you ok?" He asked in a caring tone that made my heart skip a beat.

"I'm great." I responded, rubbing my face against his beefy chest. "You're so strong and warm, you're like heated marble."

With my answer, Marcus smiled in relief.

"I'll take you home." Marcus commented, carrying me out of Hooters. "At least it doesn't get worse."


"Fuck!" Marcus complained. "I liked that shirt."

After Marcus runs into an alley, my vision becomes blurred with orange light that takes over us and I feel my body floating in an infinite void.

[Image Shirt]

E ai gurizada?

Tip for the ladies, if any of them still read this:

If a man puts down his beer to talk to you, it's because he loves you.

In the next chapter Edith takes a bath and gets a… 'carrot'.