Feeding On the Fears Of People, Ghost Dormitory Is It Fear Or Paranoia

Holding his breath, Jidenna pushed himself up from the bed, his hand grasping onto the nearest equipment he could find with the intention of making it a weapon.

Breathing in, he aligned himself with the wall, and in one swoop, he yanked the door open, sending his makeshift weapon toward the intruder with all his might. His biceps bulged, and from his lips, Jidenna let out a sound of puzzlement. His makeshift weapon had wheezed through the air, not making contact with anything.

He peeled open one of his eyes, which he had unconsciously closed during his attack, and to his surprise, there was nothing—not even a fly passing by. But a strange breeze did pass, sprouting goosebumps in its wake.

"Then who was it, or rather, what was it?" he questioned himself, staring at the doormat before his door in confusion.